I have two sets of lists of pictures with certain traits that I want to be coupled together so that in a trial it shows a random picture from one of the lists and then a random picture from the list it's coupled to. For example, I have real faces that are blond with blue eyes and I have cartoon faces that are also blond haired and blue eyed, and so I want those groups of pictures to be shown together if that pairing is selected.
so the pairings I want to be randomized in the trial as well. so maybe the ones with brown hair show up in the trial instead. I tried to make this work with the following code:
<list humanblond>
/ items = ("Female-1.png" "Female-2.png")
<list virtualblond>
/ items = ("Cartoon-Eyes-Large-Blond.png" "Cartoon-Eyes-Small-Blond.png" "Cartoon-Lips-Large-Blond.png" "Cartoon-Lips-Small-Blond.png" "Cartoon-Medium-All-Blond.png")
/ selectionrate = trial
/ selectionmode = random
<list humanblbm>
/ items = ("Male-3.png" "Male-5.png")
<list virtualblbm>
/ items = ("Cartoon-eyes-large-blblm.png" "Cartoon-eyes-small-blblm.png" "Cartoon-lips-large-blblm.png" "Cartoon-lips-small-blblm.png" "Cartoon-medium-all-blblm.png")
<list humanbrown>
/ items = ("Female-3.png" "Female-4.png" "Female-9.png")
<list virtualbrown>
/ items = ("Cartoon-Eyes-Large.png" "Cartoon-Eyes-Small.png" "Cartoon-Lips-Large.png" "Cartoon-Lips-Small.png" "Cartoon-Medium-All.png")
<list humanbbm>
/ items = ("Male-1.png" "Male-4.png" "Male-10.png")
<list virtualbbm>
/ items = ("Cartoon-eyes-large-bbm.png" "Cartoon-eyes-small-bbm.png" "Cartoon-lips-large-bbm.png" "Cartoon-lips-small-bbm.png" "Cartoon-medium-all-bbm.png")
<list human>
/ items = (list.humanblond list.humanblbm list.humanbrown list.humanbbm)
<list virtual>
/ items = (list.virtualblond list.virtualblbm list.virtualbrown list.virtualbbm)
<counter facenum>
/ allowrepeats = false
/ select = noreplace(1-4)
/ selectionrate=trial
<picture human>
/ items = ("<%list.human.item(counter.facenum.selectedvalue).nextvalue%>")
<picture virtual>
/ items = ("<%list.virtual.item(counter.facenum.selectedvalue).nextvalue%>")
<trial faceTrial>
/ stimulustimes = [0 = virtual; 3500 = WhiteScreen; 4000 = human]
/ recorddata = false
/ timeout = 7500
It's unusual because when I validate the script it finds no problems.
But when I try to run the trial, this code gives me the error:
Unable to initialize <picture virtual> item number 1. Verify the item exists and is correctly defined.