Millisecond Forums

Inquisit encountered errors with this test / Code: 123

By Sarah1548015 - 3/2/2021

I got a message from one of my test subjects. When she wanted to run Inquisit the following message appeared: Inquisit encountered errors with this test (see the full text (Screenshot) attached). Is it possible that the computer system is too old? This was the first person who told me that an error appeared, it never happened before...

The link to the experiment:

Thanks for your help!!

By Dave - 3/2/2021

Sarah1548015 - 3/2/2021
Hi, I got a message from one of my test subjects. When she wanted to run Inquisit the following message appeared: Inquisit encountered errors with this test (see the full text (Screenshot) attached). Is it possible that the computer system is too old? This was the first person who told me that an error appeared, it never happened before... The link to the experiment: for your help!!Sarah

This error typically indicates a problem with the system's graphics card or graphics card driver. The card's driver either does not support certain OpenGL features, in which case updating the driver to the latest one available from the card's manufacturer might help, or the card/GPU is too old and weak and is not capable to support these features at the hardware level.
By Sarah1548015 - 3/2/2021

Hi Dave, thanks for the quick answer! She’ll try it on another system!