I am having some difficulty with the list element. I'm trying to use it to randomly select stimuli from an item without any repeats,
but I keep getting a couple of repeats nonetheless.
I am designing an experiment in which participants make yes/no judgements about a series of words (50 traits, 50 social roles, 20 group identities) based on whether they feel they are true
of them, or if they are true of a friend. The experiment consists of 24 blocks (12 about the self, 12 about the friend; 2 x 5 with traits, 2 x 5 with roles, 2 x 2 with groups),
each with 10 trials. Each word is displayed on screen one at a time. The traits, roles and groups are all saved in their own item elements, and I'm using a list element to randomly select
a number corresponding to an index in each item, with the intention of preventing any word repetition. I want participants to see each word once and only once per target (once for them
and once for their friend). I thought that I had adjusted the paramters of the list elements to ensure this, but I keep getting a couple of repeats.
The relevant parts of my code are available below.
Thanks for your help!
/friend = ""
/completed = 0
/item_count = 0
/list_length = 0
/word = ""
/type = ""
/person = ""
/current_role = 0
/current_trait = 0
/current_group = 0
<list traititemselect>
/poolsize = 50
/selectionrate = always
/resetinterval = 0
<item traits>
/1 = "trait_1"
/2 = "trait_2"
/3 = "trait_3"
/4 = "trait_4"
/5 = "trait_5"
/6 = "trait_6"
/7 = "trait_7"
/8 = "trait_8"
/9 = "trait_9"
/10 = "trait_10"
/11 = "trait_11"
/12 = "trait_12"
/13 = "trait_13"
/14 = "trait_14"
/15 = "trait_15"
/16 = "trait_16"
/17 = "trait_17"
/18 = "trait_18"
/19 = "trait_19"
/20 = "trait_20"
/21 = "trait_21"
/22 = "trait_22"
/23 = "trait_23"
/24 = "trait_24"
/25 = "trait_25"
/26 = "trait_26"
/27 = "trait_27"
/28 = "trait_28"
/29 = "trait_29"
/30 = "trait_30"
/31 = "trait_31"
/32 = "trait_32"
/33 = "trait_33"
/34 = "trait_34"
/35 = "trait_35"
/36 = "trait_36"
/37 = "trait_37"
/38 = "trait_38"
/39 = "trait_39"
/40 = "trait_40"
/41 = "trait_41"
/42 = "trait_42"
/43 = "trait_43"
/44 = "trait_44"
/45 = "trait_45"
/46 = "trait_46"
/47 = "trait_47"
/48 = "trait_48"
/49 = "trait_49"
/50 = "trait_50"
//A list of social roles
<list roleitemselect>
/poolsize = 50
/selectionrate = always
/resetinterval = 0
<item roles>
/1 = "role_1"
/2 = "role_2"
/3 = "role_3"
/4 = "role_4"
/5 = "role_5"
/6 = "role_6"
/7 = "role_7"
/8 = "role_8"
/9 = "role_9"
/10 = "role_10"
/11 = "role_11"
/12 = "role_12"
/13 = "role_13"
/14 = "role_14"
/15 = "role_15"
/16 = "role_16"
/17 = "role_17"
/18 = "role_18"
/19 = "role_19"
/20 = "role_20"
/21 = "role_21"
/22 = "role_22"
/23 = "role_23"
/24 = "role_24"
/25 = "role_25"
/26 = "role_26"
/27 = "role_27"
/28 = "role_28"
/29 = "role_29"
/30 = "role_30"
/31 = "role_31"
/32 = "role_32"
/33 = "role_33"
/34 = "role_34"
/35 = "role_35"
/36 = "role_36"
/37 = "role_37"
/38 = "role_38"
/39 = "role_39"
/40 = "role_40"
/41 = "role_41"
/42 = "role_42"
/43 = "role_43"
/44 = "role_44"
/45 = "role_45"
/46 = "role_46"
/47 = "role_47"
/48 = "role_48"
/49 = "role_49"
/50 = "role_50"
<list groupitemselect>
/poolsize = 20
/resetinterval = 0
<item groups>
/1 = "group_1"
/2 = "group_2"
/3 = "group_3"
/4 = "group_4"
/5 = "group_5"
/6 = "group_6"
/7 = "group_7"
/8 = "group_8"
/9 = "group_9"
/10 = "group_10"
/11 = "group_11"
/12 = "group_12"
/13 = "group_13"
/14 = "group_14"
/15 = "group_15"
/16 = "group_16"
/17 = "group_17"
/18 = "group_18"
/19 = "group_19"
/20 = "group_20"
<text ready_to_start>
/items = ("You are now ready to start the experiment.
For each question:
press 'y' to answer 'yes'
press'n' to answer 'no'
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",3%)
/ size = (80%, 10%)
/ position = (50%, 50%)
/ hjustify = left
<textbox friend_name>
/ caption = "Please enter your friend's name before proceeding."
/required = true
/position = (30%,50%)
/ monkeyresponse = ["FRIEND"]
<surveypage enter_friend>
/questions = [1=friend_name]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ ontrialend = [
values.friend = textbox.friend_name.response
/branch = [
<surveypage ready_to_start>
/ stimulusframes = [1=ready_to_start]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
<text timeout>
/items = ("4 seconds have passed. Please respond as soon as you can.")
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",3%)
/ size = (80%, 10%)
/ position = (50%, 20%)
/ hjustify = left
/color = red
<text you>
/items = ("YOU")
/position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = blue
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 20%)
/erase = false
<text friend>
/items = ("<%values.friend%>")
/position = (50%, 20%)
/ txcolor = green
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", 20%)
/ erase = false
****Text elements****
<text self_word>
/items = ("Does this describe you?")
/ position = (50,80)
/ txcolor =black
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)
/erase = false
<text friend_word>
/items = ("Does this describe <%values.friend%> ?")
/ position = (50,80)
/ txcolor =black
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%)
<text traits>
/items = item.traits
/position = (50%,40%)
/txcolor = black
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 20%)
/select = values.current_trait
/ size = (80%, 10%)
<text roles>
/items = item.roles
/position = (50%,40%)
/txcolor = black
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 10%)
/select = values.current_role
/ size = (80%, 10%)
<text groups>
/items = item.groups
/position = (50%,40%)
/txcolor = black
/fontstyle = ("Arial", 20%)
/select = values.current_group
/ size = (80%, 10%)
<trial self_traits>
/ontrialbegin = [
values.type = "trait";
values.person = "self";
values.current_trait = list.traititemselect.nextindex;
values.word = text.traits.currentitem
/stimulustimes = [0=text.self_word, text.traits, text.you; 4000=text.timeout]
/validresponse = (21,49)
/responseinterrupt = immediate
/ beginresponsetime = 0
<trial friend_traits>
/ontrialbegin = [
values.type = "trait";
values.person = "friend";
values.current_trait = list.traititemselect.nextindex;
values.word = text.traits.currentitem
/stimulustimes = [0=text.friend_word, text.traits, text.friend; 4000=text.timeout]
/validresponse = (21,49)
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/beginresponsetime = 0
<trial self_roles>
/ontrialbegin = [
values.type = "role";
values.person = "self";
values.current_role = list.roleitemselect.nextindex;
values.word = text.roles.currentitem
/stimulustimes = [0=text.self_word, text.roles, text.you; 4000=text.timeout]
/validresponse = (21,49)
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ beginresponsetime = 0
<trial friend_roles>
/ontrialbegin = [
values.type = "role";
values.person = "friend";
values.current_role = list.roleitemselect.nextindex;
values.word = text.roles.currentitem
/stimulustimes = [0=text.friend_word, text.roles, text.friend; 4000=text.timeout]
/validresponse = (21,49)
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ beginresponsetime = 0
<trial self_groups>
/ontrialbegin = [
values.type = "group";
values.person = "self";
values.current_group = list.groupitemselect.nextindex;
values.word = text.groups.currentitem
/stimulustimes = [0=text.self_word, text.groups, text.you; 4000=text.timeout]
/validresponse = (21,49)
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ beginresponsetime = 0
<trial friend_groups>
/ontrialbegin = [
values.type = "group";
values.person = "friend";
values.current_group = list.groupitemselect.nextindex;
values.word = text.groups.currentitem
/stimulustimes = [0=text.friend_word, text.groups, text.friend; 4000=text.timeout]
/validresponse = (21,49)
/ responseinterrupt = immediate
/ beginresponsetime = 0
<block intro>
/trials = [1=surveypage.enter_friend]
<block self_traits_1>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_traits]
<block self_traits_2>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_traits]
<block self_traits_3>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_traits]
<block self_traits_4>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_traits]
<block self_traits_5>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_traits]
<block friend_traits_1>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_traits]
<block friend_traits_2>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_traits]
<block friend_traits_3>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_traits]
<block friend_traits_4>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_traits]
<block friend_traits_5>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_traits]
<block self_roles_1>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_roles]
<block self_roles_2>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_roles]
<block self_roles_3>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_roles]
<block self_roles_4>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_roles]
<block self_roles_5>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_roles]
<block friend_roles_1>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_roles]
<block friend_roles_2>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_roles]
<block friend_roles_3>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_roles]
<block friend_roles_4>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_roles]
<block friend_roles_5>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_roles]
<block self_groups_1>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_groups]
<block self_groups_2>
/trials = [1-10=trial.self_groups]
<block friend_groups_1>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_groups]
<block friend_groups_2>
/trials = [1-10=trial.friend_groups]
<expt full_exp>
/blocks = [1=block.intro; 2-13=noreplacenorepeat(block.friend_groups_1,block.friend_groups_2,
block.self_groups_1, block.self_groups_2,
block.self_roles_1, block.self_roles_2, block.self_roles_3, block.self_roles_4, block.self_roles_5,
block.self_traits_1, block.self_traits_2, block.self_traits_3, block.self_traits_4, block.self_traits_5)]