By carmen0101 - 4/7/2020
Hi Guys,
I am struggling to show my end-practice page after my participants click the next button on a slider surveypage. I currently have a face stimuli up and then the slider but it wont proceed after that. I think there is something wrong with my coding for the surveypage section. I have tried nextlabel and finishlabel and other forum suggestions of putting in ITI parameters but have not succeed yet. Hoping for an experienced eye to point out what am I doing wrong!
<slider Angerscale> /labels = ("Neutral (0)", "Strong (50)") /range = (0, 50) / defaultresponse = 0 / validresponse = (0,50) /required = true /slidersize = (80%, 80%) /fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = black </slider>
<surveypage Angerscale> / caption = "<%parameters.estimate_instructions%>" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 10) / txcolor = black / questions = [1=slider.Angerscale] /itemspacing = 0 / showbackbutton = false /showpagenumbers = false /showquestionnumbers = false / navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / ontrialend = [values.slider_response=slider.Angerscale.response; expressions.amplification_effect] /recorddata = true /branch = [trial.ITI] </surveypage>
<trial practice> /stimulusframes = [1=picture.practice] /timeout = parameters.stimulusduration / recorddata = true / ontrialbegin = [values.stimulusitem=picture.practice.currentitem; values.actual_mean_anger=25] / branch = [return surveypage.Angerscale] </trial>
<block practice> /trials = [1=practice] /postinstructions = (practiceend) </block>
<page practiceend> <h1>End of Practice</h1><hr> You have reached the end of practice question. The actual task is about to begin. <br><br> The actual task is just like practice. <br><br> You will see some faces and then asked to estimate the average level of emotions shown by the faces. To start the task, press the <SPACEBAR>. </page>
By Dave - 4/7/2020
+xHi Guys, I am struggling to show my end-practice page after my participants click the next button on a slider surveypage. I currently have a face stimuli up and then the slider but it wont proceed after that. I think there is something wrong with my coding for the surveypage section. I have tried nextlabel and finishlabel and other forum suggestions of putting in ITI parameters but have not succeed yet. Hoping for an experienced eye to point out what am I doing wrong! <slider Angerscale> /labels = ("Neutral (0)", "Strong (50)") /range = (0, 50) / defaultresponse = 0 / validresponse = (0,50) /required = true /slidersize = (80%, 80%) /fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = black </slider> <surveypage Angerscale> / caption = "<%parameters.estimate_instructions%>" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 10) / txcolor = black / questions = [1=slider.Angerscale] /itemspacing = 0 / showbackbutton = false /showpagenumbers = false /showquestionnumbers = false / navigationbuttonfontstyle = ("Arial", 2.5%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / ontrialend = [values.slider_response=slider.Angerscale.response; expressions.amplification_effect] /recorddata = true /branch = [trial.ITI] </surveypage> <trial practice> /stimulusframes = [1=picture.practice] /timeout = parameters.stimulusduration / recorddata = true / ontrialbegin = [values.stimulusitem=picture.practice.currentitem; values.actual_mean_anger=25] / branch = [return surveypage.Angerscale] </trial> <block practice> /trials = [1=practice] /postinstructions = (practiceend) </block><page practiceend> <h1>End of Practice</h1><hr> You have reached the end of practice question. The actual task is about to begin. <br><br> The actual task is just like practice. <br><br> You will see some faces and then asked to estimate the average level of emotions shown by the faces. To start the task, press the <SPACEBAR>. </page> Get rid of the /validresponse attribute
<slider Angerscale> /labels = ("Neutral (0)", "Strong (50)") /range = (0, 50) / defaultresponse = 0 / validresponse = (0,50) /required = true /slidersize = (80%, 80%) /fontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, true, false, false, false, 5, 1) / responsefontstyle = ("Arial", 3%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = black </slider>
With it, you allow exactly two responses as valid. 0 and 50*. Nothing in-between. The /validresponse attribute is not needed here.
*It's mispecified in addition, so even that won't work; to actually allow only 0 and 50 as responses, it would have to read / validresponse = ("0", "50")
By carmen0101 - 4/7/2020
That worked!! Thank you so much Dave! (I was about to pull out my hair due to frustration) Now I am onto trying out the anchoring images via <trial> that you suggested in my other post!
By carmen0101 - 4/7/2020
Hi Dave,
This is linked to the issue I am having with the pages going back to my surveypage after stimuli is present. Strangely while I can show 1 image and go back to surveypage, I can't seem to show 2 pictures then branch back to surveypage....
<trial practice> /stimulustimes = [0=picture.Neutraldrinks; 1800=picture.practice] /timeout = parameters.stimulusduration / recorddata = true / ontrialbegin = [values.stimulusitem=picture.practice.currentitem; values.actual_mean_anger=25] / branch = [return surveypage.Angerscale] </trial>
By Dave - 4/7/2020
+xHi Dave, This is linked to the issue I am having with the pages going back to my surveypage after stimuli is present. Strangely while I can show 1 image and go back to surveypage, I can't seem to show 2 pictures then branch back to surveypage.... <trial practice> /stimulustimes = [0=picture.Neutraldrinks; 1800=picture.practice] /timeout = parameters.stimulusduration / recorddata = true / ontrialbegin = [values.stimulusitem=picture.practice.currentitem; values.actual_mean_anger=25] / branch = [return surveypage.Angerscale] </trial> I don't understand the question.
By carmen0101 - 4/7/2020
Opps sorry. I cant seem to show two picture stimuli and then branch back to my surveypage with my current coding below. It currently cuts outs and ends the trial after showing two images only.
<trial practice> /stimulustimes = [0=picture.Neutraldrinks; 1800=picture.practice] /timeout = parameters.stimulusduration / recorddata = true / ontrialbegin = [values.stimulusitem=picture.practice.currentitem; values.actual_mean_anger=25] / branch = [return surveypage.Angerscale] </trial>
By Dave - 4/8/2020
+xOpps sorry. I cant seem to show two picture stimuli and then branch back to my surveypage with my current coding below. It currently cuts outs and ends the trial after showing two images only. <trial practice> /stimulustimes = [0=picture.Neutraldrinks; 1800=picture.practice]/timeout = parameters.stimulusduration / recorddata = true / ontrialbegin = [values.stimulusitem=picture.practice.currentitem; values.actual_mean_anger=25] / branch = [return surveypage.Angerscale]</trial> An isolated code snippet is not useful. Please provide code that's complete enough to actually run, and please provide any external files (e.g. images) that code needs to run as well.