Millisecond Forums

Problems with a branch and errormessage

By agathachronos - 11/1/2017

Hey guys, 

I'm currently working on a concealed information test on inquisit 5 and at one point my participants need to go through a trial
pressing yes or no for different pictures. They get 2 different kinds of feedback for this:
"wrong" = when they make a mistake pressing yes/no for a photo
"too slow" = when they exceed 1500 ms in responding

The problem is that whenever they exceed the 1500 ms timeout they first see the "wrong" feedback followed by the "too slow" feedback
but this doesn't happen when they just get a photo wrong, then they don't receive a "too slow" message.

Here is the code, I'd really appreciate any help in resolving this:

<trial probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded>
/ trialcode = "probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded"
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ correctresponse = ("z")
/ stimulustimes = [0 = probe_crime_A; 1500 = eraserbig]
/ timeout = 1500
/ responsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ posttrialpause= noreplace (250, 500, 750)
/ branch = (trial.probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded.latency, GE, 1500, tooslowtrial)
/ errormessage = true(wrong, 200)

By Dave - 11/2/2017

agathachronos - Thursday, November 2, 2017
Hey guys, 

I'm currently working on a concealed information test on inquisit 5 and at one point my participants need to go through a trial
pressing yes or no for different pictures. They get 2 different kinds of feedback for this:
"wrong" = when they make a mistake pressing yes/no for a photo
"too slow" = when they exceed 1500 ms in responding

The problem is that whenever they exceed the 1500 ms timeout they first see the "wrong" feedback followed by the "too slow" feedback
but this doesn't happen when they just get a photo wrong, then they don't receive a "too slow" message.

Here is the code, I'd really appreciate any help in resolving this:

<trial probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded>
/ trialcode = "probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded"
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ correctresponse = ("z")
/ stimulustimes = [0 = probe_crime_A; 1500 = eraserbig]
/ timeout = 1500
/ responsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ posttrialpause= noreplace (250, 500, 750)
/ branch = (trial.probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded.latency, GE, 1500, tooslowtrial)
/ errormessage = true(wrong, 200)

The correct repsonse in that trial is "z". Pressing any other key AS WELL AS not responding at all (i.e. the trial timing out) is a wrong response, and hence the error message will be displayed. In stead of using /errormessage you should set up separate feedback trials (one for "too slow", one for a regular error, i.e. pressing the wrong key) and /branch to those accordingly.
By agathachronos - 11/2/2017

Dave - Thursday, November 2, 2017

The correct repsonse in that trial is "z". Pressing any other key AS WELL AS not responding at all (i.e. the trial timing out) is a wrong response, and hence the error message will be displayed. In stead of using /errormessage you should set up separate feedback trials (one for "too slow", one for a regular error, i.e. pressing the wrong key) and /branch to those accordingly.

I've tried that, here is the script for the branches as well as the trial scripts for wrong and too slow
Yet I still get the errors seen in the screenshot

But I still get an error
By Dave - 11/2/2017

agathachronos - Thursday, November 2, 2017
Dave - Thursday, November 2, 2017

The correct repsonse in that trial is "z". Pressing any other key AS WELL AS not responding at all (i.e. the trial timing out) is a wrong response, and hence the error message will be displayed. In stead of using /errormessage you should set up separate feedback trials (one for "too slow", one for a regular error, i.e. pressing the wrong key) and /branch to those accordingly.

I've tried that, here is the script for the branches as well as the trial scripts for wrong and too slow
Yet I still get the errors seen in the screenshot

But I still get an error

That is not valid /branch syntax.

You ought to do something like

<trial probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded>
/ trialcode = "probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded"
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ correctresponse = ("z")
/ stimulustimes = [0 = probe_crime_A; 1500 = eraserbig]
/ timeout = 1500
/ responsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ posttrialpause= noreplace (250, 500, 750)
/ branch = [if (trial.probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded.response == 0) trial.tooslowtrial]
/ branch = [if (trial.probe_crime_rl_A_Speeded.error) trial.wrongtrial]
