Millisecond Forums

How to add next/back navigation buttons to question ?

By kulajw - 9/13/2017


I would like to create set of  openended question using  <openended> element, but participants should have options to leave current question as well option to came back  to  previously displayed questions.

How can I add next (show next item) and back (show previous item) button when using <openended> ?

I have the idea to add text stimuli 'next' and 'back' to openended element and then click on this stimuli will be associated with moving back or next.

I try, but I cannot  even click on created 'next' and 'back' stimuli, it seems like opeended is blocking other responses than in texstbox ;/

Do you have any idea how to manage this?

Pleease find attached sample of my code


<text Next_page>
/items = ("next →")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (90,90)

<text Back_page>
/items = ("← back")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (10,90)

<text stimuli>
/ items = stimuli_set
/ position = (50,50)
/select =sequence

<item stimuli_set>

<openended show_stimuli>
/ontrialbegin = [ = + 1
/ stimulustimes = [0=next_page, back_page, stimuli]
/ timeout = 10000

/ timeout = 50000

/position = (50,95)

/ inputdevice = mouse
/ showmousecursor = true

/validresponse = (next_page, back_page)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/buttonlabel = "Save"
/ size = (5%,5%)
/ responsefontstyle = ("Caribli", 5%, true)

/ branch = [
if (values.max> openended.show_stimuli


<block >
/ trials = [1=show_stimuli]
By Dave - 9/13/2017

kulajw - Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I would like to create set of  openended question using  <openended> element, but participants should have options to leave current question as well option to came back  to  previously displayed questions.

How can I add next (show next item) and back (show previous item) button when using <openended> ?

I have the idea to add text stimuli 'next' and 'back' to openended element and then click on this stimuli will be associated with moving back or next.

I try, but I cannot  even click on created 'next' and 'back' stimuli, it seems like opeended is blocking other responses than in texstbox ;/

Do you have any idea how to manage this?

Pleease find attached sample of my code


<text Next_page>
/items = ("next →")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (90,90)

<text Back_page>
/items = ("← back")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (10,90)

<text stimuli>
/ items = stimuli_set
/ position = (50,50)
/select =sequence

<item stimuli_set>

<openended show_stimuli>
/ontrialbegin = [ = + 1
/ stimulustimes = [0=next_page, back_page, stimuli]
/ timeout = 10000

/ timeout = 50000

/position = (50,95)

/ inputdevice = mouse
/ showmousecursor = true

/validresponse = (next_page, back_page)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/buttonlabel = "Save"
/ size = (5%,5%)
/ responsefontstyle = ("Caribli", 5%, true)

/ branch = [
if (values.max> openended.show_stimuli


<block >
/ trials = [1=show_stimuli]

This is not possible with <openended> elements. You would instead have to use <surveypage>s with <textbox> elements and run those via a <survey> (to get back and forth navigation):

<surveypage show_stimuli1>
/ caption = "stimuli_1"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli2>
/ caption = "stimuli_2"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli3>
/ caption = "stimuli_3"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli4>
/ caption = "stimuli_4"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<textbox mytextbox>
/ textboxsize = (15%,15%)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)

<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [
    1=show_stimuli1; 2=show_stimuli2;
    3=show_stimuli3; 4=show_stimuli4;
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ nextlabel = "next→"
/ backlabel = "←back"
/ finishlabel = "END"
By kulajw - 9/13/2017

Thank you for this example !

By kulajw - 9/14/2017

Dave - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
kulajw - Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I would like to create set of  openended question using  <openended> element, but participants should have options to leave current question as well option to came back  to  previously displayed questions.

How can I add next (show next item) and back (show previous item) button when using <openended> ?

I have the idea to add text stimuli 'next' and 'back' to openended element and then click on this stimuli will be associated with moving back or next.

I try, but I cannot  even click on created 'next' and 'back' stimuli, it seems like opeended is blocking other responses than in texstbox ;/

Do you have any idea how to manage this?

Pleease find attached sample of my code


<text Next_page>
/items = ("next →")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (90,90)

<text Back_page>
/items = ("← back")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (10,90)

<text stimuli>
/ items = stimuli_set
/ position = (50,50)
/select =sequence

<item stimuli_set>

<openended show_stimuli>
/ontrialbegin = [ = + 1
/ stimulustimes = [0=next_page, back_page, stimuli]
/ timeout = 10000

/ timeout = 50000

/position = (50,95)

/ inputdevice = mouse
/ showmousecursor = true

/validresponse = (next_page, back_page)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/buttonlabel = "Save"
/ size = (5%,5%)
/ responsefontstyle = ("Caribli", 5%, true)

/ branch = [
if (values.max> openended.show_stimuli


<block >
/ trials = [1=show_stimuli]

This is not possible with <openended> elements. You would instead have to use <surveypage>s with <textbox> elements and run those via a <survey> (to get back and forth navigation):

<surveypage show_stimuli1>
/ caption = "stimuli_1"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli2>
/ caption = "stimuli_2"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli3>
/ caption = "stimuli_3"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli4>
/ caption = "stimuli_4"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<textbox mytextbox>
/ textboxsize = (15%,15%)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)

<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [
    1=show_stimuli1; 2=show_stimuli2;
    3=show_stimuli3; 4=show_stimuli4;
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ nextlabel = "next→"
/ backlabel = "←back"
/ finishlabel = "END"

I have one additional question.

I would like to add some graphical image to each question. I know that I can use a <image> element to present picture on a survey page.
I have created set of image under <item> element  e.g.

<item  pictures>

an then I have tryed to presentat picture on a surveypage using <image>

<image picture>
/ items =lista_obrazkow
/ position = (50,50)

<surveypage show_stimuli1>
/ questions = [1=mytextbox,obrazek]

but each time I run survey page it presented random picture -  I need  a sequence from 1 to 3 etc.

 It seems that there is no /select atribute in image element to  set item selection mode.

How can I determine order of image presentation on survey page?

Should I use separated <image> element for each  picture ?

By Dave - 9/14/2017

kulajw - Thursday, September 14, 2017
Dave - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
kulajw - Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I would like to create set of  openended question using  <openended> element, but participants should have options to leave current question as well option to came back  to  previously displayed questions.

How can I add next (show next item) and back (show previous item) button when using <openended> ?

I have the idea to add text stimuli 'next' and 'back' to openended element and then click on this stimuli will be associated with moving back or next.

I try, but I cannot  even click on created 'next' and 'back' stimuli, it seems like opeended is blocking other responses than in texstbox ;/

Do you have any idea how to manage this?

Pleease find attached sample of my code


<text Next_page>
/items = ("next →")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (90,90)

<text Back_page>
/items = ("← back")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (10,90)

<text stimuli>
/ items = stimuli_set
/ position = (50,50)
/select =sequence

<item stimuli_set>

<openended show_stimuli>
/ontrialbegin = [ = + 1
/ stimulustimes = [0=next_page, back_page, stimuli]
/ timeout = 10000

/ timeout = 50000

/position = (50,95)

/ inputdevice = mouse
/ showmousecursor = true

/validresponse = (next_page, back_page)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/buttonlabel = "Save"
/ size = (5%,5%)
/ responsefontstyle = ("Caribli", 5%, true)

/ branch = [
if (values.max> openended.show_stimuli


<block >
/ trials = [1=show_stimuli]

This is not possible with <openended> elements. You would instead have to use <surveypage>s with <textbox> elements and run those via a <survey> (to get back and forth navigation):

<surveypage show_stimuli1>
/ caption = "stimuli_1"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli2>
/ caption = "stimuli_2"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli3>
/ caption = "stimuli_3"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli4>
/ caption = "stimuli_4"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<textbox mytextbox>
/ textboxsize = (15%,15%)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)

<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [
    1=show_stimuli1; 2=show_stimuli2;
    3=show_stimuli3; 4=show_stimuli4;
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ nextlabel = "next→"
/ backlabel = "←back"
/ finishlabel = "END"

I have one additional question.

I would like to add some graphical image to each question. I know that I can use a <image> element to present picture on a survey page.
I have created set of image under <item> element  e.g.

<item  pictures>

an then I have tryed to presentat picture on a surveypage using <image>

<image picture>
/ items =lista_obrazkow
/ position = (50,50)

<surveypage show_stimuli1>
/ questions = [1=mytextbox,obrazek]

but each time I run survey page it presented random picture -  I need  a sequence from 1 to 3 etc.

 It seems that there is no /select atribute in image element to  set item selection mode.

How can I determine order of image presentation on survey page?

Should I use separated <image> element for each  picture ?

> Should I use separated <image> element for each  picture ?

That would be the most straightforward solution, especially if only relatively few images are involved. Other approaches are possible, but are considerably more involved.
By kulajw - 9/14/2017

Dave - Thursday, September 14, 2017
kulajw - Thursday, September 14, 2017
Dave - Wednesday, September 13, 2017
kulajw - Wednesday, September 13, 2017

I would like to create set of  openended question using  <openended> element, but participants should have options to leave current question as well option to came back  to  previously displayed questions.

How can I add next (show next item) and back (show previous item) button when using <openended> ?

I have the idea to add text stimuli 'next' and 'back' to openended element and then click on this stimuli will be associated with moving back or next.

I try, but I cannot  even click on created 'next' and 'back' stimuli, it seems like opeended is blocking other responses than in texstbox ;/

Do you have any idea how to manage this?

Pleease find attached sample of my code


<text Next_page>
/items = ("next →")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (90,90)

<text Back_page>
/items = ("← back")
/ fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%)
/ position = (10,90)

<text stimuli>
/ items = stimuli_set
/ position = (50,50)
/select =sequence

<item stimuli_set>

<openended show_stimuli>
/ontrialbegin = [ = + 1
/ stimulustimes = [0=next_page, back_page, stimuli]
/ timeout = 10000

/ timeout = 50000

/position = (50,95)

/ inputdevice = mouse
/ showmousecursor = true

/validresponse = (next_page, back_page)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)
/buttonlabel = "Save"
/ size = (5%,5%)
/ responsefontstyle = ("Caribli", 5%, true)

/ branch = [
if (values.max> openended.show_stimuli


<block >
/ trials = [1=show_stimuli]

This is not possible with <openended> elements. You would instead have to use <surveypage>s with <textbox> elements and run those via a <survey> (to get back and forth navigation):

<surveypage show_stimuli1>
/ caption = "stimuli_1"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli2>
/ caption = "stimuli_2"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli3>
/ caption = "stimuli_3"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<surveypage show_stimuli4>
/ caption = "stimuli_4"
/ questions = [1=mytextbox]

<textbox mytextbox>
/ textboxsize = (15%,15%)
/ validresponse = (anyresponse)

<survey mysurvey>
/ pages = [
    1=show_stimuli1; 2=show_stimuli2;
    3=show_stimuli3; 4=show_stimuli4;
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ nextlabel = "next→"
/ backlabel = "←back"
/ finishlabel = "END"

I have one additional question.

I would like to add some graphical image to each question. I know that I can use a <image> element to present picture on a survey page.
I have created set of image under <item> element  e.g.

<item  pictures>

an then I have tryed to presentat picture on a surveypage using <image>

<image picture>
/ items =lista_obrazkow
/ position = (50,50)

<surveypage show_stimuli1>
/ questions = [1=mytextbox,obrazek]

but each time I run survey page it presented random picture -  I need  a sequence from 1 to 3 etc.

 It seems that there is no /select atribute in image element to  set item selection mode.

How can I determine order of image presentation on survey page?

Should I use separated <image> element for each  picture ?

> Should I use separated <image> element for each  picture ?

That would be the most straightforward solution, especially if only relatively few images are involved. Other approaches are possible, but are considerably more involved.

Thank you !

 I have about 20 pictures so separated <images> schould works for me.
