Millisecond Forums

Slider with sound

By abhi - 4/27/2020


In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).


By Dave - 4/27/2020

abhi - 4/27/2020

In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).



By abhi - 4/27/2020

Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020

In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).




Thanks Dave.

I have Inquisit 5 web license

Will I be able to run there with 5 ? Or I need to upgrade it to Inquisit 6 web ?

By Dave - 4/27/2020

abhi - 4/27/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020

In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).




Thanks Dave.

I have Inquisit 5 web license

Will I be able to run there with 5 ? Or I need to upgrade it to Inquisit 6 web ?


If you want to use the <slidertrial> element, you need Inquisit 6. If you're confined to Inquisit 5, you can either make do with <likert> or build a VAS-like interface using a standard <trial> element
By abhi - 4/28/2020

Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020

In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).




Thanks Dave.

I have Inquisit 5 web license

Will I be able to run there with 5 ? Or I need to upgrade it to Inquisit 6 web ?


If you want to use the <slidertrial> element, you need Inquisit 6. If you're confined to Inquisit 5, you can either make do with <likert> or build a VAS-like interface using a standard <trial> element

I am working with the Slidertrial.

Is there a way to move the nextlabel button down (i.e. away from the slider).

Cant see any control for that and its too close to the slider....

By Dave - 4/29/2020

abhi - 4/29/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020

In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).




Thanks Dave.

I have Inquisit 5 web license

Will I be able to run there with 5 ? Or I need to upgrade it to Inquisit 6 web ?


If you want to use the <slidertrial> element, you need Inquisit 6. If you're confined to Inquisit 5, you can either make do with <likert> or build a VAS-like interface using a standard <trial> element

I am working with the Slidertrial.

Is there a way to move the nextlabel button down (i.e. away from the slider).

Cant see any control for that and its too close to the slider....


> Is there a way to move the nextlabel button down

Not for <slidertrial> elements, no.
By abhi - 4/29/2020

Dave - 4/29/2020
abhi - 4/29/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020

In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).




Thanks Dave.

I have Inquisit 5 web license

Will I be able to run there with 5 ? Or I need to upgrade it to Inquisit 6 web ?


If you want to use the <slidertrial> element, you need Inquisit 6. If you're confined to Inquisit 5, you can either make do with <likert> or build a VAS-like interface using a standard <trial> element

I am working with the Slidertrial.

Is there a way to move the nextlabel button down (i.e. away from the slider).

Cant see any control for that and its too close to the slider....


> Is there a way to move the nextlabel button down

Not for <slidertrial> elements, no.

Thanks Dave.

In block element, it should be

/Slidertrials = 1-10 (...)

/ trials = (name of slidertrials).....

By Dave - 4/29/2020

abhi - 4/29/2020
Dave - 4/29/2020
abhi - 4/29/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020
Dave - 4/27/2020
abhi - 4/27/2020

In Inquisit 6 is it possible to use sound stimuli in the slider scale?

Or sounds with Visual analogue scale?

Or can I use modification in the Likert to make it 1-100 (something similar to make it look like a slider).




Thanks Dave.

I have Inquisit 5 web license

Will I be able to run there with 5 ? Or I need to upgrade it to Inquisit 6 web ?


If you want to use the <slidertrial> element, you need Inquisit 6. If you're confined to Inquisit 5, you can either make do with <likert> or build a VAS-like interface using a standard <trial> element

I am working with the Slidertrial.

Is there a way to move the nextlabel button down (i.e. away from the slider).

Cant see any control for that and its too close to the slider....


> Is there a way to move the nextlabel button down

Not for <slidertrial> elements, no.

Thanks Dave.

In block element, it should be

/Slidertrials = 1-10 (...)

/ trials = (name of slidertrials).....

As with any other trial-type element (<trial>, <likert>, <openended>), it's always

<block example>
/ trials = [1-10 = name_of_trial_element]
By abhi - 4/29/2020

Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.
By Dave - 4/30/2020

abhi - 4/30/2020
Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.

<sound mysound>
/ items = sounditems
/ select = values.sounditem

<item sounditems>
/ 1 = "sound01.wav"
/ 10 = "sound10.wav"

/ sounditem = 1

<list sounditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

<slidertrial slidertrial1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<slidertrial slidertrial2>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]

By abhi - 4/30/2020

Dave - 4/30/2020
abhi - 4/30/2020
Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.

<sound mysound>
/ items = sounditems
/ select = values.sounditem

<item sounditems>
/ 1 = "sound01.wav"
/ 10 = "sound10.wav"

/ sounditem = 1

<list sounditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

<slidertrial slidertrial1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<slidertrial slidertrial2>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]

Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc.  
By Dave - 5/1/2020

abhi - 5/1/2020
Dave - 4/30/2020
abhi - 4/30/2020
Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.

<sound mysound>
/ items = sounditems
/ select = values.sounditem

<item sounditems>
/ 1 = "sound01.wav"
/ 10 = "sound10.wav"

/ sounditem = 1

<list sounditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

<slidertrial slidertrial1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<slidertrial slidertrial2>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]

Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc.  

Yes, you can use script.abort() /onexptbegin if the computer.platform property doesn't match the platforms you want to allow. Or you can check whether the device has a physical keyboard available, which should be even easier.

/ onexptbegin = [
    if (!computer.haskeyboard) {
By abhi - 5/3/2020

Dave - 5/1/2020
abhi - 5/1/2020
Dave - 4/30/2020
abhi - 4/30/2020
Thanks Dave.
Can you pl guide me to a script which can do the following.
I have 10 sounds.
Sounds to be randomly presented.
In Slidertrial 1 participants select whether the sound is happy or sad.
In Slidertrial 2 participants rate the same sound (which was presented in slidertial 1) as how happy or sad.
Similarly, all 10 sounds are randomly presented and rated.

<sound mysound>
/ items = sounditems
/ select = values.sounditem

<item sounditems>
/ 1 = "sound01.wav"
/ 10 = "sound10.wav"

/ sounditem = 1

<list sounditemnumbers>
/ poolsize = 10

<slidertrial slidertrial1>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.sounditem = list.sounditemnumbers.nextindex
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<slidertrial slidertrial2>
/ stimulustimes = [0=mysound, ...]

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-10 = sequence(slidertrial1, slidertrial2)]

Thanks, Dave. One last question- I want participants to use only computer for the study (and not other devices). Can I block the study on mobile phone, tablet etc.  

Yes, you can use script.abort() /onexptbegin if the computer.platform property doesn't match the platforms you want to allow. Or you can check whether the device has a physical keyboard available, which should be even easier.

/ onexptbegin = [
    if (!computer.haskeyboard) {

Thanks Dave