Hej! It's the first time that I am using Inquisit and I am struggling a bit with setting up a simple startle response presentation. Basically, we just want to present a startle noise ten times, while a white noise is running in the background the whole time. No key press responses etc. will be stored. Instead of assigning a stimulus value to the background noise, I thought of using a block element. As the script is full of bugs, does anyone have suggestions what to change? Will be a good learning opportunity for sure! Thanks!
/ startleisi = 10000
/ startleduration = 4
<item sound>
/ 1 = "startle.wav"
<values tone>
/ completed = 0
/ stimtype = 1
<sound tone>
/ items = sounds
/ select = values.stimtype
/ playthrough = true
/ pan = 0
<sound backgroundsound>
/ items = "whitenoise.wav"
/ playthrough = false
<trial startle>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.stimtype = 1]
/ stimulusframes = [1 = tone]
/ timeout = values.startleduration
/posttrialpause = values.startleisi
<block StartlePres>
/ bgstim = (backgroundsound)
/ trials = [1-10 noreplace(startle startle startle startle startle startle startle startle startle startle)]
/ onexptend = [values.completed = 1]
/ blocks = [1 StartlePres]