i'm trying to set up a trial where even after the response is collected, the stimulus persists. I (think) I followed the directions posted for previous questions on this, but it's still not working (i.e. having the erase = false). Would you have an idea of what i'm doing wrong?
<picture memStim>
/ items = allStims
/ size = (30%, 30%)
/ select = values.memStim
/ erase = false
<text newOld>
/ items = ("press 'n' if new, 'o' if old")
/ hjustify = center
/ size = (50%,50%)
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ vposition = (55)
/ hposition = (50)
/ txbgcolor = (transparent)
/ txcolor = darkgrey
/ erase = false
<block testing>
/ trials = [1-30 = oldSeq]
/ errormessage = false
/ screencolor = white
<trial oldSeq>
/ ontrialbegin = [values.memStim=list.memStims.nextindex]
/ pretrialpause = 1000
/ stimulustimes = [0=blankMem, memStim, newOld]
/ validresponse = ("n","o")
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ trialduration = 4000