Millisecond Forums

Editing control bar in n-back task

By juliasmith - 12/29/2017

Hello Inquisit community! 

I have a question about the editing of the n-back task. I have translated the task into French, and have managed (with help from the forum!) to almost completely do so. However, the bar displayed at the bottom of the screen (which alternately displays Space, A, and Y and N for yes and no, respectively) remains in English. I don't believe this bar is in the template for the images in the slide deck, and I am not sure how to edit the script to change this. I have attached screenshots to show what the task version looks like (slides displaying 'Space' at the bottom) and what the saved image looks like (slide without the 'Space' bar at the bottom).  I would appreciate anyone's help with this!


By Dave - 12/29/2017

juliasmith - Friday, December 29, 2017

Hello Inquisit community! 

I have a question about the editing of the n-back task. I have translated the task into French, and have managed (with help from the forum!) to almost completely do so. However, the bar displayed at the bottom of the screen (which alternately displays Space, A, and Y and N for yes and no, respectively) remains in English. I don't believe this bar is in the template for the images in the slide deck, and I am not sure how to edit the script to change this. I have attached screenshots to show what the task version looks like (slides displaying 'Space' at the bottom) and what the saved image looks like (slide without the 'Space' bar at the bottom).  I would appreciate anyone's help with this!


The bar at the bottom will only appear if you run the task on a touch-input device (i.e. no physical keyboard attached). The text displayed on that bar should automatically change according to the language settings of said touch device. Suppose you are running the script on an iPad. If the iPad is set to English, the bar should display the text "Space". If the iPad is set to French as its language, the control bar should display the French equivalent instead.