Millisecond Forums

Remove question number from Block?

By yhwong - 9/13/2017

I am very new to Inquisit so please bear with me. I am trying to create a script with 2 survey questions using blocks. However my code shows the number '1' for both questions, and the number '1' is shown twice, like this:

1). Please enter your email

Could someone tell me how can I remove the number '1' on top, and also how to either remove the 1). , or make it an ordered list so that question number two is 2). Thank you very much!

Here is the snippet of codes I am using:
Enter email

<block enterEmail>
/ trials = [1=mypage]

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=email]

<textbox email>
/ caption= "Please enter a valid email address."
/ mask = emailaddress
/ textboxsize = (40%, 5%)

Enter Twitter username

<block enterTwitter>
/ trials = [1=mypage1]

<surveypage mypage1>
/ questions = [1=twitter]

<textbox twitter>
/ caption= "Please enter your valid Twitter username in the format of @username."
/ textboxsize = (40%, 5%)

/blocks = [1 = enterEmail; 2 = enterTwitter]

By kulajw - 9/13/2017


First number  1 is probably a number of surveypage

Second number  1 is probably number of question on this surveypage

Try to place 
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
in to a surveypage

You might find this useful:

Hope this helps you
By yhwong - 9/13/2017

kulajw - Wednesday, September 13, 2017

First number  1 is probably a number of surveypage

Second number  1 is probably number of question on this surveypage

Try to place 
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
in to a surveypage

You might find this useful:

Hope this helps you

That works! Thank you so much!