Millisecond Forums

Size attribute for radiobuttons

By Libra - 6/10/2020

Hi, I was trying to set the size of my radio button scales so that there could be a margin between the right side of the computer screen and the rightmost option. There are several radio button questions on a survey page. However, after specifying the size of the radio button scale (/size = (80%, 35%)), I wasn't able to proceed to the next page by clicking the "continue" button. Do you have any idea why this would happen? Or how to set the margin? Thank you! 

By Dave - 6/10/2020

Libra - 6/10/2020
Hi, I was trying to set the size of my radio button scales so that there could be a margin between the right side of the computer screen and the rightmost option. There are several radio button questions on a survey page. However, after specifying the size of the radio button scale (/size = (80%, 35%)), I wasn't able to proceed to the next page by clicking the "continue" button. Do you have any idea why this would happen? Or how to set the margin? Thank you! 

Please post the full code showing this issue. The description is insufficient to either reproduce the issue or identify the mistake.
By Libra - 6/10/2020

I just figured it out! Sorry! Still thank you for your help.