By Experimenter1 - 12/7/2018
Hello, I am trying to analyze response time data from a study someone else ran. The person who originally programmed the task is not available, which is why I am turning to this forum to see if anyone could help me get the correct timing measure.
Please see below for how the item looks. It is a drop-down item. It has two drop-down menus referred as "operator1" and "operator2". It has two options (e.g., "option1_1" and "option1_2") under each menu.
Please see below for a sample latency data from this item. My understanding of the data is that a participant clicked the first drop-down menu ("operator1") three times and selected the first option ("option1_1") under the menu, then clicked the second drop-down menu ("operator2") and selected the first option ("option1_2") under the menu.
Here's my question: I am trying to compute how long the person took to solve this item until clicking Submit button. When I sum all the number under "latency" column except for the "200" (clearscreen), it is 22181 (4119 + 722 + ... 4057). Is this the correct way to compute this measure? The above shows all the events that occurred in this item. I am assuming that each latency value shows how long the person took between one action and the preceding action.
Please see below for the script for this item:
<values> / op1 = "" / op2 = "" </values>
<defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 3.5%) </defaults>
<block myblock> / trials = [1=DC1] </block>
<trial DC1> / stimulusframes = [1=digit1, operator1, digit2, digit3, operator2, digit4, submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1, operator2, submit) / isvalidresponse = [(trial.DC1.response == "submit" && values.op1 !="" && values.op2 !="") || trial.DC1.response == "operator1" || trial.DC1.response == "operator2"] / branch = [if (trial.DC1.response == "operator1") trial.select_operator1] / branch = [if (trial.DC1.response == "operator2") trial.select_operator2] </trial>
<trial select_operator1> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "option1_1") values.op1 = "2"] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "option2_1") values.op1 = "3"] / stimulusframes = [1=operator1,option1_1,option2_1] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1,option1_1,option2_1) / branch = [trial.DC1] </trial>
<trial select_operator2> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "option1_2") values.op2 = "3"] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "option2_2") values.op2 = "4"] / stimulusframes = [1=operator2,option1_2,option2_2] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator2,option1_2,option2_2) / branch = [trial.DC1] </trial>
<text digit1> / items = ("Bill has a choice of") / position = (20%, 40%) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text>
<text digit2> / items = ("kinds of rolls and") / position = (48%, 40%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text>
<text digit3> / items = ("varieties of meat for his sandwich.") / position = (80%, 40%) / erase = false / size = (30%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text>
<text digit4> / items = ("If he chooses one type of roll and one type of meat, he can make 6 types of sandwiches.") / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false / size = (80%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text>
<text operator1> / items = ("<%values.op1%>") / position = (32%, 40%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text>
<text operator2> / items = ("<%values.op2%>") / position = (59%, 40%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text>
<text submit> / items = ("SUBMIT") / position = (50%, 92%) / size = (20%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text>
<text option1_1> / items = ("2") / position = (32%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text>
<text option2_1> / items = ("3") / position = (32%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text>
<text option1_2> / items = ("3") / position = (59%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text>
<text option2_2> / items = ("4") / position = (59%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text>
<trial clearscreen> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen] / trialduration = 200 / validresponse = (0) </trial>
<shape clearscreen> / color = white / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) </shape>
By Dave - 12/7/2018
+xHello, I am trying to analyze response time data from a study someone else ran. The person who originally programmed the task is not available, which is why I am turning to this forum to see if anyone could help me get the correct timing measure. Please see below for how the item looks. It is a drop-down item. It has two drop-down menus referred as "operator1" and "operator2". It has two options (e.g., "option1_1" and "option1_2") under each menu. Please see below for a sample latency data from this item. My understanding of the data is that a participant clicked the first drop-down menu ("operator1") three times and selected the first option ("option1_1") under the menu, then clicked the second drop-down menu ("operator2") and selected the first option ("option1_2") under the menu. Here's my question: I am trying to compute how long the person took to solve this item until clicking Submit button. When I sum all the number under "latency" column except for the "200" (clearscreen), it is 22181 (4119 + 722 + ... 4057). Is this the correct way to compute this measure? The above shows all the events that occurred in this item. I am assuming that each latency value shows how long the person took between one action and the preceding action. Please see below for the script for this item: <values> / op1 = "" / op2 = "" </values> <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 3.5%) </defaults> <block myblock> / trials = [1=DC1] </block> <trial DC1> / stimulusframes = [1=digit1, operator1, digit2, digit3, operator2, digit4, submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1, operator2, submit) / isvalidresponse = [(trial.DC1.response == "submit" && values.op1 !="" && values.op2 !="") || trial.DC1.response == "operator1" || trial.DC1.response == "operator2"] / branch = [if (trial.DC1.response == "operator1") trial.select_operator1] / branch = [if (trial.DC1.response == "operator2") trial.select_operator2] </trial> <trial select_operator1> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "option1_1") values.op1 = "2"] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "option2_1") values.op1 = "3"] / stimulusframes = [1=operator1,option1_1,option2_1] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1,option1_1,option2_1) / branch = [trial.DC1] </trial> <trial select_operator2> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "option1_2") values.op2 = "3"] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "option2_2") values.op2 = "4"] / stimulusframes = [1=operator2,option1_2,option2_2] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator2,option1_2,option2_2) / branch = [trial.DC1] </trial> <text digit1> / items = ("Bill has a choice of") / position = (20%, 40%) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text digit2> / items = ("kinds of rolls and") / position = (48%, 40%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text digit3> / items = ("varieties of meat for his sandwich.") / position = (80%, 40%) / erase = false / size = (30%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text digit4> / items = ("If he chooses one type of roll and one type of meat, he can make 6 types of sandwiches.") / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false / size = (80%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text operator1> / items = ("<%values.op1%>") / position = (32%, 40%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text operator2> / items = ("<%values.op2%>") / position = (59%, 40%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text submit> / items = ("SUBMIT") / position = (50%, 92%) / size = (20%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option1_1> / items = ("2") / position = (32%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option2_1> / items = ("3") / position = (32%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option1_2> / items = ("3") / position = (59%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option2_2> / items = ("4") / position = (59%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <trial clearscreen> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen] / trialduration = 200 / validresponse = (0) </trial> <shape clearscreen> / color = white / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) </shape> I remember that script's genesis ( cf. ) and I've explained what the various trials do / what the latencies reflect here:
And yes, if you want something that reflects the total time it took the participant to solve the item -- from the inital display of the item until hitting "submit" --, then you would simply sum up those latencies:
By Experimenter1 - 12/10/2018
+x+xHello, I am trying to analyze response time data from a study someone else ran. The person who originally programmed the task is not available, which is why I am turning to this forum to see if anyone could help me get the correct timing measure. Please see below for how the item looks. It is a drop-down item. It has two drop-down menus referred as "operator1" and "operator2". It has two options (e.g., "option1_1" and "option1_2") under each menu. Please see below for a sample latency data from this item. My understanding of the data is that a participant clicked the first drop-down menu ("operator1") three times and selected the first option ("option1_1") under the menu, then clicked the second drop-down menu ("operator2") and selected the first option ("option1_2") under the menu. Here's my question: I am trying to compute how long the person took to solve this item until clicking Submit button. When I sum all the number under "latency" column except for the "200" (clearscreen), it is 22181 (4119 + 722 + ... 4057). Is this the correct way to compute this measure? The above shows all the events that occurred in this item. I am assuming that each latency value shows how long the person took between one action and the preceding action. Please see below for the script for this item: <values> / op1 = "" / op2 = "" </values> <defaults> / fontstyle = ("Calibri", 3.5%) </defaults> <block myblock> / trials = [1=DC1] </block> <trial DC1> / stimulusframes = [1=digit1, operator1, digit2, digit3, operator2, digit4, submit] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1, operator2, submit) / isvalidresponse = [(trial.DC1.response == "submit" && values.op1 !="" && values.op2 !="") || trial.DC1.response == "operator1" || trial.DC1.response == "operator2"] / branch = [if (trial.DC1.response == "operator1") trial.select_operator1] / branch = [if (trial.DC1.response == "operator2") trial.select_operator2] </trial> <trial select_operator1> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "option1_1") values.op1 = "2"] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator1.response == "option2_1") values.op1 = "3"] / stimulusframes = [1=operator1,option1_1,option2_1] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator1,option1_1,option2_1) / branch = [trial.DC1] </trial> <trial select_operator2> / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "option1_2") values.op2 = "3"] / ontrialend = [if (trial.select_operator2.response == "option2_2") values.op2 = "4"] / stimulusframes = [1=operator2,option1_2,option2_2] / inputdevice = mouse / validresponse = (operator2,option1_2,option2_2) / branch = [trial.DC1] </trial> <text digit1> / items = ("Bill has a choice of") / position = (20%, 40%) / erase = false / size = (20%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text digit2> / items = ("kinds of rolls and") / position = (48%, 40%) / size = (20%, 10%) / erase = false / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text digit3> / items = ("varieties of meat for his sandwich.") / position = (80%, 40%) / erase = false / size = (30%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text digit4> / items = ("If he chooses one type of roll and one type of meat, he can make 6 types of sandwiches.") / position = (50%, 50%) / erase = false / size = (80%, 10%) / hjustify = left / vjustify = center </text> <text operator1> / items = ("<%values.op1%>") / position = (32%, 40%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text operator2> / items = ("<%values.op2%>") / position = (59%, 40%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = silver / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text submit> / items = ("SUBMIT") / position = (50%, 92%) / size = (20%, 10%) / txbgcolor = grey / erase = false / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option1_1> / items = ("2") / position = (32%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option2_1> / items = ("3") / position = (32%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option1_2> / items = ("3") / position = (59%, 50%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <text option2_2> / items = ("4") / position = (59%, 60%) / size = (10%, 10%) / txbgcolor = lightgrey / hjustify = center / vjustify = center </text> <trial clearscreen> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen] / trialduration = 200 / validresponse = (0) </trial> <shape clearscreen> / color = white / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) </shape> I remember that script's genesis ( cf. ) and I've explained what the various trials do / what the latencies reflect here: yes, if you want something that reflects the total time it took the participant to solve the item -- from the inital display of the item until hitting "submit" --, then you would simply sum up those latencies: Thank you so much for answering my question and sharing the link! I guess the original post came from my former colleague.. Thanks again for the help on this script!!