Millisecond Forums

Changing the text color not of values can be received

By sharondan - 10/9/2020

When changing the text color after the text object is created it seems that not all values can be received.
The following text can receive the colors #000000 //#696969 only in the moment of creation.
<text flickerPrimaryLow>
/ items = item.shapeItems
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", values.flickerFontSize)
/ txcolor = #000000 //#696969 This is working fine if it is done here 
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ select = list.aShapePrimaryLow.nextvalue
/ erase = false

However, If we write later on write
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #696969  //this is not working
This will make the stimulus disappear, but if we write 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #BEBEBE // this is working fine
This works fine

Note that if you change the color through the built-in color interface it works fine even for the "problematic values" 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = black;     //correspond to #000000 and works fine
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = dimgray //correspond to #696969 and works fine

The problem with using the built-in colors is that the numbers of colors are limited, for instance, I need to use different shared of greys that unfortunately do not exist as built-in colors.


By Dave - 10/9/2020

sharondan - 10/9/2020
When changing the text color after the text object is created it seems that not all values can be received.
The following text can receive the colors #000000 //#696969 only in the moment of creation.
<text flickerPrimaryLow>
/ items = item.shapeItems
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", values.flickerFontSize)
/ txcolor = #000000 //#696969 This is working fine if it is done here 
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ select = list.aShapePrimaryLow.nextvalue
/ erase = false

However, If we write later on write
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #696969  //this is not working
This will make the stimulus disappear, but if we write 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #BEBEBE // this is working fine
This works fine

Note that if you change the color through the built-in color interface it works fine even for the "problematic values" 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = black;     //correspond to #000000 and works fine
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = dimgray //correspond to #696969 and works fine

The problem with using the built-in colors is that the numbers of colors are limited, for instance, I need to use different shared of greys that unfortunately do not exist as built-in colors.


> The problem with using the built-in colors is that the numbers of colors are limited, for instance, I need to use different shared of greys that unfortunately do not exist as built-in colors.

This is easily resolved by setting the three color channels (R, G, B) separately.

<text example>
/ items = ("Example")
/ erase = false

/ r = -1
/ g = -1
/ b = -1

// will circle from black
through all possible shades of grey
to white
<trial example>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.r += 1;
    values.g += 1;
    values.b += 1;
    text.example.textcolorred = values.r;
    text.example.textcolorgreen = values.g;
    text.example.textcolorblue = values.b;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, example]
/ trialduration = 25
/ validresponse = (0)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-256 = example]

By Dave - 10/9/2020

Dave - 10/9/2020
sharondan - 10/9/2020
When changing the text color after the text object is created it seems that not all values can be received.
The following text can receive the colors #000000 //#696969 only in the moment of creation.
<text flickerPrimaryLow>
/ items = item.shapeItems
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", values.flickerFontSize)
/ txcolor = #000000 //#696969 This is working fine if it is done here 
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ select = list.aShapePrimaryLow.nextvalue
/ erase = false

However, If we write later on write
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #696969  //this is not working
This will make the stimulus disappear, but if we write 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #BEBEBE // this is working fine
This works fine

Note that if you change the color through the built-in color interface it works fine even for the "problematic values" 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = black;     //correspond to #000000 and works fine
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = dimgray //correspond to #696969 and works fine

The problem with using the built-in colors is that the numbers of colors are limited, for instance, I need to use different shared of greys that unfortunately do not exist as built-in colors.


> The problem with using the built-in colors is that the numbers of colors are limited, for instance, I need to use different shared of greys that unfortunately do not exist as built-in colors.

This is easily resolved by setting the three color channels (R, G, B) separately.

<text example>
/ items = ("Example")
/ erase = false

/ r = -1
/ g = -1
/ b = -1

// will circle from black
through all possible shades of grey
to white
<trial example>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.r += 1;
    values.g += 1;
    values.b += 1;
    text.example.textcolorred = values.r;
    text.example.textcolorgreen = values.g;
    text.example.textcolorblue = values.b;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, example]
/ trialduration = 25
/ validresponse = (0)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-256 = example]

As to your other remarks,

<text example>
/ items = ("Example")
/ erase = false
/ txcolor = red

<trial example>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    text.example.textcolor = "#696969";
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, example]
/ validresponse = (57)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=example]

would seem to work perfectly fine for me

as does

<text example>
/ items = ("Example")
/ erase = false
/ txcolor = red

<trial example>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    text.example.textcolor = "#BEBEBE";
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, example]
/ validresponse = (57)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=example]

By sharondan - 10/9/2020

Dave - 10/9/2020
Dave - 10/9/2020
sharondan - 10/9/2020
When changing the text color after the text object is created it seems that not all values can be received.
The following text can receive the colors #000000 //#696969 only in the moment of creation.
<text flickerPrimaryLow>
/ items = item.shapeItems
/ fontstyle = ("Arial", values.flickerFontSize)
/ txcolor = #000000 //#696969 This is working fine if it is done here 
/ txbgcolor = transparent
/ select = list.aShapePrimaryLow.nextvalue
/ erase = false

However, If we write later on write
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #696969  //this is not working
This will make the stimulus disappear, but if we write 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = #BEBEBE // this is working fine
This works fine

Note that if you change the color through the built-in color interface it works fine even for the "problematic values" 
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = black;     //correspond to #000000 and works fine
text.flickerPrimaryLow.textcolor = dimgray //correspond to #696969 and works fine

The problem with using the built-in colors is that the numbers of colors are limited, for instance, I need to use different shared of greys that unfortunately do not exist as built-in colors.


> The problem with using the built-in colors is that the numbers of colors are limited, for instance, I need to use different shared of greys that unfortunately do not exist as built-in colors.

This is easily resolved by setting the three color channels (R, G, B) separately.

<text example>
/ items = ("Example")
/ erase = false

/ r = -1
/ g = -1
/ b = -1

// will circle from black
through all possible shades of grey
to white
<trial example>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    values.r += 1;
    values.g += 1;
    values.b += 1;
    text.example.textcolorred = values.r;
    text.example.textcolorgreen = values.g;
    text.example.textcolorblue = values.b;
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, example]
/ trialduration = 25
/ validresponse = (0)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1-256 = example]

As to your other remarks,

<text example>
/ items = ("Example")
/ erase = false
/ txcolor = red

<trial example>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    text.example.textcolor = "#696969";
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, example]
/ validresponse = (57)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=example]

would seem to work perfectly fine for me

as does

<text example>
/ items = ("Example")
/ erase = false
/ txcolor = red

<trial example>
/ ontrialbegin = [
    text.example.textcolor = "#BEBEBE";
/ stimulusframes = [1=clearscreen, example]
/ validresponse = (57)

<block myblock>
/ trials = [1=example]

Thanks Dave!
That is wonderful. 
From your example, I've noticed that the number needs to be passed as a string.
Many thanks for solving this.