Millisecond Forums

Create an Experiment about a Social dilemma

By Nachtara - 3/4/2018

i have to create an experiment which is about an easy social dilemma (e.g. commons dilemma, public-goods-dilemma). Did anybody already did this? 
The only script i found is the Chicken Game, but it is made for children.

Thanks for your help.

By Dave - 3/5/2018

Nachtara - Monday, March 5, 2018
i have to create an experiment which is about an easy social dilemma (e.g. commons dilemma, public-goods-dilemma). Did anybody already did this? 
The only script i found is the Chicken Game, but it is made for children.

Thanks for your help.


There is a script for the classic prisoner's dilemma, maybe that's an option or offers you a starting point to create your own:

Other adjacent procedures would be
By Nachtara - 3/5/2018

Thank you for your answer. The Prisoner Dilemma is just for Inquisit 5. Is there a possibility to get it for Inquisit 4?

The others are not what i am looking for. I am looking for a social dilemma which is in a environmental context, e.g. fishing (2 Persons need to decide if they want to fish for themselve, but if both fish to much, there won't be more fish)