Millisecond Forums

Picture SIze

By dcg22 - 7/24/2017

Is it possible to standardize the size of jpg images on Inquisit?
By Dave - 7/24/2017

dcg22 - Monday, July 24, 2017
Is it possible to standardize the size of jpg images on Inquisit?

It depends on what you mean by "standardize" specifically:
- Inquisit will never "distort" the original image dimensions, i.e. the pictures aspect ratio will always be preserved.
- If you want to size and position images *relative* to a given participant's monitor, specify the <picture> elements ' /size and /position in percentages. You may want to specify a fixed /canvasaspectratio in the scripts <defaults> in addition.
- If you want images to have specific, exact *physical* dimensions regardless of monitor size, display aspect ratio and resolution, you can do something like this: