Millisecond Forums

Unable to open file in Inquisit Web

By dunanc2m - 2/6/2018

I have a test that I made in Inquisit Lab and which runs fine from there. But when I uploaded it to inquisit web, I get an error message that says "Unable to open file ' files/1background.iqx'. 

The script I'm trying to run is a batch of three others: 
<batch>/ file = "C:\Users\Emma\Desktop\Inquisit files\1background.iqx"/ file = "C:\Users\Emma\Desktop\Inquisit files\2mixedstiumuliiat.iqx"/ file = "C:\Users\Emma\Desktop\Inquisit files\3explicitattitudes.iqx"</batch>I've uploaded all of the files that are used in the test. Does anyone know what the problem is?

By Dave - 2/6/2018

dunanc2m - Tuesday, February 6, 2018
I have a test that I made in Inquisit Lab and which runs fine from there. But when I uploaded it to inquisit web, I get an error message that says "Unable to open file ' files/1background.iqx'. 

The script I'm trying to run is a batch of three others: 
<batch>/ file = "C:\Users\Emma\Desktop\Inquisit files\1background.iqx"/ file = "C:\Users\Emma\Desktop\Inquisit files\2mixedstiumuliiat.iqx"/ file = "C:\Users\Emma\Desktop\Inquisit files\3explicitattitudes.iqx"</batch>I've uploaded all of the files that are used in the test. Does anyone know what the problem is?

The problem is that the batch script references files on _your_ computer, under the path C:\Users\Emma\Desktop\...

That path does not exist on any other computers, and no files will be found there. Your <batch> should simply read

/ file = "lbackground.iqx"
/ file = "2mixedstimulislist.iqx"
/ file = "3explicitattitudes.iqx"

without any local path information.