By - 5/21/2020
I want to create a Chinese Inquisit Introduction HTML: file:///U:/PhD%20Project/forgiveness%20and%20workoutcomes/data%20collection/genderscienceiat/gendersiat.htm. The introduction looks good by itsself, but when I run my Inquisit experimet, "Press [space] to continue" also showed which I don't want (as not all people understand English and I already have Chinese expressions). I checked the html, no elements is there. I checked the Inquisit script, either anything related to this "Press [space] to continue". <htmlpage iatintro> / file = "gendersiat.htm" </htmlpage>
How can I delete this "Press [space] to continue"? I really don't want to burden my participants.
thanks very much.!
By Dave - 5/21/2020
+xHi, I want to create a Chinese Inquisit Introduction HTML: file:///U:/PhD%20Project/forgiveness%20and%20workoutcomes/data%20collection/genderscienceiat/gendersiat.htm. The introduction looks good by itsself, but when I run my Inquisit experimet, "Press [space] to continue" also showed which I don't want (as not all people understand English and I already have Chinese expressions). I checked the html, no elements is there. I checked the Inquisit script, either anything related to this "Press [space] to continue". <htmlpage iatintro> / file = "gendersiat.htm" </htmlpage> How can I delete this "Press [space] to continue"? I really don't want to burden my participants. thanks very much.! The text on navigation buttons for instruction pages is controlled via the <instruct> element ( ), specifically and
By - 5/21/2020
+x Thanks for quick reply. I see from these website, The default value is "Next"., or "Previous". But I did not see how to let them unshown
By Dave - 5/21/2020
+xThanks for quick reply. I see from these website, The default value is "Next"., or "Previous". But I did not see how to let them unshown You cannot remove the navigation buttons on instruction pages. You can merely change the labels on the buttons (here: to Chinese translations of what you want them to say).
By - 5/21/2020
+x+x+x Thanks for quick reply. I see from these website, The default value is "Next"., or "Previous". But I did not see how to let them unshown You cannot remove the navigation buttons on instruction pages. You can merely change the labels on the buttons (here: to Chinese translation of what you want them to say). Oh, ok, thanks!