Millisecond Forums

Trouble with data output

By Inneedofcodinghelp - 8/7/2017

Hi Team,
I have been attempting to reverse engineer the below syntax from the test library:

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)


 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

This is my current syntax

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=white,2=middleeastern)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 10
/ iti = 10

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = fixation
/ targettype:    0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    count
s all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_target_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/count_target_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/cue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/cue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_cue_gotarget = 0
/count_cue_nogotarget = 0

/cue_gotarget_correct = 0
/cue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_cue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     0,1,5,6,8,9,12,14,17,20,21,26,27,28,29,33,34,36,37,38,39,40,41 = go target; 2,3,4,7,10,11,13,15,16,18,19,22,23,24,25,30,31,32,35,42,43,44,45,46,47 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = fixation target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/error_cue :    error rate for trials in which cue = fixation

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype
/meanRT_cue_gotarget = values.sumrt_cue_gotarget/values.cue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_cue_nogotarget

/error_cue = ((values.count_cue_gotarget - values.cue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_cue_gotarget + values.count_cue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a face will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the face will dissapear.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the face appears to be experiencing a painful touch.
^^if the face appears to be experienicng a neutral touch, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There will be a short practice section to begin with.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes this portion of the experiemnet.
^^Please notify your experimenter that you have finished.


 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = fixation
/ targettype:     0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 text.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

= go
/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = cue and response = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = fixation and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)

/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock1; 2=testblock2]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements

<block testblock1>
/ trials = [1-8=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

<block testblock2>
/ trials = [1-96=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (10,10,10,10,10)
 2 x Cue (1=fixation)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 48.
 Task runs 96 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 1 time.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (
 10, 10)

 Cues (1=fixation)

<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=white go, 2=white no-go, 3=middleeastern go, 4=middleeastern no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (


/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [20=blankscreen,fixation; 700=blankscreen; 700=target]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_cue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_cue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.cue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_cue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.cue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<text cue>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (300mm,300mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 0 = "nepaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "annowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "anpawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nepawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "nepawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma1.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma2.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma3.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

My issue is, the mean response time isnt showing any values in the data output. now i have chopped and changed a lot of things in the hope that i could substitute things but im having some trouble.
I have no previous knowldeg of coding so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

By Dave - 8/7/2017

Inneedofcodinghelp - Monday, August 7, 2017
Hi Team,
I have been attempting to reverse engineer the below syntax from the test library:

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)


 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

This is my current syntax

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=white,2=middleeastern)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 10
/ iti = 10

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = fixation
/ targettype:    0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    count
s all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_target_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/count_target_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/cue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/cue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_cue_gotarget = 0
/count_cue_nogotarget = 0

/cue_gotarget_correct = 0
/cue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_cue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     0,1,5,6,8,9,12,14,17,20,21,26,27,28,29,33,34,36,37,38,39,40,41 = go target; 2,3,4,7,10,11,13,15,16,18,19,22,23,24,25,30,31,32,35,42,43,44,45,46,47 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = fixation target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/error_cue :    error rate for trials in which cue = fixation

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype
/meanRT_cue_gotarget = values.sumrt_cue_gotarget/values.cue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_cue_nogotarget

/error_cue = ((values.count_cue_gotarget - values.cue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_cue_gotarget + values.count_cue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a face will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the face will dissapear.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the face appears to be experiencing a painful touch.
^^if the face appears to be experienicng a neutral touch, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There will be a short practice section to begin with.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes this portion of the experiemnet.
^^Please notify your experimenter that you have finished.


 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = fixation
/ targettype:     0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 text.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

= go
/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = cue and response = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = fixation and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)

/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock1; 2=testblock2]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements

<block testblock1>
/ trials = [1-8=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

<block testblock2>
/ trials = [1-96=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (10,10,10,10,10)
 2 x Cue (1=fixation)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 48.
 Task runs 96 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 1 time.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (
 10, 10)

 Cues (1=fixation)

<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=white go, 2=white no-go, 3=middleeastern go, 4=middleeastern no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (


/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [20=blankscreen,fixation; 700=blankscreen; 700=target]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_cue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_cue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.cue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_cue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.cue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<text cue>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (300mm,300mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 0 = "nepaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "annowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "anpawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nepawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "nepawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma1.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma2.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma3.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

My issue is, the mean response time isnt showing any values in the data output. now i have chopped and changed a lot of things in the hope that i could substitute things but im having some trouble.
I have no previous knowldeg of coding so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

#1: Please don't paste entire scripts into a post. You can attach files by clicking +Insert -> Add File.
#2: You say you've been trying to reverse-engineer the go-nogo code. If you tell me what part(s) of the code you have trouble following through, I can assist with that.
#3: Regarding your modified / current syntax, please highlight and comment the actual changes you made and why (i.e. what is a given change _intended_ to achieve).

By Dave - 8/7/2017

Dave - Monday, August 7, 2017
Inneedofcodinghelp - Monday, August 7, 2017
Hi Team,
I have been attempting to reverse engineer the below syntax from the test library:

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)


 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

This is my current syntax

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=white,2=middleeastern)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 10
/ iti = 10

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = fixation
/ targettype:    0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    count
s all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_target_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/count_target_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/cue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/cue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_cue_gotarget = 0
/count_cue_nogotarget = 0

/cue_gotarget_correct = 0
/cue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_cue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     0,1,5,6,8,9,12,14,17,20,21,26,27,28,29,33,34,36,37,38,39,40,41 = go target; 2,3,4,7,10,11,13,15,16,18,19,22,23,24,25,30,31,32,35,42,43,44,45,46,47 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = fixation target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/error_cue :    error rate for trials in which cue = fixation

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype
/meanRT_cue_gotarget = values.sumrt_cue_gotarget/values.cue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_cue_nogotarget

/error_cue = ((values.count_cue_gotarget - values.cue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_cue_gotarget + values.count_cue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a face will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the face will dissapear.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the face appears to be experiencing a painful touch.
^^if the face appears to be experienicng a neutral touch, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There will be a short practice section to begin with.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes this portion of the experiemnet.
^^Please notify your experimenter that you have finished.


 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = fixation
/ targettype:     0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 text.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

= go
/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = cue and response = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = fixation and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)

/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock1; 2=testblock2]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements

<block testblock1>
/ trials = [1-8=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

<block testblock2>
/ trials = [1-96=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (10,10,10,10,10)
 2 x Cue (1=fixation)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 48.
 Task runs 96 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 1 time.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (
 10, 10)

 Cues (1=fixation)

<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=white go, 2=white no-go, 3=middleeastern go, 4=middleeastern no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (


/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [20=blankscreen,fixation; 700=blankscreen; 700=target]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_cue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_cue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.cue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_cue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.cue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<text cue>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (300mm,300mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 0 = "nepaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "annowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "anpawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nepawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "nepawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma1.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma2.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma3.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

My issue is, the mean response time isnt showing any values in the data output. now i have chopped and changed a lot of things in the hope that i could substitute things but im having some trouble.
I have no previous knowldeg of coding so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

#1: Please don't paste entire scripts into a post. You can attach files by clicking +Insert -> Add File.
#2: You say you've been trying to reverse-engineer the go-nogo code. If you tell me what part(s) of the code you have trouble following through, I can assist with that.
#3: Regarding your modified / current syntax, please highlight and comment the actual changes you made and why (i.e. what is a given change _intended_ to achieve).


/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype

This definitely doesn't make sense. values.targettype reflects _what kind of target stimulus_ was displayed in a given trial. It does not provide some _count of trials_ which is what you would want to calculate a mean.

values.sumrt is a global variable. It reflects the sum of response latencies updated on a trial-by-trial basis.
To get a meaningful mean from that, you would divide that sum by the _number of trials_ run up to that point, which is what the original script does.

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go

where values.correct_Go is a global variable (also updated on a trial-by-trial basis) that reflects a running count of the number of correct go responses / trials.

By Inneedofcodinghelp - 8/7/2017

Dave - Monday, August 7, 2017
Dave - Monday, August 7, 2017
Inneedofcodinghelp - Monday, August 7, 2017
Hi Team,
I have been attempting to reverse engineer the below syntax from the test library:

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)


 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

This is my current syntax

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=white,2=middleeastern)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 10
/ iti = 10

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = fixation
/ targettype:    0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    count
s all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_target_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/count_target_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/cue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/cue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_cue_gotarget = 0
/count_cue_nogotarget = 0

/cue_gotarget_correct = 0
/cue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_cue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     0,1,5,6,8,9,12,14,17,20,21,26,27,28,29,33,34,36,37,38,39,40,41 = go target; 2,3,4,7,10,11,13,15,16,18,19,22,23,24,25,30,31,32,35,42,43,44,45,46,47 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = fixation target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/error_cue :    error rate for trials in which cue = fixation

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype
/meanRT_cue_gotarget = values.sumrt_cue_gotarget/values.cue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_cue_nogotarget

/error_cue = ((values.count_cue_gotarget - values.cue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_cue_gotarget + values.count_cue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a face will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the face will dissapear.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the face appears to be experiencing a painful touch.
^^if the face appears to be experienicng a neutral touch, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There will be a short practice section to begin with.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes this portion of the experiemnet.
^^Please notify your experimenter that you have finished.


 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = fixation
/ targettype:     0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 text.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

= go
/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = cue and response = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = fixation and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)

/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock1; 2=testblock2]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements

<block testblock1>
/ trials = [1-8=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

<block testblock2>
/ trials = [1-96=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (10,10,10,10,10)
 2 x Cue (1=fixation)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 48.
 Task runs 96 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 1 time.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (
 10, 10)

 Cues (1=fixation)

<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=white go, 2=white no-go, 3=middleeastern go, 4=middleeastern no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (


/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [20=blankscreen,fixation; 700=blankscreen; 700=target]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_cue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_cue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.cue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_cue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.cue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<text cue>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (300mm,300mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 0 = "nepaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "annowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "anpawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nepawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "nepawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma1.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma2.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma3.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

My issue is, the mean response time isnt showing any values in the data output. now i have chopped and changed a lot of things in the hope that i could substitute things but im having some trouble.
I have no previous knowldeg of coding so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

#1: Please don't paste entire scripts into a post. You can attach files by clicking +Insert -> Add File.
#2: You say you've been trying to reverse-engineer the go-nogo code. If you tell me what part(s) of the code you have trouble following through, I can assist with that.
#3: Regarding your modified / current syntax, please highlight and comment the actual changes you made and why (i.e. what is a given change _intended_ to achieve).


/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype

This definitely doesn't make sense. values.targettype reflects _what kind of target stimulus_ was displayed in a given trial. It does not provide some _count of trials_ which is what you would want to calculate a mean.

values.sumrt is a global variable. It reflects the sum of response latencies updated on a trial-by-trial basis.
To get a meaningful mean from that, you would divide that sum by the _number of trials_ run up to that point, which is what the original script does.

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go

where values.correct_Go is a global variable (also updated on a trial-by-trial basis) that reflects a running count of the number of correct go responses / trials.

Hi there, thanks so much for your response.
I believe I put targettype in /meanRT =values.sumrt/ section because values.correct go wasn't showing data in the raw data file. I have changed it back and still isn't working.
Im working if its because I changed the cue to a fixation and made it run so that both cues would simply be an '+' fixation between images.
Do you have any other suggestions as to why there would be no numbers coming up in the output under 'expressions.meanrt'?
By Dave - 8/8/2017

Inneedofcodinghelp - Monday, August 7, 2017
Dave - Monday, August 7, 2017
Dave - Monday, August 7, 2017
Inneedofcodinghelp - Monday, August 7, 2017
Hi Team,
I have been attempting to reverse engineer the below syntax from the test library:

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)


 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 1000
/ iti = 700

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:    1 = vertical go
       2 = vertical nogo
       3 = horizonal go
       4 = horizonal nogo
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    counts all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_verticalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget:  counts all trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = vertical and target = go
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_verticalcue_nogotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0
/count_horizontalcue_nogotarget = 0

/verticalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/verticalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_gotarget_correct = 0
/horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget = 0
/sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     1 = go target; 2 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:      error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:     error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/error_verticalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget/values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget = values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget/values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget
/p_omission_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget
/p_inhibition_n = (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget

/error_verticalcue = ((values.count_verticalcue_gotarget - values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget - values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_verticalcue_gotarget + values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget)
/error_horizontalcue = ((values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget - values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget - values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget + values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Welcome to the Go / No-Go Task!
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a white rectangle will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the rectangle will either turn green or blue.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the rectangle turns green.
^^If the rectangle turns blue, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There'll be no practice. The task will take about 10 minutes to complete.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes the Go / No-Go Task.
^^Thanks for participating!

 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = vertical cue; 2 = horizontal cue
/ targettype:     1 = vertical go
        2 = vertical nogo
        3 = horizonal go
        4 = horizonal nogo
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 picture.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

/error_verticalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical
/error_horizontalcue :   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal

/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = vertical and target = nogo
/p_omission_n:    error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = go
/p_inhibition_n:   error rate for trials in which cue = horizontal and target = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_verticalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = vertical and target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_horizontalcue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = horizontal and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.error_verticalcue, expressions.error_horizontalcue,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g, expressions.p_omission_n, expressions.p_inhibition_n,
expressions.meanrt, expressions.meanrt_verticalcue_gotarget, expressions.meanrt_horizontalcue_gotarget]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)
/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements
<block testblock>
/ trials = [1-250=sequence(cue,target,iti)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=vertical,2=horizontal)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 Vertical cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 Horizontal cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (


 Cues (1=vertical (go) cue, 2=horizontal (nogo) cue)
<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=vertical go, 2=vertical no-go, 3=horizontal go, 4=horizontal no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen,fixation; 800=blankscreen; 1300=cue]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_verticalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_verticalcue_nogotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_horizontalcue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.verticalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_verticalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.verticalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.horizontalcue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_horizontalcue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 2 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.horizontalcue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<picture cue>
/ items = cues
/ select = values.cuetype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item cues>
/ 1 = "VCUE.jpg"
/ 2 = "HCUE.jpg"

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (75mm,75mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 1 = "VGO.jpg"
/ 2 = "VNOGO.jpg"
/ 3 = "HGO.jpg"
/ 4 = "HNOGO.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

This is my current syntax

 Cued Go / No-Go Task (Fillmore et al., 2006)

 This script implements the Cued Go / No-Go Task described in

 Fillmore, M. T., Rush, C. R., & Hays, L. (2006). Acute effects of cocaine in two models of inhibitory control:
 implications of non-linear dose effects. Addiction, 101, 1323–1332.

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (100,200,300,400,500)
 2 x Cue (1=white,2=middleeastern)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 4:1 (80% go trials, 20% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:4 (20% go trials, 80% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 50.
 Task runs 250 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 5 times.

 Script Version:  1.0 (Final)
 Last Modified:  09-09-2015 by K. Borchert ( for Millisecond Software LLC

 Copyright ©  09-09-2015 Millisecond Software
 Configurable values for
 - responsetimeout and
 - ITI (Inter-Trial-Interval)
<values userparams>
/ responsetimeout = 10
/ iti = 10

 The below values should not be changed.
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions were run)
/ soa:      stimulus onset asynchrony
/ cuetype:     1 = fixation
/ targettype:    0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/ correctresp:    stores the correct trial response (57 -> spacebar; ""-> do nothing)
/ trialcount:    count
s all trials
/correctcount:    counts the overall number of correct responses
/count_go:     counts all target go trials
/correct_go:    counts the number of correct go responses
/count_nogo:    counts all target nogo trials
/correct_nogo:    counts the number of correct nogo responses

/count_target_gotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/count_target_nogotarget:   counts all trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/cue_gotarget_correct:   counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/cue_nogotarget_correct:  counts all correct responses in trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/sumrt:         sums latency for correct target = go trials
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go
/sumrt_cue_gotarget:   sums latency for correct trials in which cue = fixation and target = go

<values taskparams>
/completed = 0
/ soa = 0
/ cuetype = 0
/ targettype = 0
/ correctresp = 0
/ trialcount = 0
/correctcount = 0
/count_go = 0
/correct_go = 0
/count_nogo = 0
/correct_nogo = 0

/count_cue_gotarget = 0
/count_cue_nogotarget = 0

/cue_gotarget_correct = 0
/cue_nogotarget_correct = 0

/sumrt = 0
/sumrt_cue_gotarget = 0

/targetcondition:     0,1,5,6,8,9,12,14,17,20,21,26,27,28,29,33,34,36,37,38,39,40,41 = go target; 2,3,4,7,10,11,13,15,16,18,19,22,23,24,25,30,31,32,35,42,43,44,45,46,47 = nogo target

/errorrate:       overall error rate
/errorrate_gotarget:    error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:    error rate for target = no go

/meanRT:       overall mean rt for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt for trial in which cue = fixation target = go (correct responses only)

/p_inhibition_g:     error rate for trials in which cue = fixation and target = nogo

/error_cue :    error rate for trials in which cue = fixation

/targetcondition = if (values.targettype == 1 || values.targettype == 3) 1 else 2
/errorrate = (values.trialcount - values.correctcount)/values.trialcount
/errorrate_gotarget = (values.count_Go - values.correct_Go)/values.count_Go
/errorrate_nogotarget = (values.count_NoGo - values.correct_NoGo)/values.count_NoGo

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype
/meanRT_cue_gotarget = values.sumrt_cue_gotarget/values.cue_gotarget_correct

/p_inhibition_g = (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct)/values.count_cue_nogotarget

/error_cue = ((values.count_cue_gotarget - values.cue_gotarget_correct) + (values.count_cue_nogotarget - values.cue_nogotarget_correct))/(values.count_cue_gotarget + values.count_cue_nogotarget)

 Task Instructions
/ windowsize = (100%,80%)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ prevkey = (25)
/ nextkey = (57)
/ prevlabel = "Press P to go back"
/ nextlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ finishlabel = "Press the spacebar"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1)
/ txcolor = (0, 0, 0)

<page intro>
^^Put the index finger of your preferred hand on the spacebar. On each trial, a face will appear on the screen.
^After a short time, the face will dissapear.
^^Press the spacebar as quickly as possible whenever the face appears to be experiencing a painful touch.
^^if the face appears to be experienicng a neutral touch, do not respond at all.
^Try to respond as quickly as possible while making as few errors as possible.
^^There will be a short practice section to begin with.
^^Press the spacebar to begin.

<page end>
^^This concludes this portion of the experiemnet.
^^Please notify your experimenter that you have finished.


 Custom Data Output

raw data file
date/time/subject:    date and time of experimental session with the current subjectnumber
blocknum/blockcode:    number of the current block and name of current block
/ trialcount:     current trialcount
trialcode:      name of current trial
response:      response made (either 57 = Spacebar or "" for no response)
latency:      the latency of the response in ms (or if no response: trialduration)
correct:      the accuracy of response (1 = correct; 0 = error)
error:       1 = error; 0 = no error
picture.cue.currentitem:  the image file presented as the cue  the image file presented as the target 
/ cuetype:      1 = fixation
/ targettype:     0 = nepaMEfe2
        1 = anpaMEfe2
        2 = annoMEfe2
        3 = nenoMEfe2
        4 = annoMEfe1
        5 = anpaMEfe1
        6 = nepaMEfe1
        7 = nenoMEfe1
        8 = nepaMEfe3
        9 = anpaMEfe3
        10 = nenoMEfe3
        11 = annoMEfe3
        12 = nepawhma1
        13 = nenowhma1
        14 = anpawhma1
        15 = annowhma1
        16 = anpawhma2
        17 = nepawhma2
        18 = annowhma2
        19 = nenowhma2
        20 = anpawhma3
        21 = nepawhma3
        22 = annowhma3
        23 = nenowhma3
        24 = annowhfe1
        25 = nenowhfe1
        26 = nepawhfe1
        27 = anpawhfe1
        28 = anpawhfe2
        29 = nepawhfe2
        30 = annowhfe2
        31 = nenowhfe2
        32 = nenowhfe3
        33 = anpawhfe3
        34 = nepawhfe3
        35 = annowhfe3
        36 = anpaMEma1
        37 = anpaMEma2
        38 = anpaMEma3
        39 = nepaMEma1
        40 = nepaMEma2
        41 = nepaMEma3
        42 = annoMEma1
        43 = annoMEma2
        44 = annoMEma3
        45 = nenoMEma1
        46 = nenoMEma2
        47 = nenoMEma3
/targetcondition:    1 = go target; 2 = nogo target
/ soa:       current stimulus onset asynchrony

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 text.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

summary data file
script.startdate:   date script was run
script.starttime:   time script was started
script.subjectid:   subject id number
script.groupid:    group id number
script.elapsedtime:   time it took to run script (in ms)
/completed:     0 = script was not completed; 1 = script was completed (all conditions run)

/errorrate:     overall error rate

/errorrate_gotarget:  error rate for target = go
/errorrate_Nogotarget:  error rate for target = no go

= go
/p_inhibition_g:   error rate for trials in which cue = cue and response = nogo

/meanRT:       overall mean rt (in ms) for target = go (correct responses only)
/meanRT_cue_gotarget:  mean rt (in ms) for trial in which cue = fixation and target = go (correct responses only)

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g]

 Experiment Elements
/ preinstructions = (intro)

/ postinstructions = (end)
/ blocks = [1=testblock1; 2=testblock2]
/onexptend = [values.completed = 1]

 Block Elements

<block testblock1>
/ trials = [1-8=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

<block testblock2>
/ trials = [1-96=noreplace(cue, target, cue, target,cue , target, cue, target, cue, target, cue, target, cue)]

 Note: Factorial design with
 5 x SOA (10,10,10,10,10)
 2 x Cue (1=fixation)
 2 x Target (Go, No-Go)
 white cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)
 middleeastern cue go / no-go ratio is 1:1 (50% go trials, 50% no-go trials)

 Minimum number of trials required to fulfill the above conditions is 48.
 Task runs 96 trials, i.e., each factor combination is repeated 1 time.
 SOAs in ms
<list soa>
/ items = (
 10, 10)

 Cues (1=fixation)

<list cuetype>
/ items = (

/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Targets (1=white go, 2=white no-go, 3=middleeastern go, 4=middleeastern no-go)
<list targettype>
/ items = (


/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Correct Responses (57=spacebar on go trials, 0=no response on no-go trials)
<list correctresp>
/ items = (
/ selectionmode = list.soa.currentindex

 Trial Elements
<trial cue>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.soa=list.soa.nextvalue; values.cuetype=list.cuetype.nextvalue;
 values.targettype=list.targettype.nextvalue; values.correctresp=list.correctresp.nextvalue;
/ stimulustimes = [20=blankscreen,fixation; 700=blankscreen; 700=target]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = 1300 + values.soa
/ recorddata = false

<trial target>
/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.correctresp != 0) values.count_go += 1 else values.count_nogo += 1]
/ stimulustimes = [0=target]
/ validresponse = (57, noresponse)
/ iscorrectresponse = []
/ timeout = values.responsetimeout
/ ontrialend = [if ( values.correctcount += 1]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp != 0 && {values.correct_go += 1;values.sumrt +=} ]
/ ontrialend = [if (values.correctresp == 0 && values.correct_nogo += 1]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0) {values.count_cue_gotarget += 1}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0) {values.count_cue_nogotarget += 1}]

/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp != 0 && {values.cue_gotarget_correct += 1; values.sumrt_cue_gotarget +=}]
/ontrialend = [if (values.cuetype == 1 && values.correctresp == 0 && {values.cue_nogotarget_correct += 1}]

/ recorddata = true

<trial iti>
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankscreen]
/ validresponse = (noresponse)
/ trialduration = values.iti
/ recorddata = false

 Cue Stims
<text cue>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Target Stims
<picture target>
/items = targets
/ select = values.targettype
/ size = (300mm,300mm)
/ position = (50%,50%)
/ erase = false

<item targets>
/ 0 = "nepaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe2.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpaMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "annoMEfe3.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "nenowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "annowhma1.jpg"
/ 1 = "anpawhma2.jpg"
/ 1 = "nepawhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma2.jpg"
/ 4 = "anpawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nepawhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "annowhma3.jpg"
/ 4 = "nenowhma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenowhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe1.jpg"
/ 2 = "anpawhfe2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepawhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe2.jpg"
/ 3 = "nenowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "nepawhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "annowhfe3.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma1.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma2.jpg"
/ 3 = "anpaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nepaMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "annoMEma3.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma1.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma2.jpg"
/ 2 = "nenoMEma3.jpg"

<text fixation>
/ items = ("+")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 10.00%, true)
/ erase = false

 Blank Screen
<shape blankscreen>
/ shape = rectangle
/ color = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)

 Debug Stuff
<text debug>
/ items = ("SOA=<%values.soa%> | Cue=<%values.cuetype%> | Target=<%values.targettype%>
Key=<%values.correctresp%> | Response=<> | RT=<> | Correct=<>")
/ txbgcolor = (white)
/ erase = false
/ size = (75%,5%)
/ position = (50%,5%)

 Default Settings
/ canvassize = (100%, 100%)
/ canvasaspectratio = (1,1)
/ minimumversion = ""
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.50%, true)
/ screencolor = (white)

 End Of File

My issue is, the mean response time isnt showing any values in the data output. now i have chopped and changed a lot of things in the hope that i could substitute things but im having some trouble.
I have no previous knowldeg of coding so any help with this would be greatly appreciated.

#1: Please don't paste entire scripts into a post. You can attach files by clicking +Insert -> Add File.
#2: You say you've been trying to reverse-engineer the go-nogo code. If you tell me what part(s) of the code you have trouble following through, I can assist with that.
#3: Regarding your modified / current syntax, please highlight and comment the actual changes you made and why (i.e. what is a given change _intended_ to achieve).


/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.targettype

This definitely doesn't make sense. values.targettype reflects _what kind of target stimulus_ was displayed in a given trial. It does not provide some _count of trials_ which is what you would want to calculate a mean.

values.sumrt is a global variable. It reflects the sum of response latencies updated on a trial-by-trial basis.
To get a meaningful mean from that, you would divide that sum by the _number of trials_ run up to that point, which is what the original script does.

/meanRT = values.sumrt/values.correct_Go

where values.correct_Go is a global variable (also updated on a trial-by-trial basis) that reflects a running count of the number of correct go responses / trials.

Hi there, thanks so much for your response.
I believe I put targettype in /meanRT =values.sumrt/ section because values.correct go wasn't showing data in the raw data file. I have changed it back and still isn't working.
Im working if its because I changed the cue to a fixation and made it run so that both cues would simply be an '+' fixation between images.
Do you have any other suggestions as to why there would be no numbers coming up in the output under 'expressions.meanrt'?

> I believe I put targettype in /meanRT =values.sumrt/ section because values.correct go wasn't showing data in the raw data file.

But you're not logging values.correct_go at all? It's not logged in your <data> element

/file = "CuedGoNoGo_rawdata.iqdat"
/ columns = [date,time,subject,blocknum,blockcode,values.trialcount,trialcode,response,latency,correct,error,
 text.cue.currentitem,,values.cuetype,values.targettype, expressions.targetcondition, values.soa]
/ separatefiles = true

and not logged in your <summarydata> element:

<summarydata >
/file = "CuedGoNoGo_summary.iqdat"
/columns = [script.startdate, script.starttime, script.subjectid, script.elapsedtime, values.completed,
expressions.errorrate, expressions.errorrate_gotarget, expressions.errorrate_Nogotarget,
expressions.p_omission_g, expressions.p_inhibition_g]

And, for what it's worth, you are not logging expressions.meanRT either.