Millisecond Forums

Number of trials

By YL - 11/27/2017

Hi, how do I set up in a block attribute that a fixed number of trials are selected from each trial type but are randomly presented within a block?

By Dave - 11/27/2017

YL - Monday, November 27, 2017
Hi, how do I set up in a block attribute that a fixed number of trials are selected from each trial type but are randomly presented within a block?


You do so via the <block>'s /trials attribute and a noreplace() selection pool. Note that you need to enter the trials into the noreplace() pool in the desired proportions.

<block example>
/ trials = [1-30 = noreplace(a,b)]

will result in 15  "a" trials and 15 "b" trials -- equal proportions -- in random order.

<block example>
/ trials = [1-30 = noreplace(a,a,b)]

will result in 20 "a" trials and only 10 "b" trials -- a 2:1 ratio -- in random order.