By nash - 4/14/2020
Hey all,
I want to create a personality questionnaire with Inquisit. I've used radiobuttons for the items, here an example:
<radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo> / caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
Then I created for each Item a surveypage. Now I want to give feedback about the score that the participant has reached. For this I need to sum up all the answers, where the participant said "richtig" (which is scored through the optionvalues as "1").
I tried doing it like this :
Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>.
But Inquisit says: "Expression contains an invalid identifier" I also tried it with radiobuttons.....selectedvalue or radiobuttons...optionvalue, but neither worked.
Can somebody help me out, where I made an error?
Thank you all a lot!
By Dave - 4/14/2020
+xHey all, I want to create a personality questionnaire with Inquisit. I've used radiobuttons for the items, here an example: <radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo> / caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons> Then I created for each Item a surveypage. Now I want to give feedback about the score that the participant has reached. For this I need to sum up all the answers, where the participant said "richtig" (which is scored through the optionvalues as "1"). I tried doing it like this : Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>. But Inquisit says: "Expression contains an invalid identifier" I also tried it with radiobuttons.....selectedvalue or radiobuttons...optionvalue, but neither worked. Can somebody help me out, where I made an error? Thank you all a lot! Attach the full script and I'll tell you where the error is. The provided code snippet is not sufficient to do so
By nash - 4/14/2020
+x+xHey all, I want to create a personality questionnaire with Inquisit. I've used radiobuttons for the items, here an example: <radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo> / caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons> Then I created for each Item a surveypage. Now I want to give feedback about the score that the participant has reached. For this I need to sum up all the answers, where the participant said "richtig" (which is scored through the optionvalues as "1"). I tried doing it like this : Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>. But Inquisit says: "Expression contains an invalid identifier" I also tried it with radiobuttons.....selectedvalue or radiobuttons...optionvalue, but neither worked. Can somebody help me out, where I made an error? Thank you all a lot! Attach the full script and I'll tell you where the error is. The provided code snippet is not sufficient to do so Thank you a lot !! :)
I've started now rewriting it and using /ontrialend with values, but I'd rather use this, if it is possible. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** Definition of the experiment ****** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******(G) Definition of general parameters****** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ******(G-a) Definition of screenparameters for instruction presentations****** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
*instruction format* <instruct> / nextlabel = "Weiter" / prevlabel = "Zurück " / lastlabel = "Weiter" / inputdevice = mouse / font = ("Arial", -24, 400, 0, 34) / windowsize = (100%,100%) </instruct>
<defaults> / screencolor = (255,255,255) / canvasaspectratio = (2650, 1650) / canvasposition = (50%, 50%) / canvassize = (100%, 100%) / quitcommand = (Ctrl+'W') </defaults>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Questionnaires******* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ***** Items ******* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<radiobuttons SRSI_01_Ko> / caption = "Ich habe die Anweisung gelesen" / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_02_Ko> / caption = "Ich bin bereit, alle Fragen offen zu beantworten." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_03_XCo> / caption = "Meine Gedächtnisleistungen haben sehr nachgelassen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_04_XDe> / caption = "Ich bin selten guter Laune." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_05_YMo> / caption = "An manchen Tagen kann ich den linken Arm zu nichts gebrauchen, an anderen den rechten." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_06_XSo> / caption = "Ich bin häufig erschöpft." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_07_XAn> / caption = "Ich leide an Albträumen von dem, was mir passiert ist." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_08_KP> / caption = "Ich bin kerngesund." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_09_YCo> / caption = "Ich kann mich auf überhaupt nichts mehr konzentrieren." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_10_XCo> / caption = "Mein Denken ist nicht mehr so klar, wie ich es gewohnt war." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_11_XDe> / caption = "Ich erwache morgen früher als gewöhnlich." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_12_XSo> / caption = "Ich bin nervöser als früher." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_13_YAn> / caption = "Ich erinnere mich nicht, was mit mir passiert ist, aber ich träume ständig davon." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_14_YMo> / caption = "Manchmal ist das linke Bein ganz schwach, manchmal das rechte." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_15_XPa> / caption = "Schmerzen behindern mich im täglichen Leben." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_16_XCo> / caption = "Erledigungen vergesse ich häufger als früher." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_17_XDe> / caption = "Ich habe kaum zu etwas Lust." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_18_YMo> / caption = "Ich habe kaum zu etwas Lust." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_19_YSe> / caption = "Nach Überanstrengung zuckt meine Hand noch stundenlang." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_20_XPa> / caption = "An machen Tagen riecht alles übel." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_21_XSo> / caption = "Ich suche häufig zur Schmerzbehandlung Ärzte auf." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_22_YAn> / caption = "Kleinigkeiten können mich aus der Ruhe bringen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_23_YCo> / caption = "Alles um mich herum macht mir Angst." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_24_YSe> / caption = "Bei völliger Stille pocht es laut in meinem Kopf." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_25_XPa> / caption = "Ich habe schon vieles versucht, um meine Schmerzen zu lindern." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_26_YPa> / caption = "Schmerzmittel verschlimmern meine Schmerzen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_27_XSo> / caption = "Ich kann mich nicht mehr so gut konzentrieren." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_28_XAn> / caption = "Ein schreckliches Ereignis wiederholt sich vor meinem “inneren Auge”, wie in einem Film" / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_29_KP> / caption = "Mir geht es gesundheitlich ausgezeichnet." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_30_YAn> / caption = "Jeden Tag entdecke ich neue Dinge, die mir Furcht bereiten." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_31_YCo> / caption = "Es fällt mir schwer, mich an meine eigene Adresse zu erinnern." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_32_XCo> / caption = "Ich begreife langsamer als früher." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_33_XDe> / caption = "Mein Schlaf ist unruhig und gestört." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_34_YMo> / caption = "An manchen Tagen ist meine Zunge so schwer, dass ich kaum sprechen kann." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_35_YPa> / caption = "Bei besonders starken Schmerzen sehe ich doppelt." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_36_XAn> / caption = "Mir ist etwas Furchtbares passiert, das mein ganzes Leben verändert hat." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_37_XPa> / caption = "Bisher habe ich keine wirklich gute Therapie gegen meine Schmerzen gefunden´." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_38_YAn> / caption = "An manchen Tagen bin ich so traurig, dass ich am ganzen Körper zittere." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_39_YAn> / caption = "Jede Nacht wache ich schweißgebadet wegen schrecklicher Träume auf." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_40_YMo> / caption = "Selbst im Schlaf zittert mein ganzer Körper." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_41_XCo> / caption = "Ich kann nicht mehr so schnell geistig umschalten." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_42_XPa> / caption = "Mein größtes Problem sind Schmerzen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_43_YPa> / caption = "Schon bei leichter Berührung zucke ich vor Schmerz zusammen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_44_XSo> / caption = "Tagsüber bin ich oft müde." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_45_YCo> / caption = "Ich habe überhaupt kein Zeitgefühl mehr." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_46_XCo> / caption = "Wörter, die ich kenne, fallen mir häufig nicht ein." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_47_XPa> / caption = "Mein Leben wird durch Schmerzen geprägt." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_48_XSo> / caption = "Ich fühle mich abgeschlafft." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_49_KP> / caption = "Ich bin so leistungsfähig wie früher." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_50_YMo> / caption = "Beim Luftholen verschlucke ich mich oft." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_51_YAn> / caption = "Wenn ich etwas Lustiges im Fernsehen sehe, werde ich noch trauriger." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_52_YSe> / caption = "Immer wieder ist mein Nacken ganz taub." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_53_XDe> / caption = "In letzter Zeit denke ich oft an den Tod." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_54_XAn> / caption = "Ich bin schreckhaft geworden." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_55_XSo> / caption = "Es fällt mir schwer, mich auf mehrere Dinge gleichzeitig zu konzentrieren." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_56_YCo> / caption = "Es ist schon vorgekommen, dass ich mich nicht einmal an meinen Namen erinnern konnte." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_57_XCo> / caption = "Ich kann mir kaum noch Namen merken." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_58_YPa> / caption = "Wenn ich den Kopf schnell drehe, habe ich Kopfschmerzen, als wenn mein Gehirn zurückbleibt." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_59_YAn> / caption = "Wenn ich das Haus verlasse, stelle ich mir vor, was alles Furchtbares passieren kann." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_60_XDe> / caption = "Ich bekomme in letzter Zeit kaum noch etwas zustande." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_61_XAn> / caption = "Aus Furcht vor den Erinnerungen versuche ich bestimmte Situationen zu vermeiden." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_62_YSe> / caption = "Es ist schon vorgekommen, dass ich die Umgebung nur noch wie durch einen Tunnel gesehen habe." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_63_YCo> / caption = "An bestimmten Tagen habe ich den Eindruck, dass ich gar kein Gedächtnis mehr habe." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_64_XCo> / caption = "Ich benötige für vieles mehr Zeit als früher." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_65_YMo> / caption = "Ich kann beide Schultern kaum noch anheben." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_66_YSe> / caption = "Ich habe ein Wattegefühl in beiden Ohren." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_67_YPa> / caption = "Oft habe ich so starke Kopfschmerzen, dass ich gegen meinen Kopf schlage." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_68_XSo> / caption = "Ich bin nicht mehr so leistungsfähig wie früher." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_69_XPa> / caption = "Ohne Schmerzen wäre ich ein anderer Mensch." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_70_YCo> / caption = "Manchmal erkenne ich mich im Spiegel nicht." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_71_XAn> / caption = "Bestimmte Ereignisse würde ich am liebsten aus meinem Gedächtnis streichen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_72_YPa> / caption = "Auf einer Skala von 0 (schmerzfrei) bis 10 (maximale Schmerzen) sind meine Schmerzen nahezu ständig bei “10”." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_73_YSe> / caption = "Meine Körpergröße kommt mir manchmal verändert und fremd vor." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_74_XDe> / caption = "Ich habe in den letzten beiden Monaten wohl mehr als 5kg an Gewicht verloren." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_75_KP> / caption = "Ich bin fröhlich und unbeschwert." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_76_YCo> / caption = "Beim Lesen kommt es mir manchmal vor, als wenn die Buchstaben auf dem Kopf stehen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_77_XAn> / caption = "Bestimmte Bilder und Szenen von etwas Schrecklichem, das mir passiert ist, kommen mir immer wieder in den Kopf." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_78_YSe> / caption = "Manchmal meine ich zu sehen, dass sich die Dinge bewegen, obwohl das nicht sein kann." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_79_YPa> / caption = "Meine Schmerzen sind oft so stark, dass ich am ganzen Körper zittere." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_80_XCo> / caption = "Ich habe Angst, dass mein Gedächtnis noch weiter nachlässt." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_81_XDe> / caption = "Mir ist oft grundlos nach Weinen zumute." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_82_XPa> / caption = "Manchmal nehme ich ein Schmerzmittel." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_83_YAn> / caption = "Ich ertappe mich oft dabei, dass ich mir Unfallfotos ansehe." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_84_XSo> / caption = "Auch ausreichenden Schlaf erlebe ich nicht mehr als erholsam." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_85_YPa> / caption = "Beim Atmen habe ich Schmerzen in der ganzen Wirbelsäule." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_86_YAn> / caption = "Fast täglich erlebe ich etwas, das mich furchtbar erschreckt." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_87_YMo> / caption = "Wenn ich mich stark konzentriere, klappern und knirschen meine Zähne." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_88_XAn> / caption = "Ich versuche, an bestimmte Dinge nicht zu denken, weil sie so schrecklich waren." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_89_YSe> / caption = "Mein Geschmackssinn ist vollständig verloren gegangen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_90_XPa> / caption = "Rückenschmerzen gehören zu meinem Alltag." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_91_YCo> / caption = "An manchen Tagen kann ich nicht einmal zwei Zahlen zusammenrechnen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_92_YSe> / caption = "Manchmal habe ich den Eindruck, dass sich die Farben der Dinge ändern." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_93_XDe> / caption = "Ich habe in meinem Leben sehr viel falsch gemacht." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_94_YPa> / caption = "Meine Schmerzen sind so stark, dass ich oft nichts mehr höre." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_95_KP> / caption = "Meine geistigen Leistungen sind ausgezeichnet." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_96_YMo> / caption = "Manchmal greift eine meiner Hände gegen meinen Willen nach einem Gegenstand." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_97_XAn> / caption = "Manchmal bricht angestaute Wut aus mir heraus." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_98_XDe> / caption = "Ich bin an meinem Unglück selbst schuld." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_99_YAn> / caption = "Ich habe immer wieder schlimme Träume, die sich ganz genau wiederholen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_100_YPa> / caption = "Wenn ich schlucke oder kaue, schmerzt mein Genick." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_101_YCo> / caption = "Sobald ich beginne nachzudenken, werde ich müde." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_102_XSo> / caption = "Ich fühle mich jeden Morgen unausgeschlafen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_103_YSe> / caption = "Ich sehe in meiner Umgebung Dinge, Tiere oder Menschen, die andere nicht sehen." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_104_XCo> / caption = "Wenn ich etwas lese, vergesse ich es oft wieder." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_105_XAn> / caption = "Manchmal bin ich so aufmerksam, dass ich jede Kleinigkeit einer Situation wahrnehme." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_106_XPa> / caption = "Schmerzen zermürben mich." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
<radiobuttons SRSI_107_YMo> / caption = "An manchen Tagen bin ich vom Becken abwärts gelähmt." / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -35) / options = ("richtig", "falsch") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / orientation = vertical / required = true </radiobuttons>
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<surveypage 75> / questions = [1= SRSI_75_KP] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 76> / questions = [1= SRSI_76_YCo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 77> / questions = [1= SRSI_77_XAn] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
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<surveypage 81> / questions = [1= SRSI_81_XDe] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 82> / questions = [1= SRSI_82_XPa] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 83> / questions = [1= SRSI_83_YAn] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 84> / questions = [1= SRSI_84_XSo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 85> / questions = [1= SRSI_85_YPa] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 86> / questions = [1= SRSI_86_YAn] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 87> / questions = [1= SRSI_87_YMo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 88> / questions = [1= SRSI_88_XAn] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 89> / questions = [1= SRSI_89_YSe] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 90> / questions = [1= SRSI_90_XPa] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 91> / questions = [1= SRSI_91_YCo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 92> / questions = [1= SRSI_92_YSe] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 93> / questions = [1=SRSI_93_XDe] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 94> / questions = [1= SRSI_94_YPa] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 95> / questions = [1= SRSI_95_KP] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 96> / questions = [1= SRSI_96_YMo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 97> / questions = [1= SRSI_97_XAn] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 98> / questions = [1= SRSI_98_XDe] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 99> / questions = [1= SRSI_99_YAn] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 100> / questions = [1= SRSI_100_YPa] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 101> / questions = [1= SRSI_101_YCo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 102> / questions = [1= SRSI_102_XSo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 103> / questions = [1= SRSI_103_YSe] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 104> / questions = [1= SRSI_104_XCo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 105> / questions = [1= SRSI_105_XAn] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 106> / questions = [1= SRSI_106_XPa] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
<surveypage 107> / questions = [1= SRSI_107_YMo] / showbackbutton = false / nextlabel = "Weiter" / showpagenumbers = false </surveypage>
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****** Survey ****** -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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<text feedback_GB> / items = ("Im Bereich potenziell genuiner Beschwerden haben Sie einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_04_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_06_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_07_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_11_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_12_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_15_XPa.response+ radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_17_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_20_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_21_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_25_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_27_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_28_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_36_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_37_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+ radiobuttons.SRSI_42_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_44_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_47_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_48_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_53_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_54_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_55_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_60_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_61_XAn+ radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_68_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_69_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_71_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_74_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_77_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_81_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_82_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_84_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_88_XAn+ radiobuttons.SRSI_90_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_93_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_97_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_98_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_102_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_105_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_106_XPa.response%> erzielt.~n Sie haben auf der Skala Kognitive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_03_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_10_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_16_XCo+radiobuttons.SRSI_32_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_41_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_46_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_57_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_64_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_80_XCo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_104_XCo.response%>. Sie haben auf der Skala Depressive Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_04_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_11_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_17_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_33_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_53_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_60_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_74_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_81_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_93_XDe.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_98_XDe.response%>. Sie haben auf der Skala Schmerzbeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_15_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_20_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_25_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_37_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_42_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_47_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_69_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_82_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_90_XPa.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_106_XPa.response%>. Sie haben auf der Skala Unspezifische somatische Beschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_6_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_12_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_21_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_27_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_44_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_48_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_55_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_68_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_84_XSo.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_102_XSo.response%> Sie haben auf der Skala Angstbeschwerden einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_07_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_28_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_36_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_54_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_61_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_71_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_77_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_88_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_97_XAn.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_105_XAn.response%> ") / halign = center / valign = center / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / position = (50,50) </text> <surveypage feedback_GB_trial> / stimulustimes = [1=feedback_GB] </surveypage>
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<text feedback_AK> / items = ("Sie haben bei der A-priori Kooperativität einen Summenwert von <%radiobuttons.SRSI_01_Ko.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_02_Ko.response%>." / halign = center / valign = center / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / position = (50,50) </text> <surveypage feedback_AK_trial> / stimulustimes = [1=feedback_AK] </surveypage>
<text feedback_KP> / items = ("Von den fünf Konsistenz-Items haben Sie <%radiobuttons.SRSI_08_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_29_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_49_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_75_KP.response+radiobuttons.SRSI_95_KP.response%> bejaht.") / halign = center / valign = center / fontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / position = (50,50) </text> <surveypage feedback_KP_trial> / stimulustimes = [1=feedback_KP] </surveypage>
<survey summary> / pages = [1=feedback_GB_trial; 2=feedback_PB_trial; 3=feedback_AK_trial; 4=feedback_KP_trial] / finishlabel = "Weiter" / nextlabel = "Weiter" / backlabel = "Zurück" / responsefontstyle = ("Times New Roman", -25) / showpagenumbers = false </survey>
<expt SRSI> / blocks = [1 = SRSI; 2=summary] </expt>
By Dave - 4/14/2020
Can you please attach the script instead of pasting the code into a post's body. +Insert -> Add File:
Thank you.
By nash - 4/14/2020
Ah I'm sorry, here you go!
By Dave - 4/14/2020
+xAh I'm sorry, here you go! Thanks! In several portions you refer to
there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_6_XSo> element in the script. The element is called <radiobuttons SRSI_06_XSo>.
Similarly, you refer to
but there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_23_YAn> element. There is one called <radiobuttons SRSI_22_YAn>.
You refer to
but that's a typo and ought to read
radiobuttons.SRSI_51_YAn.response (only one underscore between SRSI and 51, not two.)
By nash - 4/14/2020
+x+xAh I'm sorry, here you go! Thanks! In several portions you refer to radiobuttons.SRSI_6_XSo.response there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_6_XSo> element in the script. The element is called <radiobuttons SRSI_ 06_XSo>. Similarly, you refer to radiobuttons.SRSI_23_YAn.response but there is no <radiobuttons SRSI_23_YAn> element. There is one called <radiobuttons SRSI_2 2_YAn>. You refer to radiobuttons.SRSI__51_YAn.response but that's a typo and ought to read radiobuttons.SRSI _51_YAn.response (only one underscore between SRSI and 51, not two.) Thank you a lot!! :)