Millisecond Forums

Self-Paced Reading Task error

By luca7 - 12/25/2018

I'm back on a self-paced reading task that I run last year and it emerged a new issue.
As illustrated in the picture below, the script incorrectly adds dashes to the end of the sentence. The extra dashes appear once the end of the sentence is reached.
This error can be replicated both offline (downloading the script here and running it using the latest version of Inquisit lab 5) or online clicking "run test online" at the same web address.

Hope there is an easy solution!
Thank you for your help.

By Dave - 12/26/2018

luca7 - Tuesday, December 25, 2018
I'm back on a self-paced reading task that I run last year and it emerged a new issue.
As illustrated in the picture below, the script incorrectly adds dashes to the end of the sentence. The extra dashes appear once the end of the sentence is reached.
This error can be replicated both offline (downloading the script here and running it using the latest version of Inquisit lab 5) or online clicking "run test online" at the same web address.

Hope there is an easy solution!
Thank you for your help.

Thanks for pointing out the issue. Fixed in the attached revision.
By luca7 - 12/26/2018

thank you very much!
Could you please indicate what you changed, so I can modify my version of the task?


By Dave - 12/26/2018

luca7 - Wednesday, December 26, 2018
thank you very much!
Could you please indicate what you changed, so I can modify my version of the task?


In your script's <expressions> element, replace the existing /getpostwindow expression with

/ getpostwindow = if(abs(length(values.inputstring-values.winend))!=0) {values.postwindowstring = substring(values.maskstring,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))} else values.postwindowstring = "";

and replace the existing /getpostwindowhl expression with

/ getpostwindowhl = if(abs(length(values.inputstring-values.winend))!=0) {values.postwindowstringhl = substring(values.maskstringhl,
values.winend, abs(length(values.inputstring)-values.winend))} else values.postwindowstringhl = "";
By luca7 - 12/26/2018

I'll do that. Thank you very much again for your help!