Hi all,
I'm trying to program an approach-avoidance task in which participants have to decide to approach a stimulus (by pressing the UP arrow) or avoid a stimulus (by pressing the DOWN arrow). Based on what they do, participants should see (1) A reward screen when they approach; (2) A no_reward screen when they avoid; (3) a time-out message when they fail to response in time (i.e., within 3 seconds).
I've tried different things (braching, the /responsetrial attribute and the /ontrialend attibute), but I can't figure it out. Anyone have any suggestions/solutions?
What I have now:
<trial high_level0>
/ stimulustimes = [100 = cover; 500 = high_level0; 3500 = cover]
/ validresponse = (200, 208)
/ response = timeout(3500)
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ branch = [if (trial.high_level0.response==200)trial.high_reward_US_level0]
/ branch = [if (trial.high_level0.response==208)trial.no_reward_noUS]
/ branch = [if (trial.high_level0.response==noresponse)trial.timeout_message]
Thank you already for your help!