By RobinW - 6/15/2020
Hi, I'm a novice in inquisit and I would like to program the following basic experiment: 1. ask demographic questions, 2. present visual analogue scale & self assessment manikins, 4. show video, 5. present visual analogue scale & self assessment manikins again I've managed to implement the basic set up of this experiment with a survey, but without the SAMs. There is a script for using SAMs in an experiment, but I don't really understand what happens in that script. I would be very thankful if anyone could explain to me how to implement SAMs in a survey. This is my code so far:
************************************************************************************************************** stimuli **************************************************************************************************************
<video sadmovie> / items = ("Trauer_Film1.mp4") / playthrough = true / position = (50%, 50%) </video>
************************************************************************************************************** questions **************************************************************************************************************
<dropdown sex> / caption = "Geschlecht" / options = ("männlich", "weiblich", "andere") </dropdown>
<textbox age> / caption = "Alter" / mask = positiveinteger / range = (17, 110) </textbox>
<radiobuttons studiengang> / caption = "Studiengang" / options = ( "Psychologie", "Pädagogik") / other = "Andere:" </radiobuttons>
<slider VASAnspannung> / caption = "Ich fühle mich angespannt." / labels = ("Gar nicht", "Absolut") / range = (0,100) / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = false / showtooltips = false </slider>
<slider VASEnergie> / caption = "Ich fühle mich energisch und aktiv." / labels = ("Gar nicht", "Absolut") / range = (0,100) / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = false / showtooltips = false </slider>
<slider VASTrauer> / caption = "Ich fühle mich traurig." / labels = ("Gar nicht", "Absolut") / range = (0,100) / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = false / showtooltips = false </slider>
************************************************************************************************************** Surveypages **************************************************************************************************************
<surveypage demogr> / caption = "Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen." / questions = [1 = age; 2 = sex; 3 = studiengang] </surveypage>
<surveypage VAS1> / caption = "Geben Sie an, wie Sie sich fühlen." / questions = [1 = VASAnspannung; 2 = VASEnergie; 3 = VASTrauer] </surveypage>
<surveypage video> / caption = "Bitte sehen Sie sich das folgende Video an." / stimulusframes = [1 = sadmovie] </surveypage>
<surveypage VAS2> / caption = "Geben Sie an, wie Sie sich fühlen." / questions = [1 = VASAnspannung; 2 = VASEnergie; 3 = VASTrauer] </surveypage>
************************************************************************************************************** Survey **************************************************************************************************************
<survey trauervideo> / pages = [1=demogr; 2=VAS1; 3 = video; 4 = VAS2] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", -12, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -13, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey>
By Dave - 6/16/2020
+xHi, I'm a novice in inquisit and I would like to program the following basic experiment: 1. ask demographic questions, 2. present visual analogue scale & self assessment manikins, 4. show video, 5. present visual analogue scale & self assessment manikins again I've managed to implement the basic set up of this experiment with a survey, but without the SAMs. There is a script for using SAMs in an experiment, but I don't really understand what happens in that script. I would be very thankful if anyone could explain to me how to implement SAMs in a survey. This is my code so far: ************************************************************************************************************** stimuli ************************************************************************************************************** <video sadmovie> / items = ("Trauer_Film1.mp4") / playthrough = true / position = (50%, 50%) </video> ************************************************************************************************************** questions ************************************************************************************************************** <dropdown sex> / caption = "Geschlecht" / options = ("männlich", "weiblich", "andere") </dropdown> <textbox age> / caption = "Alter" / mask = positiveinteger / range = (17, 110) </textbox> <radiobuttons studiengang> / caption = "Studiengang" / options = ( "Psychologie", "Pädagogik") / other = "Andere:" </radiobuttons> <slider VASAnspannung> / caption = "Ich fühle mich angespannt." / labels = ("Gar nicht", "Absolut") / range = (0,100) / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = false / showtooltips = false </slider> <slider VASEnergie> / caption = "Ich fühle mich energisch und aktiv." / labels = ("Gar nicht", "Absolut") / range = (0,100) / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = false / showtooltips = false </slider> <slider VASTrauer> / caption = "Ich fühle mich traurig." / labels = ("Gar nicht", "Absolut") / range = (0,100) / slidersize = (60%, 5%) / showticks = false / showtooltips = false </slider> ************************************************************************************************************** Surveypages ************************************************************************************************************** <surveypage demogr> / caption = "Bitte beantworten Sie die folgenden Fragen." / questions = [1 = age; 2 = sex; 3 = studiengang] </surveypage> <surveypage VAS1> / caption = "Geben Sie an, wie Sie sich fühlen." / questions = [1 = VASAnspannung; 2 = VASEnergie; 3 = VASTrauer] </surveypage> <surveypage video> / caption = "Bitte sehen Sie sich das folgende Video an." / stimulusframes = [1 = sadmovie] </surveypage> <surveypage VAS2> / caption = "Geben Sie an, wie Sie sich fühlen." / questions = [1 = VASAnspannung; 2 = VASEnergie; 3 = VASTrauer] </surveypage> ************************************************************************************************************** Survey ************************************************************************************************************** <survey trauervideo> / pages = [1=demogr; 2=VAS1; 3 = video; 4 = VAS2] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", -12, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -13, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey> You can't run SAM <trial>s in a <survey> element, you need to run them via a <block>. Note that you can run <surveypage>s via a <block>, too, since <surveypage>s are special <trial> elements. (Similarly, <survey> elements are a special kind of <block> elements.)
By RobinW - 6/17/2020
Thank you for your quick response! I managed to change my survey to an experiment. I also managed to change the SAM-script so that my video is shown, but not in the way I want to and I still don't really understand how the script works. I guess it is too complicated and also more complex than what I actually need - just a page with the SAM-rating and no target stimulus. I thought of choosing a different approach - instead of participants clicking on pictures I'd like to present the SAM-pictures and below a 5-point scale. Ideally points of the scale would be oriented below each SAM-picture. I managed to place the SAM-image and the likert scale on one page but I am having difficulties with positioning of both elements on the page. Is it possible to center align images? Is it possible to only present radiobuttons without answer options? In my example I used 1-5 as answer options, but ideally I would like to only present the buttons Is it possible to horizontally 'stretch' radiobuttons? I thought using a slider with range 1-5 would be an option otherwise.
<image SAMstimmungpic> / items = ("valencescale.png") / position = (20%, 30%) / imagesize = (50%, 50%) </image>
<radiobuttons SAMstimmung> / options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / orientation = horizontal / position = (50%, 80%) </radiobuttons>
<surveypage SAMstimm> / caption = "Bitte geben Sie auf den untenstehenden Skalen an, wie Sie sich momentan fühlen:" / questions = [1 = SAMstimmungpic; 2 = SAMstimmung] </surveypage>
<survey trauervideo> / pages = [1=SAMstimm] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", -12, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -13, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey>
<expt> / blocks = [1=trauervideo] </expt>
By Dave - 6/17/2020
+xThank you for your quick response! I managed to change my survey to an experiment. I also managed to change the SAM-script so that my video is shown, but not in the way I want to and I still don't really understand how the script works. I guess it is too complicated and also more complex than what I actually need - just a page with the SAM-rating and no target stimulus. I thought of choosing a different approach - instead of participants clicking on pictures I'd like to present the SAM-pictures and below a 5-point scale. Ideally points of the scale would be oriented below each SAM-picture. I managed to place the SAM-image and the likert scale on one page but I am having difficulties with positioning of both elements on the page. Is it possible to center align images? Is it possible to only present radiobuttons without answer options? In my example I used 1-5 as answer options, but ideally I would like to only present the buttons Is it possible to horizontally 'stretch' radiobuttons? I thought using a slider with range 1-5 would be an option otherwise. <image SAMstimmungpic> / items = ("valencescale.png") / position = (20%, 30%) / imagesize = (50%, 50%) </image> <radiobuttons SAMstimmung> / options = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5") / orientation = horizontal / position = (50%, 80%) </radiobuttons> <surveypage SAMstimm> / caption = "Bitte geben Sie auf den untenstehenden Skalen an, wie Sie sich momentan fühlen:" / questions = [1 = SAMstimmungpic; 2 = SAMstimmung] </surveypage> <survey trauervideo> / pages = [1=SAMstimm] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", -12, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", -13, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey> <expt> / blocks = [1=trauervideo] </expt> > Is it possible to center align images?
Elements on surveypages are always left-aligned.
> Is it possible to only present radiobuttons without answer options? In my example I used 1-5 as answer options, but ideally I would like to only present the buttons
Yes. Define the /options as / options = ("", "", "", "", "") or similar and /optionvalues as / optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5")
> Is it possible to horizontally 'stretch' radiobuttons?
You'll want to set
/ orientation = horizontalequal
and adjust the /options as needed with spaces or tabs
/ options = (" ", " ", " ", " ", " ")