Millisecond Forums

FinishPage opens in new tab in Explorer but not in Firefox?

By JSchling - 5/27/2009

Hey guys,

We launch our experiments from our online survey software, essentially we just have the inquisit launch page within an html frame in a question section. After installing the inquisit plugin the experiment launches taking up the entire computer screen and shuts again when the experiment is finished, with the original browser window still open on the same page.
The problem starts here. In the source of the launch page we specify the finishpage to direct to a page that simply says thank you. In Firefox it works just how we want it to where the launch page changes to the finish page within the same frame. However in Explorer the finishpage opens in a new tab keeping the launch page in tact, which is not what we want to happen as it may cause respondents to re-launch the experiment.

Any ideas?

By seandr - 5/28/2009

Hi Julian,

I'm not sure if upgrading is an option, but this problem was partially addressed with Inquisit 3, which opens the finish page in the same window as the start page. Also, the Start button is removed from the launch page 30 seconds after the experiment is launched in order to prevent participants from starting again.

It's still possible for participants to go back to the launch page and click Refresh to see the Start button again, so this isn't foolproof, but it does provide a reasonable deterrent.
