Millisecond Forums

Skip trial based on pre-set value

By Steve GJ - 11/5/2017

Hi there,  

Started using Inquisit about a year ago, but I don't have a coding background, so I often get stuck with how I'm supposed to write something.

I have 5 different trial types running within a block, but I want to have 1 of the 5 trials skipped/excluded from the block based on a pre-set value.

So I have something like this:  
/skiptrialnumber = 3

Then I was trying to insert something into the trial like this
<Trial 3>
/ skip = [trial.3 if (values.skiptrialitemnumber = 3)]

But this doesn't seem to work.

I'm guessing I'm just not writing this correctly, but any help would be great :)

By Steve GJ - 11/5/2017

Steve GJ - Sunday, November 5, 2017
Hi there,  

Started using Inquisit about a year ago, but I don't have a coding background, so I often get stuck with how I'm supposed to write something.

I have 5 different trial types running within a block, but I want to have 1 of the 5 trials skipped/excluded from the block based on a pre-set value.

So I have something like this:  
/skiptrialnumber = 3

Then I was trying to insert something into the trial like this
<Trial 3>
/ skip = [trial.3 if (values.skiptrialitemnumber = 3)]

But this doesn't seem to work.

I'm guessing I'm just not writing this correctly, but any help would be great :)


Problem solved.  

/skip [values.skiptrialnumber ==3] in case anyone was wondering.

By Dave - 11/6/2017

Steve GJ - Sunday, November 5, 2017
Steve GJ - Sunday, November 5, 2017
Hi there,  

Started using Inquisit about a year ago, but I don't have a coding background, so I often get stuck with how I'm supposed to write something.

I have 5 different trial types running within a block, but I want to have 1 of the 5 trials skipped/excluded from the block based on a pre-set value.

So I have something like this:  
/skiptrialnumber = 3

Then I was trying to insert something into the trial like this
<Trial 3>
/ skip = [trial.3 if (values.skiptrialitemnumber = 3)]

But this doesn't seem to work.

I'm guessing I'm just not writing this correctly, but any help would be great :)


Problem solved.  

/skip [values.skiptrialnumber ==3] in case anyone was wondering.


To clarify / explain why this is so:

"=" is the assignment operator; you use it to assign a value to a variable as in

/ ontrialbegin = [values.myvalue = 42]

-> "The variable with the name 'myvalue' shall henceforth represent the numerical value 42."

"==" is the logical comparison operator; you use it to check if a statement is true or false as in

/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.myvalue == 42) do stuff]

-> "If the statement 'the variable 'myvalue' represents the numerical value 42" is true, do X, Y, and Z."
By Steve GJ - 11/7/2017

Dave - Monday, November 6, 2017
Steve GJ - Sunday, November 5, 2017
Steve GJ - Sunday, November 5, 2017
Hi there,  

Started using Inquisit about a year ago, but I don't have a coding background, so I often get stuck with how I'm supposed to write something.

I have 5 different trial types running within a block, but I want to have 1 of the 5 trials skipped/excluded from the block based on a pre-set value.

So I have something like this:  
/skiptrialnumber = 3

Then I was trying to insert something into the trial like this
<Trial 3>
/ skip = [trial.3 if (values.skiptrialitemnumber = 3)]

But this doesn't seem to work.

I'm guessing I'm just not writing this correctly, but any help would be great :)


Problem solved.  

/skip [values.skiptrialnumber ==3] in case anyone was wondering.


To clarify / explain why this is so:

"=" is the assignment operator; you use it to assign a value to a variable as in

/ ontrialbegin = [values.myvalue = 42]

-> "The variable with the name 'myvalue' shall henceforth represent the numerical value 42."

"==" is the logical comparison operator; you use it to check if a statement is true or false as in

/ ontrialbegin = [if (values.myvalue == 42) do stuff]

-> "If the statement 'the variable 'myvalue' represents the numerical value 42" is true, do X, Y, and Z."

Thanks Dave