Millisecond Forums

SurveyPage - Next Button

By Anemoniah - 8/28/2018

Hey you all,
I'm (really) new at inquisit and kinda struggling with the nextbuttons on the surveypage.

To be precise, I need to incorporate a single question (with radiobuttons as options for answering) in my experiment.
Therefore I used </radiobuttons> and a single surveypage with only one radiobutton-question. My problem is, the next button is labeled as "finish" but I want it to be "next". 
I used /nextlabel = "..." , nextkey = "..." and so on, but nothing seems to work. Also I have looked at other surveypage/radiobuttons inquisit scripts, but couldn't find a hint. I'm aware that "finish" is the default version as I just have a question on the surveypage and so its also the end...
  In addition to that: Are there any other possibilities to incorporate a single question other than the surveypage to handle the  problem? 

Thank you!

By Dave - 8/29/2018

Anemoniah - Wednesday, August 29, 2018

Hey you all,
I'm (really) new at inquisit and kinda struggling with the nextbuttons on the surveypage.

To be precise, I need to incorporate a single question (with radiobuttons as options for answering) in my experiment.
Therefore I used </radiobuttons> and a single surveypage with only one radiobutton-question. My problem is, the next button is labeled as "finish" but I want it to be "next". 
I used /nextlabel = "..." , nextkey = "..." and so on, but nothing seems to work. Also I have looked at other surveypage/radiobuttons inquisit scripts, but couldn't find a hint. I'm aware that "finish" is the default version as I just have a question on the surveypage and so its also the end...
  In addition to that: Are there any other possibilities to incorporate a single question other than the surveypage to handle the  problem? 

Thank you!

The attribute you need is the <surveypage>'s /finishlabel attribute ( ) as in

<radiobuttons myrb>
/ caption = "Select one:"
/ options = ("A", "B", "C", "D")
/ orientation = horizontal

<surveypage mypage>
/ questions = [1=myrb]
/ showpagenumbers = false
/ showquestionnumbers = false
/ finishlabel = "Next"

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-4 = mypage]