Millisecond Forums

How to record a data?

By Sae - 5/25/2020

I can't record data.
After doing my experience, no data is recorded.
How can I fix?
By Dave - 5/25/2020

Sae - 5/25/2020
I can't record data.
After doing my experience, no data is recorded.
How can I fix?

You need to be more specific than that. What experiment? What data isn't recorded? Online or offline?

When you ask questions like this, please:
(1) Provide the full script, including any and all files the script requires to run. If you have the script online, provide a link to the experiment's start page.
(2) Spell out what exactly you think isn't recorded or otherwise not working as intended. Take the time to comment your code and refer to any and all elements exactly as they are named in the script.
(3) If applicable, provide data files illustrating the issue, i.e. that show specifically that something isn't recorded.

Nobody can answer a blanket question like "no data is recorded -- how can I fix this" without you providing all the relevant information.