Millisecond Forums

Monitor 2 Stimuli Position Problem

By desiree80 - 11/29/2018

When using an external monitor with our surface pros (both have different resolutions), the stimuli looks misaligned even though we are using preset functions such as / valign = center & / halign = center. However, on my desktop which has two monitors that are exactly the same, the pictures are in the correct place. Could this be happening because the monitor 2 attribute takes resolution specifications from monitor 1? Even if that's not the case, do you know how can we fix this?

Thank you for your help!
By Dave - 11/29/2018

desiree80 - Thursday, November 29, 2018
When using an external monitor with our surface pros (both have different resolutions), the stimuli looks misaligned even though we are using preset functions such as / valign = center & / halign = center. However, on my desktop which has two monitors that are exactly the same, the pictures are in the correct place. Could this be happening because the monitor 2 attribute takes resolution specifications from monitor 1? Even if that's not the case, do you know how can we fix this?

Thank you for your help!

It's hard to say what's happening without seeing the actual code, including any /canvassize and /canvasaspectratio settings. Knowing the exact resolutions of the two displays involved (the primary Surface display and the secondary external display) as well as a few screen shots illustrating the apparent misalignment would also be helpful.