I recently had an issue with 2 participants in my study in which their data was not saved. We're using the desktop version of Inquisit 4. Based on the Inquisit activity log, the task script (IAT) was started but the data never saved. Also based on the log file, it seems that the task didn't fully initialize, however according to the research assistant, the participant completed the task in full with no errors appearing in the program. I've looked to see whether the task was saved in multiple locations and therefore the data could exist elsewhere, but this is not the case. There were no issues with either of the other tasks used with each participant. This error is no longer occurring, however I want to find the source of the issue so it doesn't happen again in the future. Has this error occurred for others? Any ideas on what could've caused this? I've pasted the log file for one participant below in case it's useful.
2017-09-20T16:31:31.765InquisitLab4.0.9.02657System Platform='Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64'MemAvail=7179144MemTotal=8310540CPUSpeed=3392TimerResolution=0.0003018672906867300IPAddress='\\hd.ad.syr.edu\03\1318ed\Documents\IAT approach avoid 2\IAT1a.exp'GroupID=1SubjectID=1210Graphics=Direct2DColorDepth=32ScreenWidth=1024ScreenHeight=768RefreshRate=85VidoeSync=DXGIWaitForVBlankMode
2017-09-20T16:31:47.677InquisitLab4.0.9.02657Script='\\hd.ad.syr.edu\03\1318ed\Documents\IAT approach avoid 2\IAT1a.exp'GroupID=1SubjectID=1210Script starting...
2017-09-20T16:49:20.663InquisitLab4.0.9.0265764bitReleaseCompileDate='Dec 29 2015'CompileTime='10:51:20'Initializing...
2017-09-20T16:49:20.663InquisitLab4.0.9.02657System Platform='Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64'MemAvail=7193392MemTotal=8310540CPUSpeed=3392TimerResolution=0.0003018672906867300IPAddress=