By eszterh - 1/13/2018
Hi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible.
<trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial>
<text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%)
<item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item>
<item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item>
<item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item>
<item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item>
<item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item>
<item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item>
<item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item>
*********************************************************************** Performance summary ***********************************************************************
<trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial>
<text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text>
*********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli ***********************************************************************
<trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial>
<text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text>
<item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item>
<text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text>
<text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text>
<text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text>
<text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text>
<text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text>
<text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text>
<text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text>
<text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text>
<text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text>
<openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended>
<openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended>
*********************************************************************** Trials ***********************************************************************
<trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
<trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
<trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
<trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial>
*********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block>
<block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block>
<block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block>
<block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block>
<block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block>
<block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block>
<block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block>
<block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block>
<block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block>
<block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block>
*********************************************************************** Experiment ***********************************************************************
<defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults>
*********************************************************************** Experiment ***********************************************************************
<expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt>
<variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables>
*********************************************************************** Data Columns ***********************************************************************
<data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data>
*********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey>
*********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values>
* 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block
<expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions>
By Dave - 1/15/2018
+xHi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible. <trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial> <text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) </text> <item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item> <item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item> <item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item> <item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item> <item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item> <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item> <item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item> *********************************************************************** Performance summary *********************************************************************** <trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial> <text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text> *********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli *********************************************************************** <trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text> </item> <item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item> <text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text> <text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text> <text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text> <text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> <openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> *********************************************************************** Trials *********************************************************************** <trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> *********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block> <block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block> <block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block> <block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt> <variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *********************************************************************** <data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data> *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> *********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values> * 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block <expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions> You ought to do something like this:
(1) Define an empty <item> element:
<item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item>
<item getitemstargetA> </item>
(2) Instruct the <openended> to add responses to that item element /ontrialend:
<openended getItemsTargetA> / ontrialend = [item.getitemstargeta.appenditem(openended.getitemstargeta.response)] / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended>
By eszterh - 1/15/2018
+x+xHi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible. <trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial> <text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) </text> <item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item> <item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item> <item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item> <item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item> <item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item> <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item> <item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item> *********************************************************************** Performance summary *********************************************************************** <trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial> <text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text> *********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli *********************************************************************** <trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text> </item> <item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item> <text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text> <text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text> <text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text> <text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> <openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> *********************************************************************** Trials *********************************************************************** <trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> *********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block> <block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block> <block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block> <block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt> <variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *********************************************************************** <data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data> *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> *********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values> * 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block <expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions> You ought to do something like this: (1) Define an empty <item> element: <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA</item> <item getitemstargetA> </item>(2) Instruct the <openended> to add responses to that item element /ontrialend: <openended getItemsTargetA> / ontrialend = [item.getitemstargeta.appenditem(openended.getitemstargeta.response)]/ stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> Hi! Thank you so much for the reply, I did all the changes that you suggested, but it still doesn't work. If you have any other idea what could possibly be the problem, that would help a lot. Thank you again, Eszter
By Dave - 1/15/2018
+x+x+xHi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible. <trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial> <text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) </text> <item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item> <item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item> <item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item> <item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item> <item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item> <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item> <item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item> *********************************************************************** Performance summary *********************************************************************** <trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial> <text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text> *********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli *********************************************************************** <trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text> </item> <item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item> <text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text> <text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text> <text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text> <text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> <openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> *********************************************************************** Trials *********************************************************************** <trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> *********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block> <block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block> <block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block> <block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt> <variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *********************************************************************** <data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data> *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> *********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values> * 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block <expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions> You ought to do something like this: (1) Define an empty <item> element: <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA</item> <item getitemstargetA> </item>(2) Instruct the <openended> to add responses to that item element /ontrialend: <openended getItemsTargetA> / ontrialend = [item.getitemstargeta.appenditem(openended.getitemstargeta.response)]/ stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> Hi! Thank you so much for the reply, I did all the changes that you suggested, but it still doesn't work. If you have any other idea what could possibly be the problem, that would help a lot. Thank you again, Eszter Attach the actual script and I'll tell you what's wrong with it. You can attach files to a post by clicking +Insert -> Add File.
By eszterh - 1/15/2018
+x+x+x+xHi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible. <trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial> <text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) </text> <item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item> <item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item> <item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item> <item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item> <item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item> <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item> <item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item> *********************************************************************** Performance summary *********************************************************************** <trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial> <text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text> *********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli *********************************************************************** <trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text> </item> <item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item> <text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text> <text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text> <text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text> <text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> <openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> *********************************************************************** Trials *********************************************************************** <trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> *********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block> <block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block> <block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block> <block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt> <variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *********************************************************************** <data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data> *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> *********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values> * 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block <expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions> You ought to do something like this: (1) Define an empty <item> element: <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA</item> <item getitemstargetA> </item>(2) Instruct the <openended> to add responses to that item element /ontrialend: <openended getItemsTargetA> / ontrialend = [item.getitemstargeta.appenditem(openended.getitemstargeta.response)]/ stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> Hi! Thank you so much for the reply, I did all the changes that you suggested, but it still doesn't work. If you have any other idea what could possibly be the problem, that would help a lot. Thank you again, Eszter Attach the actual script and I'll tell you what's wrong with it. You can attach files to a post by clicking +Insert -> Add File. Here it is. Thank you again!
By Dave - 1/15/2018
+x+x+x+x+xHi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible. <trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial> <text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) </text> <item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item> <item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item> <item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item> <item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item> <item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item> <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item> <item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item> *********************************************************************** Performance summary *********************************************************************** <trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial> <text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text> *********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli *********************************************************************** <trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text> </item> <item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item> <text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text> <text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text> <text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text> <text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> <openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> *********************************************************************** Trials *********************************************************************** <trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> *********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block> <block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block> <block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block> <block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt> <variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *********************************************************************** <data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data> *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> *********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values> * 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block <expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions> You ought to do something like this: (1) Define an empty <item> element: <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA</item> <item getitemstargetA> </item>(2) Instruct the <openended> to add responses to that item element /ontrialend: <openended getItemsTargetA> / ontrialend = [item.getitemstargeta.appenditem(openended.getitemstargeta.response)]/ stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> Hi! Thank you so much for the reply, I did all the changes that you suggested, but it still doesn't work. If you have any other idea what could possibly be the problem, that would help a lot. Thank you again, Eszter Attach the actual script and I'll tell you what's wrong with it. You can attach files to a post by clicking +Insert -> Add File. Here it is. Thank you again! The file you attached didn't include the changes I outlined. See the one attached to this post below.
By eszterh - 1/15/2018
+x+x+x+x+x+xHi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible. <trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial> <text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) </text> <item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item> <item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item> <item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item> <item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item> <item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item> <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item> <item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item> *********************************************************************** Performance summary *********************************************************************** <trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial> <text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text> *********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli *********************************************************************** <trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text> </item> <item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item> <text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text> <text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text> <text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text> <text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> <openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> *********************************************************************** Trials *********************************************************************** <trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> *********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block> <block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block> <block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block> <block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt> <variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *********************************************************************** <data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data> *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> *********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values> * 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block <expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions> You ought to do something like this: (1) Define an empty <item> element: <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA</item> <item getitemstargetA> </item>(2) Instruct the <openended> to add responses to that item element /ontrialend: <openended getItemsTargetA> / ontrialend = [item.getitemstargeta.appenditem(openended.getitemstargeta.response)]/ stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> Hi! Thank you so much for the reply, I did all the changes that you suggested, but it still doesn't work. If you have any other idea what could possibly be the problem, that would help a lot. Thank you again, Eszter Attach the actual script and I'll tell you what's wrong with it. You can attach files to a post by clicking +Insert -> Add File. Here it is. Thank you again! The file you attached didn't include the changes I outlined. See the one attached to this post below. Thank you for all your help! It's finally working. I can't thank you enough. :)
By Dave - 1/15/2018
+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHi! I'm using a single target IAT, where I use associations as the single target's items. I do so by asking 5 open-ended questions, then we use the answers as items to show up in the trials so the subjects can categorize it. But the answers didn't show up in the trial blocks, instead, there's nothing on screen and the program still expects you to categorize it to one target. The script I used was an Inquisit 3 one, and I can't find where should I modify it to make the words visible. <trial intro> / stimulustimes = [1=intro, spacebar] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false </trial> <text intro> / items = ("Ezt a feladatot egy kérdéssorral kezdjük, amelynek az a célja, hogy rövid (egyszavas) asszociációkat gyűjtsünk a feletteséről. ~n~nHa egy kicsit belegondol, bizonyára sokféle tapasztalatot, élményt (események, helyek, csoportok, szimbólumok stb.) köthet feletteséhez. Ezek közül adja majd meg a leginkább magától értetődőt. ~n~nÖsszesen 5 jellemző társítását kérjük. Kérjük adja meg az első asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt még négyszer ugyanígy!") / size = (90%, 90%) / position = (50%, 70%) / hjustify = left / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) </text> <item attributeAlabel> /1 = "Uralkodó" </item> <item attributeA> /1 = "Irányító" /2 = "Domináns" /3 = "Parancsoló" /4 = "Vezető" </item> <item attributeBlabel> /1 = "Gondoskodó" </item> <item attributeB> /1 = "Támogató" /2 = "Segítőkész" /3 = "Védő" /4 = "Bátorító" </item> <item targetAlabel> /1 = "Vezető" </item> <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA </item> <item getLabelTargetAInstructions> / 1 = "Kérem, adja meg annak pártnak nevét, amelyik a legközelebb áll Önhöz. Ha egyetlen párt sem áll közel Önhöz, akkor kérem írja be a 'Független' szót." </item> *********************************************************************** Performance summary *********************************************************************** <trial summary> / stimulustimes = [0=summary] / validresponse = (" ") / recorddata = false / ontrialbegin = [values.magnitude = "little to no"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.15 ) values.magnitude = "a slight"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) > 0.35 ) values.magnitude = "a moderate"] / ontrialbegin = [if( abs(expressions.d) >= 0.65 ) values.magnitude = "a strong"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d >= 0.0) expressions.attitude = "positive"] / ontrialbegin = [if(expressions.d < 0.0) expressions.attitude = "negative"] </trial> <text summary> / items =("Nyomja le a SZÓKÖZT a továbblépéshez.") / size = (60%, 40%) / hjustify = center </text> *********************************************************************** Task instruction stimuli *********************************************************************** <trial instructions> / stimulustimes = [1=instructions, spacebar] / correctresponse = (" ") / errormessage = false / recorddata = false </trial> <text instructions> / items = instructions / hjustify = left / size = (90%, 60%) / position = (50%, 90%) / valign = bottom / select = sequence / resetinterval = 20 </text> </item> <item getItemsTargetInstructions> / 1 = "~n Mi jut eszébe az Ön feletteséről? Mit kötne hozzá leginkább? ~nÍrja be a hozzá társított elemet a rendelkezésre álló helyre. Ha korábban már beírt egy szót, azt még egyszer ne adja meg. Kérjük adja meg az egyszavas asszociációt, kattintson a 'Következő' gombra, majd tegye meg ezt mégegyszer ugyanígy!" </item> <text spacebar> / items = ("Nyomja meg a SZÓKÖZT a kezdéshez.") / position = (50%, 95%) / valign = bottom </text> <text attributeA> / items = attributeA / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text attributeB> / items = attributeB / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text targetA> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) / items = targetA / size = (20%, 20%) </text> <text error> / position = (50%, 75%) / items = ("X") / color = (255, 0, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 10%, true) </text> <text attributeAleft> / items = attributeAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text attributeBright> / items = attributeBlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleftmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetArightmixed> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 19%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAleft> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text targetAright> / items = targetAlabel / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 5%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orleft> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = left / position = (5%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text orright> / items = ("vagy") / valign = top / halign = right / position = (95%, 12%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 4%) </text> <text getItemsTargetALabel> / items = targetALabel / position = (50%, 25%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / txcolor = (0, 255, 0) </text> <text getItemsTargetInstructions> / items = getItemsTargetInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <text getLabelTargetAInstructions> / items = getLabelTargetAInstructions / position = (50%, 30%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / size = (66%, 33%) </text> <openended getItemsTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> <openended getLabelTargetA> / stimulusframes = [1=getLabelTargetAInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> *********************************************************************** Trials *********************************************************************** <trial attributeA> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial attributeB> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = attributeB] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAleft> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("E") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> <trial targetAright> / validresponse = ("E", "I") / correctresponse = ("I") / stimulusframes = [1 = targetA] / posttrialpause = 250 </trial> *********************************************************************** Blocks *********************************************************************** <block intro> / trials = [1=intro] / recorddata = false </block> <block getTargetItems> / trials = [1-5=getItemsTargetA] </block> <block attributepractice> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions;2-21 = random(attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct </block> <block compatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.sum1a = values.sum1a + block.compatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n1a = values.n1a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.compatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss1a = values.ss1a + (block.compatibletest1.latency * block.compatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block compatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAleft, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum1b = values.sum1b + block.compatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n1b = values.n1b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.compatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss1b = values.ss1b + (block.compatibletest2.latency * block.compatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest1> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions; 2-21 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1) values.sum2a = values.sum2a + block.incompatibletest1.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.n2a = values.n2a + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest1.latency <= 10000 && block.incompatibletest1.currenttrialnumber != 1 ) values.ss2a = values.ss2a + (block.incompatibletest1.latency * block.incompatibletest1.latency)] </block> <block incompatibletest2> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, targetARightMixed, orright, attributeBright) / trials = [1-40 = noreplace(targetAright, attributeA, attributeB)] / errormessage = true(error,200) / responsemode = correct / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.sum2b = values.sum2b + block.incompatibletest2.latency] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.n2b = values.n2b + 1] / ontrialend = [if(block.incompatibletest2.latency <= 10000) values.ss2b = values.ss2b + (block.incompatibletest2.latency * block.incompatibletest2.latency)] </block> <block compatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, orleft, targetAleftmixed, attributeBright) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block incompatibletestinstructions> / bgstim = (attributeAleft, attributeBright, orright, targetArightmixed) / trials = [1=instructions] / recorddata = false </block> <block summary> / trials = [1=summary] / recorddata = false </block> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / screencolor = (0,153,153) / txbgcolor = (0,153,153) / txcolor = (255,255,255) / minimumversion = "" </defaults> *********************************************************************** Experiment *********************************************************************** <expt> / blocks = [1=intro; 2=getTargetItems; 3=attributepractice; 4=block1; 5=block3; 6=block4; 7=block5; 8=block6; 9=block7; 10=summary] </expt> <variables> / group = (1 of 2) (block1=compatibletest1; block3=compatibletestinstructions; block4=compatibletest2; block5=incompatibletest1; block6=incompatibletestinstructions; block7=incompatibletest2) / group = (2 of 2) (block1=incompatibletest1; block3=incompatibletestinstructions; block4=incompatibletest2; block5=compatibletest1; block6=compatibletestinstructions; block7=compatibletest2) </variables> *********************************************************************** Data Columns *********************************************************************** <data> / columns = [date, time, subject, blockcode, blocknum, trialcode, trialnum, response, correct, latency, stimulusnumber, stimulusitem, expressions.da, expressions.db, expressions.d, expressions.latdiffa, expressions.latdiffb, expressions.latdiff] </data> *********************************************************************** Test Monkey *********************************************************************** <monkey> / latencydistribution = normal(500, 100) / percentcorrect = 90 </monkey> *********************************************************************** Scoring *********************************************************************** <values> / sum1a = 0 / sum2a = 0 / sum1b = 0 / sum2b = 0 / n1a = 0 / n2a = 0 / n1b = 0 / n2b = 0 / ss1a = 0 / ss2a = 0 / ss1b = 0 / ss2b = 0 / magnitude = "unknown" </values> * 1 is compatible, 2 is incompatible * a is first block, b is second block <expressions> / m1a = values.sum1a / values.n1a / m2a = values.sum2a / values.n2a / m1b = values.sum1b / values.n1b / m2b = values.sum2b / values.n2b / sd1a = sqrt((values.ss1a - (values.n1a * (expressions.m1a * expressions.m1a))) / (values.n1a - 1)) / sd2a = sqrt((values.ss2a - (values.n2a * (expressions.m2a * expressions.m2a))) / (values.n2a - 1)) / sd1b = sqrt((values.ss1b - (values.n1b * (expressions.m1b * expressions.m1b))) / (values.n1b - 1)) / sd2b = sqrt((values.ss2b - (values.n2b * (expressions.m2b * expressions.m2b))) / (values.n2b - 1)) / sda = sqrt((((values.n1a - 1) * (expressions.sd1a * expressions.sd1a) + (values.n2a - 1) * (expressions.sd2a * expressions.sd2a)) + ((values.n1a + values.n2a) * ((expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a) * (expressions.m1a - expressions.m2a)) / 4) ) / (values.n1a + values.n2a - 1) ) / sdb = sqrt((((values.n1b - 1) * (expressions.sd1b * expressions.sd1b) + (values.n2b - 1) * (expressions.sd2b * expressions.sd2b)) + ((values.n1b + values.n2b) * ((expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b) * (expressions.m1b - expressions.m2b)) / 4) ) / (values.n1b + values.n2b - 1) ) / da = (m2a - m1a) / expressions.sda / db = (m2b - m1b) / expressions.sdb / d = (expressions.da + expressions.db) / 2 / latdiffa = m2a - m1a / latdiffb = m2b - m1b / latdiff = ((values.sum2a + values.sum2b) / (values.n2a + values.n2b)) - ((values.sum1a + values.sum1b) / (values.n1a + values.n1b)) / attitude = "unknown" </expressions> You ought to do something like this: (1) Define an empty <item> element: <item targetA> / items = getItemsTargetA</item> <item getitemstargetA> </item>(2) Instruct the <openended> to add responses to that item element /ontrialend: <openended getItemsTargetA> / ontrialend = [item.getitemstargeta.appenditem(openended.getitemstargeta.response)]/ stimulusframes = [1=getItemsTargetALabel, getItemsTargetInstructions] / charlimit = 25 / size = (25%, 4%) / position = (50%, 60%) / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 2.5%) / buttonlabel = "Következő >>" </openended> Hi! Thank you so much for the reply, I did all the changes that you suggested, but it still doesn't work. If you have any other idea what could possibly be the problem, that would help a lot. Thank you again, Eszter Attach the actual script and I'll tell you what's wrong with it. You can attach files to a post by clicking +Insert -> Add File. Here it is. Thank you again! The file you attached didn't include the changes I outlined. See the one attached to this post below. Thank you for all your help! It's finally working. I can't thank you enough. :) Great! Thanks for letting me know.