Millisecond Forums

Pausing/unpausing music

By Sercan - 1/14/2018

Hi all,

I would like to check with you whether it is possible to play, pause, and resume a music track within inquisit. I could not find such functionality in the language reference. 
Alternatively, is it possible to manipulate the volume of a music track in realtime? 


Sercan Kahveci
By Dave - 1/15/2018

Sercan Kahveci - Monday, January 15, 2018
Hi all,

I would like to check with you whether it is possible to play, pause, and resume a music track within inquisit. I could not find such functionality in the language reference. 
Alternatively, is it possible to manipulate the volume of a music track in realtime? 


Sercan Kahveci

No, I'm afraid pausing and resuming an audio stimulus at the same spot some time later is not currently possible.