Millisecond Forums

Extend a trial after making keyboard response

By Libra - 7/16/2020

Hello Dave,

Currently, I have trials in my study that are set up like this.

<trial self_posUP>
/ validresponse = ("A", "L")
/ correctresponse = ("L")
/ stimulustimes = [0 = noreplace (SELF); 200 = blanks; 300 = replace (goodtarget)]
/ soundcapture = true
/ posttrialpause = 1000

In the task, participants need to first press a key to categorize the target which shows up at 300ms. They also have a second task which is to provide a voice response AFTER pressing the key.

But, because the trial would end once the participant presses the key, their voice response could be cut off or even not be recorded. We were wondering how we would be able to add a blank-screen of 1000ms after participants press the key, which is counted still as within the given trial, so that participants’ voice responses could also be completely recorded. The post-trial pause of 1000ms can then be deleted.

Thank you for your help and time!
By Dave - 7/16/2020

Libra - 7/16/2020
Hello Dave,

Currently, I have trials in my study that are set up like this.

<trial self_posUP>
/ validresponse = ("A", "L")
/ correctresponse = ("L")
/ stimulustimes = [0 = noreplace (SELF); 200 = blanks; 300 = replace (goodtarget)]
/ soundcapture = true
/ posttrialpause = 1000

In the task, participants need to first press a key to categorize the target which shows up at 300ms. They also have a second task which is to provide a voice response AFTER pressing the key.

But, because the trial would end once the participant presses the key, their voice response could be cut off or even not be recorded. We were wondering how we would be able to add a blank-screen of 1000ms after participants press the key, which is counted still as within the given trial, so that participants’ voice responses could also be completely recorded. The post-trial pause of 1000ms can then be deleted.

Thank you for your help and time!

> We were wondering how we would be able to add a blank-screen of 1000ms after participants press the key, which is counted still as within the given trial.

That's not possible. At best, you can do something like this , but that's not quite the thing you're asking for.