Millisecond Forums

Data for dropped out after launch

By kveylet - 3/14/2021

I'm running an Inquisit experiment on MTurk and have found a few cases where workers are submitting subject number confirmation codes that aren't in the summary/raw data. After corresponding further with one worker about this, I found that they were logged as someone who 'dropped out after launch' both when they first did the task and when they retook the task to overturn a rejection. Both times, the participant log shows them as having a 'Finish' time but no associated data files in Inquisit. There are other cases where incomplete responses show up just fine in the summary/raw files, so I'm a bit unsure what about these (potentially) incomplete responses are precluding the generation of any data. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
By Dave - 3/15/2021

kveylet - 3/14/2021
I'm running an Inquisit experiment on MTurk and have found a few cases where workers are submitting subject number confirmation codes that aren't in the summary/raw data. After corresponding further with one worker about this, I found that they were logged as someone who 'dropped out after launch' both when they first did the task and when they retook the task to overturn a rejection. Both times, the participant log shows them as having a 'Finish' time but no associated data files in Inquisit. There are other cases where incomplete responses show up just fine in the summary/raw files, so I'm a bit unsure what about these (potentially) incomplete responses are precluding the generation of any data. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

> Both times, the participant log shows them as having a 'Finish' time but no associated data files in Inquisit.

The participant, perhaps inadvertently, may have disabled automatic data file upload. Have them open the Inquisit Player app on their device and go to the "Data" tab. Any not yet uploaded data files will be listed there. They can manually trigger the upload by clicking the "Cloud Upload" icon in the upper right-hand corner. Also have them check "Automatic Upload" for the future.

Alternatively, it is also possible that some participants terminated the experiment by pressing CTRL+Q. Depending on when / where during the procedure they quit (e.g. while sitting on an instruction page at the very start), there may not yet have been any data to upload. They would still have been redirected to the finish page and seen the confirmation code in that case, though.
By kveylet - 3/17/2021

Thank you! The settings issue turned out to be exactly the solution we needed.