By desiree80 - 12/19/2018
Hello, I'm working on a code that uses an empty sound element so that I can assign the wav files later in the trial. I found that the sound object is storing all of the wav files I assign to it instead of clearing all the items like I specified. Open the debugger and type in sound.aAdudio. Do you see how it keeps adding stimuli to aAudio and does not clear them? When I click the speaker picture it loops through all the sounds instead of only the one I want. Am I using clearitems incorrectly?
Here is a link with the files, the main file is called Definitions_Measurement_2.iqx:
Thank you!
By Dave - 12/19/2018
+xHello, I'm working on a code that uses an empty sound element so that I can assign the wav files later in the trial. I found that the sound object is storing all of the wav files I assign to it instead of clearing all the items like I specified. Open the debugger and type in sound.aAdudio. Do you see how it keeps adding stimuli to aAudio and does not clear them? When I click the speaker picture it loops through all the sounds instead of only the one I want. Am I using clearitems incorrectly? Here is a link with the files, the main file is called Definitions_Measurement_2.iqx: you! I don't think you're using clear() wrongly, but it's actually unnecessary to permanently clear all items to get what you want. It's more straightforward and better performance-wise to simply always replace the first item in the respective <text> and <sound> elements, i.e.
<expressions> ... /settrialstimuli=
if(values.order==1){ text.option1.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_txt,values.index); text.option2.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_txt, values.index); text.option3.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_txt,values.index); text.option4.items.1=getItem(item.word_txt,values.index);
sound.aaudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_sound,values.index); sound.baudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_sound,values.index); sound.caudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_sound,values.index); sound.daudio.items.1=getItem(item.word_sound,values.index);
if(values.order==2){ text.option1.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_txt,values.index); text.option2.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_txt, values.index); text.option3.items.1=getItem(item.word_txt,values.index); text.option4.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_txt,values.index);
sound.aaudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_sound,values.index); sound.baudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_sound,values.index); sound.caudio.items.1=getItem(item.word_sound,values.index); sound.daudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_sound,values.index);
values.correctoption=text.option3.currentitem; };
if(values.order==3){ text.option1.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_txt,values.index); text.option2.items.1=getItem(item.word_txt, values.index); text.option3.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_txt,values.index); text.option4.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_txt,values.index);
sound.aaudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_sound,values.index); sound.baudio.items.1=getItem(item.word_sound,values.index); sound.caudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_sound,values.index); sound.daudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_sound,values.index);
if(values.order==4){ text.option1.items.1=getItem(item.word_txt,values.index); text.option2.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_txt, values.index); text.option3.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_txt,values.index); text.option4.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_txt,values.index);
sound.aaudio.items.1=getItem(item.word_sound,values.index); sound.baudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_1_sound,values.index); sound.caudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_2_sound,values.index); sound.daudio.items.1=getItem(item.distractor_3_sound,values.index);
values.option1value=text.option1.currentitem; values.option2value=text.option2.currentitem; values.option3value=text.option3.currentitem; values.option4value=text.option4.currentitem;
... </expressions>
<text option1> / items = ("blank") / position = (50%,40%) /txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15pt, false) /erase = false /select = 1 </text>
<text option2> / items = ("blank") / position = (50%,50%) /txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15pt, false) /erase = false /select = 1 </text>
<text option3> / items = ("blank") / position = (50%,60%) /txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15pt, false) /erase = false /select = 1 </text>
<text option4> / items = ("blank") / position = (50%,70%) /txbgcolor = transparent / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15pt, false) /erase = false /select = 1 </text>
<sound aAudio> / items = ("blank.wav") / select = 1 </sound>
<sound bAudio> / items = ("blank.wav") / select = 1 </sound>
<sound cAudio> / items = ("blank.wav") / select = 1 </sound>
<sound daudio> / items = ("blank.wav") / select = 1 </sound>
A revision of your script implementing the above approach is attached. Hope this helps.
By desiree80 - 12/19/2018
As always you are awesome! Thanks again!