Millisecond Forums

Fixed circle size for picture presentation

By Francis&m - 2/15/2021

I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always
By Dave - 2/15/2021

Francesca Miti - 2/15/2021
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always

> If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

With a fixed (physical) size you run the risk that stimuli cannot be displayed properly if the fixed size is such that it exceeds the physical dimensions of the given display.

As for specifying a fixed circle size, that question is not answerable based on the code snippets you provided.
By Dave - 2/15/2021

Dave - 2/15/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/15/2021
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always

> If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

With a fixed (physical) size you run the risk that stimuli cannot be displayed properly if the fixed size is such that it exceeds the physical dimensions of the given display.

As for specifying a fixed circle size, that question is not answerable based on the code snippets you provided.

Assuming you've not modified any of the deeper guts of the visual search script that would affect sizing and positioning, the following should work to specify a fixed circle size.


/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight

to something along the lines of

/ radius_Circle_px = 55/display.getmmx(100,1)*100

What this does:
55 is the physical radius size in mm you want for the circle, so 11cm diameter in this case. Change the radius according to your preferences.
display.getmmx(100,1) just figures out how many mm 100 pixels equate to on the given display ( see ), and then we just calculate how many pixels we need on that display to get (close to) our desired radius.
By Francis&m - 2/15/2021

Dave - 2/15/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/15/2021
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always

> If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

With a fixed (physical) size you run the risk that stimuli cannot be displayed properly if the fixed size is such that it exceeds the physical dimensions of the given display.

As for specifying a fixed circle size, that question is not answerable based on the code snippets you provided.

Assuming you've not modified any of the deeper guts of the visual search script that would affect sizing and positioning, the following should work to specify a fixed circle size.


/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight

to something along the lines of

/ radius_Circle_px = 55/display.getmmx(100,1)*100

What this does:
55 is the physical radius size in mm you want for the circle, so 11cm diameter in this case. Change the radius according to your preferences.
display.getmmx(100,1) just figures out how many mm 100 pixels equate to on the given display ( see ), and then we just calculate how many pixels we need on that display to get (close to) our desired radius.

This is just what I needed, thank you very much.

By Francis&m - 2/16/2021

Dave - 2/15/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/15/2021
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always

> If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

With a fixed (physical) size you run the risk that stimuli cannot be displayed properly if the fixed size is such that it exceeds the physical dimensions of the given display.

As for specifying a fixed circle size, that question is not answerable based on the code snippets you provided.

Assuming you've not modified any of the deeper guts of the visual search script that would affect sizing and positioning, the following should work to specify a fixed circle size.


/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight

to something along the lines of

/ radius_Circle_px = 55/display.getmmx(100,1)*100

What this does:
55 is the physical radius size in mm you want for the circle, so 11cm diameter in this case. Change the radius according to your preferences.
display.getmmx(100,1) just figures out how many mm 100 pixels equate to on the given display ( see ), and then we just calculate how many pixels we need on that display to get (close to) our desired radius.

I'm sorry, I fixed the circle but I'm struggling with image size. I'd like to have my images presented 3X3 cm despite the monitor size, so I converted and specified 113X113 px.
It works on my big monitor, but on my laptop that is smaller, images are smaller too. How can I prevent this from happening?

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (113, 113)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Thank you
By Dave - 2/16/2021

Francesca Miti - 2/16/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/15/2021
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always

> If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

With a fixed (physical) size you run the risk that stimuli cannot be displayed properly if the fixed size is such that it exceeds the physical dimensions of the given display.

As for specifying a fixed circle size, that question is not answerable based on the code snippets you provided.

Assuming you've not modified any of the deeper guts of the visual search script that would affect sizing and positioning, the following should work to specify a fixed circle size.


/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight

to something along the lines of

/ radius_Circle_px = 55/display.getmmx(100,1)*100

What this does:
55 is the physical radius size in mm you want for the circle, so 11cm diameter in this case. Change the radius according to your preferences.
display.getmmx(100,1) just figures out how many mm 100 pixels equate to on the given display ( see ), and then we just calculate how many pixels we need on that display to get (close to) our desired radius.

I'm sorry, I fixed the circle but I'm struggling with image size. I'd like to have my images presented 3X3 cm despite the monitor size, so I converted and specified 113X113 px.
It works on my big monitor, but on my laptop that is smaller, images are smaller too. How can I prevent this from happening?

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (113, 113)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Thank you

Just specify the physical size you want directly

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (3cm, 3cm)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)
By Francis&m - 2/18/2021

Dave - 2/16/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/16/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/15/2021
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always

> If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

With a fixed (physical) size you run the risk that stimuli cannot be displayed properly if the fixed size is such that it exceeds the physical dimensions of the given display.

As for specifying a fixed circle size, that question is not answerable based on the code snippets you provided.

Assuming you've not modified any of the deeper guts of the visual search script that would affect sizing and positioning, the following should work to specify a fixed circle size.


/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight

to something along the lines of

/ radius_Circle_px = 55/display.getmmx(100,1)*100

What this does:
55 is the physical radius size in mm you want for the circle, so 11cm diameter in this case. Change the radius according to your preferences.
display.getmmx(100,1) just figures out how many mm 100 pixels equate to on the given display ( see ), and then we just calculate how many pixels we need on that display to get (close to) our desired radius.

I'm sorry, I fixed the circle but I'm struggling with image size. I'd like to have my images presented 3X3 cm despite the monitor size, so I converted and specified 113X113 px.
It works on my big monitor, but on my laptop that is smaller, images are smaller too. How can I prevent this from happening?

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (113, 113)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Thank you

Just specify the physical size you want directly

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (3cm, 3cm)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

I'm sorry but this is not working since I need to keep the absolut sizes of the images constant, despite the size of the monitor used.
Anyway I found this topic

I'll work on this.
Thank you!
By Dave - 2/18/2021

Francesca Miti - 2/18/2021
Dave - 2/16/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/16/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Dave - 2/15/2021
Francesca Miti - 2/15/2021
I modified a script for a visual search paradigm where 6 pictures are displayed in a circle around the fixation cross. The size of the circle is now based on the height and width of the display (I think).
How can I choose  the size of the circle despite the monitor size? I'd like to try with a fixed size of the circle because the experiment will run online and I cannot control for the display of the participant. 

If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

This is a part of the code that should be relevant, more or less, I can provide more if needed.


--some of the parameters--
/ trialnumber = 120
/ practicetrials = 12
/ fontsize = 10%
/ fontsize_fixation = 5%
/ pictureheight = 15%
/ radiusscreenproportion = 0.4
/ readyduration = 100
/ blankduration = 200

-- an example of picture selection  --
<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (100%, parameters.pictureheight)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Calculate circle coordinates

/ xcenter = 0.5 * display.canvaswidth
/ ycenter = 0.5 * display.canvasheight

/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight
/ Radians_Circle_angle0 = rad(0)
/ Radians_Circle_angle60 = rad(60)
/ Radians_Circle_angle120 = rad(120)

/ heightchange_Circle_angle0 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle0 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle0) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle60 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle60 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle60) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ heightchange_Circle_angle120 = sin(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px
/ widthchange_Circle_angle120 = cos(expressions.Radians_Circle_angle120) * expressions.radius_Circle_px

Circle coordinates positions

<list x_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.widthchange_Circle_angle0,
/ replace = false
/ selectionrate = always

<list y_coordinates_pictures>
/ items = (expressions.heightchange_Circle_angle0,
/ selectionmode = list.x_coordinates_pictures.currentindex
/ selectionrate = always

> If there is a specific reason why I should NOT keep the circle size constant, please tell me.

With a fixed (physical) size you run the risk that stimuli cannot be displayed properly if the fixed size is such that it exceeds the physical dimensions of the given display.

As for specifying a fixed circle size, that question is not answerable based on the code snippets you provided.

Assuming you've not modified any of the deeper guts of the visual search script that would affect sizing and positioning, the following should work to specify a fixed circle size.


/ radius_Circle_px = parameters.radiusscreenproportion * display.canvasheight

to something along the lines of

/ radius_Circle_px = 55/display.getmmx(100,1)*100

What this does:
55 is the physical radius size in mm you want for the circle, so 11cm diameter in this case. Change the radius according to your preferences.
display.getmmx(100,1) just figures out how many mm 100 pixels equate to on the given display ( see ), and then we just calculate how many pixels we need on that display to get (close to) our desired radius.

I'm sorry, I fixed the circle but I'm struggling with image size. I'd like to have my images presented 3X3 cm despite the monitor size, so I converted and specified 113X113 px.
It works on my big monitor, but on my laptop that is smaller, images are smaller too. How can I prevent this from happening?

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (113, 113)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

Thank you

Just specify the physical size you want directly

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (3cm, 3cm)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

I'm sorry but this is not working since I need to keep the absolut sizes of the images constant, despite the size of the monitor used.
Anyway I found this topic

I'll work on this.
Thank you!

If you specify the physical size you want in your <picture> elements

<picture target>
/ items = targets
/ selectionrate = always
/ select =
/ size = (3cm, 3cm)
/ position = ( 1px * values.target_x, 1px * values.target_y)

it should be constant across different monitor sizes.