By Sae - 5/12/2020
Hi. I'd like to know how to make a sound box with slider in my survey page. Please help me.
I use Inquisit 6 and Web version. My ideal is;
sound box (The subject can click a start button.) slider (For example, 1-10 unlike-like; Likert scale)
*My code for now is;
<surveypage section1> /caption ="CAPTION" /questions = [1 = Q11, Q12;] </surveypage>
<slider Q11> / caption="How do you like it?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider>
<slider Q12> / caption="How do you recommend this to your friend?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider>
By Dave - 5/12/2020
+xHi. I'd like to know how to make a sound box with slider in my survey page. Please help me. I use Inquisit 6 and Web version. My ideal is; sound box (The subject can click a start button.) slider (For example, 1-10 unlike-like; Likert scale) *My code for now is; <surveypage section1> /caption ="CAPTION" /questions = [1 = Q11, Q12;] </surveypage> <slider Q11> / caption="How do you like it?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> <slider Q12> / caption="How do you recommend this to your friend?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> What do you understand a "sound box" to be? Please take the time and explain in detail what exactly you want to do. Otherwise I cannot help you.
By Dave - 5/12/2020
+x+xHi. I'd like to know how to make a sound box with slider in my survey page. Please help me. I use Inquisit 6 and Web version. My ideal is; sound box (The subject can click a start button.) slider (For example, 1-10 unlike-like; Likert scale) *My code for now is; <surveypage section1> /caption ="CAPTION" /questions = [1 = Q11, Q12;] </surveypage> <slider Q11> / caption="How do you like it?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> <slider Q12> / caption="How do you recommend this to your friend?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> What do you understand a "sound box" to be? Please take the time and explain in detail what exactly you want to do. Otherwise I cannot help you. Guessing here, but what you would typically do is something like this:
<block example> / trials = [1-4 = start] </block>
<values> / sound = "" </values>
<trial start> / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, startbutton] / validresponse = (startbutton) / inputdevice = mouse / recorddata = false / branch = [ return trial.playsound; ] </trial>
<text startbutton> / items = ("PLAY SOUND") / position = (50%, 50%) / size = (20%, 10%) / txcolor = white / txbgcolor = black / hjustify = center / vjustify = center / erase = false </text>
<trial playsound> / ontrialend = [ values.sound = video.mysound.currentitem; ] / stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, mysound] / validresponse = (0) / trialduration = 10 / recorddata = false / branch = [ return surveypage.rating; ] </trial>
<video mysound> / items = sounditems / playthrough = true </video>
<item sounditems> / 1 = "sound_a.mp3" / 1 = "sound_b.mp3" / 1 = "sound_c.mp3" / 1 = "sound_d.mp3" </item>
<surveypage rating> /caption ="Please rate the sound you just heard" /questions = [1=q1; 2=q2] / showpagenumbers = false / showquestionnumbers = false </surveypage>
<slider q1> / caption="How do you like it?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider>
<slider q2> / caption="How do you recommend this to your friend?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider>
<data> / columns = (date time build subject group session blocknum blockcode trialnum trialcode values.sound response latency) / separatefiles = true </data>
By Sae - 5/12/2020
+x+xHi. I'd like to know how to make a sound box with slider in my survey page. Please help me. I use Inquisit 6 and Web version. My ideal is; sound box (The subject can click a start button.) slider (For example, 1-10 unlike-like; Likert scale) *My code for now is; <surveypage section1> /caption ="CAPTION" /questions = [1 = Q11, Q12;] </surveypage> <slider Q11> / caption="How do you like it?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> <slider Q12> / caption="How do you recommend this to your friend?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> What do you understand a "sound box" to be? Please take the time and explain in detail what exactly you want to do. Otherwise I cannot help you. Sorry I mean something like this.
By Dave - 5/12/2020
+x+x+xHi. I'd like to know how to make a sound box with slider in my survey page. Please help me. I use Inquisit 6 and Web version. My ideal is; sound box (The subject can click a start button.) slider (For example, 1-10 unlike-like; Likert scale) *My code for now is; <surveypage section1> /caption ="CAPTION" /questions = [1 = Q11, Q12;] </surveypage> <slider Q11> / caption="How do you like it?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> <slider Q12> / caption="How do you recommend this to your friend?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> What do you understand a "sound box" to be? Please take the time and explain in detail what exactly you want to do. Otherwise I cannot help you. Sorry I mean something like this. Thank you. That's not really possible. What you can do is what's shown in my previous response.
By Sae - 5/12/2020
+x+x+x+xHi. I'd like to know how to make a sound box with slider in my survey page. Please help me. I use Inquisit 6 and Web version. My ideal is; sound box (The subject can click a start button.) slider (For example, 1-10 unlike-like; Likert scale) *My code for now is; <surveypage section1> /caption ="CAPTION" /questions = [1 = Q11, Q12;] </surveypage> <slider Q11> / caption="How do you like it?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / range = (0, 100) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> <slider Q12> / caption="How do you recommend this to your friend?" / labels=("0%","25%","50%","75%", "100%",) / increment = 1 / showticks = true / required = true </slider> What do you understand a "sound box" to be? Please take the time and explain in detail what exactly you want to do. Otherwise I cannot help you. Sorry I mean something like this. Thank you. That's not really possible. What you can do is what's shown in my previous response. Thank you so much.