By Clusi - 9/2/2020
Hello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters).
However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly.
<item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item>
<item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item>
<item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item>
<text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text>
<text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text>
<text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text>
<text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text>
<text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text>
<openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ]
/ position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1]
/ ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1] </openended>
<expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex)) </expressions>
<values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0 </values>
<summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata>
feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial>
<block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block>
<expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt>
Thank you all for your help :)
Kind regards,
By Clusi - 9/2/2020
+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ]
By Dave - 9/2/2020
+x+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ] The correct formulation is something along the below lines:
<openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ]
/ position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1]
/ ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) >= 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] </openended>
By Clusi - 9/2/2020
+x+x+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ] The correct formulation is something along the below lines: <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) >= 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;]</openended> Thanks for the quick answer. So I will need to have 2 rows of /ontrialend for 1) if the participants response is too short and 2) if it is too long? Also, can you explain to me what exactly the 'abs' means and when I have to use it?
By Clusi - 9/2/2020
+x+x+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ] The correct formulation is something along the below lines: <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) >= 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;]</openended> Do you know why it happens, that the values.correct_length always receive +2 values if a condition is correct with the following 2 lines? so when i spell 2 out of 4 words incorrectly via either having 1 letter too much or too little, it automatically adds +4, instead of the supposed +2...
/ ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;]
By Clusi - 9/2/2020
+x+x+x+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ] The correct formulation is something along the below lines: <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) >= 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;]</openended> Do you know why it happens, that the values.correct_length always receive +2 values if a condition is correct with the following 2 lines? so when i spell 2 out of 4 words incorrectly via either having 1 letter too much or too little, it automatically adds +4, instead of the supposed +2... / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] okay please forget about this message, i figured the abs returns the absolute value :) so adding another line of the reversed things will return exactly the same -.
By Dave - 9/2/2020
+x+x+x+x+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ] The correct formulation is something along the below lines: <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) >= 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;]</openended> Do you know why it happens, that the values.correct_length always receive +2 values if a condition is correct with the following 2 lines? so when i spell 2 out of 4 words incorrectly via either having 1 letter too much or too little, it automatically adds +4, instead of the supposed +2... / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] okay please forget about this message, i figured the abs returns the absolute value :) so adding another line of the reversed things will return exactly the same -. That's right. The reason for using abs(), i.e. returning the absolute value of the difference, was to avoid multiple statements and rather fold it all into one.
By Clusi - 9/2/2020
+x+x+x+x+x+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ] The correct formulation is something along the below lines: <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) >= 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;]</openended> Do you know why it happens, that the values.correct_length always receive +2 values if a condition is correct with the following 2 lines? so when i spell 2 out of 4 words incorrectly via either having 1 letter too much or too little, it automatically adds +4, instead of the supposed +2... / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] okay please forget about this message, i figured the abs returns the absolute value :) so adding another line of the reversed things will return exactly the same -. That's right. The reason for using abs(), i.e. returning the absolute value of the difference, was to avoid multiple statements and rather fold it all into one. alright makes sense. And if I want to add the "contains" function, is it fine if I just say / ontrialend = [if (expressions.contains_begin == true) values.correct_begin +=1]
with /contains_begin = contains(openended.testfeedback_phase.response, item.shorter_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))
and <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NEC" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOU" /5 = "CIG" </item>
<text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text>
By Dave - 9/2/2020
+x+x+x+x+x+x+xHello everyone, I am computing a learning task in which participants have to recall target words that were previously paired with cue words. As the later tasks depend on the learning task, I want to make sure that participants recalled at least 50% "correct" before continuing the study. This all happens online, so I need to automatize this process. The /iscorrectresponse element works fine, but I think it is too restrictive given the time pressured responses. --> i want to allow for spelling mistakes. Thus, I essentially would like to combine multiple string functions (e.g., correct length +- 1 letter, contains the start, and/or contains the end letters). However, I am struggling with the correct coding of the expressions attributes. I have tried to put this in any imaginable format but the output just doesn't fit what I want it to look like. So, the rows marked in bold are what I currently came up with, but they don't work properly. <item real_response_word> /1 = "HOUR" /2 = "NECKLACE" /3 = "COTTON" /4 = "BOURBON" /5 = "CIGAR" </item> <item real_cue_word> /1 = "ERRAND" /2 = "CLUSTER" /3 = "SNAG" /4 = "RELIEF" /5 = "VICE" </item> <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NECK" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOUR" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <text type_response_word> /items = ("Type in the RESPONSE word") /position = (50%, 70%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 5%) </text> <text focuspoint> /items = ("+") /position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) </text> <text cue_word_testfeedback> / items = real_cue_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / select = noreplacenorepeat </text> <text response_word_testfeedback> / items = real_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2 || 0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2 ) values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1]</openended> <expressions> /length_personal_response = length(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) /length_correct_response = length(item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))</expressions> <values> /trial_correct = 0 /trial_number = 0 /correct_length = 0</values> <summarydata> / columns = (values.trial_correct, values.trial_number, values.correct_length) </summarydata> feedback <trial testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1> /stimulustimes = [200=response_word_testfeedback] /timeout = 2200 / posttrialpause = 300 </trial> <block testfeedback_phase> / trials = [1-5= sequence(openended.testfeedback_phase, trial.testfeedback_phase_feedback_cycle1)] </block> <expt 01testfeedback> / blocks = [1=block.testfeedback_phase] / stop = [if (values.trial_number == 4 && values.trial_correct<=2)] </expt> Thank you all for your help :) Kind regards, Clusi I have also tried to tear the /ontrialend command apart into if else attributes, but that also returns a value of 4 no matter the amount of letters in the participants' answers: / ontrialend = [if (0 <= expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1; } else if (0 <= expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response <2) { values.correct_length = values.correct_length+1 } else { values.correct_length = values.correct_length } ] The correct formulation is something along the below lines: <openended testfeedback_phase> / stimulustimes = [0= text.focuspoint; 200=cue_word_testfeedback; 200=text.type_response_word] / response = correct / iscorrectresponse = [ toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response) == item.real_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex); ] / position = (50,90) / recorddata = true / timeout = 5400 / ontrialend = [values.trial_number = values.trial_number+1] / ontrialend = [if(openended.testfeedback_phase.correct) values.trial_correct = values.trial_correct+1] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) >= 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;]</openended> Do you know why it happens, that the values.correct_length always receive +2 values if a condition is correct with the following 2 lines? so when i spell 2 out of 4 words incorrectly via either having 1 letter too much or too little, it automatically adds +4, instead of the supposed +2... / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_correct_response - expressions.length_personal_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] / ontrialend = [if (abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) > 0 && abs(expressions.length_personal_response - expressions.length_correct_response) < 2) values.correct_length += 1;] okay please forget about this message, i figured the abs returns the absolute value :) so adding another line of the reversed things will return exactly the same -. That's right. The reason for using abs(), i.e. returning the absolute value of the difference, was to avoid multiple statements and rather fold it all into one. alright makes sense. And if I want to add the "contains" function, is it fine if I just say / ontrialend = [if (expressions.contains_begin == true) values.correct_begin +=1]with /contains_begin = contains(openended.testfeedback_phase.response, item.shorter_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))
and <item shorter_response_word> /1 = "HOU" /2 = "NEC" /3 = "COT" /4 = "BOU" /5 = "CIG" </item> <text shorter_response_word> / items = shorter_response_word / fontstyle = ("Arial", 8%) / position = (50%, 50%) / color = blue / select = text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentitemnumber </text> It's case-sensitive, so you'll probably want to go for
/contains_begin = contains(toupper(openended.testfeedback_phase.response), item.shorter_response_word.item(text.cue_word_testfeedback.currentindex))