By sparklab - 4/27/2021
I had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear.
Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script?
This is the general setup of these blocks:
<page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page>
<text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text>
<text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text>
<item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item>
<likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert>
<block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block>
By Dave - 4/27/2021
+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously).
Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue?
By sparklab - 4/27/2021
+x+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously). Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue? Yes, I have a log of the ID numbers students used when they reported the problem.
I also didn't have this experience on my end, and 11/15 students said they never experienced the issue. But 4 complained loudly.
By Dave - 4/27/2021
+x+x+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously). Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue? Yes, I have a log of the ID numbers students used when they reported the problem. I also didn't have this experience on my end, and 11/15 students said they never experienced the issue. But 4 complained loudly. Would you be willing to share the IDs so I can check whether I can spot any kind of commonality between the systems involved?
By sparklab - 4/27/2021
+x+x+x+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously). Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue? Yes, I have a log of the ID numbers students used when they reported the problem. I also didn't have this experience on my end, and 11/15 students said they never experienced the issue. But 4 complained loudly. Would you be willing to share the IDs so I can check whether I can spot any kind of commonality between the systems involved? It's in the survey blocks within this pilot script that has a lot going on: ID numbers that reported problems: 3 (maybe 1 and 2 also) 1234 (there should be 3 under this ID by accident, issues noted explicitly on 1st and 3rd attempt) 25, 26, 27 (all from the same student) 40, 41, 42 (all from the same student)
By Dave - 4/27/2021
+x+x+x+x+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously). Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue? Yes, I have a log of the ID numbers students used when they reported the problem. I also didn't have this experience on my end, and 11/15 students said they never experienced the issue. But 4 complained loudly. Would you be willing to share the IDs so I can check whether I can spot any kind of commonality between the systems involved? It's in the survey blocks within this pilot script that has a lot going on: numbers that reported problems: 3 (maybe 1 and 2 also) 1234 (there should be 3 under this ID by accident, issues noted explicitly on 1st and 3rd attempt) 25, 26, 27 (all from the same student) 40, 41, 42 (all from the same student) (1) By "survey blocks", do you mean the likert blocks or the actual <survey> contained in the script? (2) I am not able to locate either log entries or data files for the following IDs: 3, 27, 40, 41, 42, so I'm a bit confused.
By sparklab - 4/27/2021
+x+x+x+x+x+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously). Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue? Yes, I have a log of the ID numbers students used when they reported the problem. I also didn't have this experience on my end, and 11/15 students said they never experienced the issue. But 4 complained loudly. Would you be willing to share the IDs so I can check whether I can spot any kind of commonality between the systems involved? It's in the survey blocks within this pilot script that has a lot going on: numbers that reported problems: 3 (maybe 1 and 2 also) 1234 (there should be 3 under this ID by accident, issues noted explicitly on 1st and 3rd attempt) 25, 26, 27 (all from the same student) 40, 41, 42 (all from the same student) (1) By "survey blocks", do you mean the likert blocks or the actual <survey> contained in the script? (2) I am not able to locate either log entries or data files for the following IDs: 3, 27, 40, 41, 42, so I'm a bit confused. I mean the blocks that have the likert scales like the one I posted in the initial comment (the survey at the end worked fine).
......students did not use the IDs I assigned to them. 3 is the second one labeled 2 27 is the second one labeled 26 40, 41, 42 are the three really long ID numbers right after 39.
By Dave - 4/27/2021
+x+x+x+x+x+x+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously). Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue? Yes, I have a log of the ID numbers students used when they reported the problem. I also didn't have this experience on my end, and 11/15 students said they never experienced the issue. But 4 complained loudly. Would you be willing to share the IDs so I can check whether I can spot any kind of commonality between the systems involved? It's in the survey blocks within this pilot script that has a lot going on: numbers that reported problems: 3 (maybe 1 and 2 also) 1234 (there should be 3 under this ID by accident, issues noted explicitly on 1st and 3rd attempt) 25, 26, 27 (all from the same student) 40, 41, 42 (all from the same student) (1) By "survey blocks", do you mean the likert blocks or the actual <survey> contained in the script? (2) I am not able to locate either log entries or data files for the following IDs: 3, 27, 40, 41, 42, so I'm a bit confused. I mean the blocks that have the likert scales like the one I posted in the initial comment (the survey at the end worked fine). ......students did not use the IDs I assigned to them. 3 is the second one labeled 2 27 is the second one labeled 26 40, 41, 42 are the three really long ID numbers right after 39. Okay, thanks. Looking at the latencies, the issue appears to occur primarily in the first likert trial in each block, where there's a switch: The preceding instructions are navigated by keyboard (mouse cursor hidden). I've sent you revised version of the script via private message (don't know whether you want the code posted publicly) with instruction navigation switched to mouse input so as to avoid the switch. Can you have one or two of the affected people run through this and let me know if they're still seeing the cursor disappear during the likert blocks?
By sparklab - 4/28/2021
+x+x+x+x+x+x+x+xI had several students in my lab pilot test a survey I am getting ready to launch (in Inquisit 6, via Inquisit Web). Four out of 15 students reported their mouse disappearing while completing the likert-style response blocks. The complaint was on both Macs and PCs, it appeared that the mouse would just sometimes disappear between trials and take a few seconds to reappear. Has anyone experienced this error? Could a setting somewhere in my script? This is the general setup of these blocks: <page BMISinstr> The next set of questions asks about your mood. You will see one word appear at a time. Please indicate how much each word describes how you are currently feeling. </page> <text bmisreminder> /items = ("I am currently feeling:") /position = (50, 20) / txcolor = (100, 200, 255) </text> <text BMISblock> / size = (500,400) / select = sequence /position=(50,50) /items=BMIStrials /fontstyle = ("Arial", 24pt) </text> <item BMIStrials> /1="lively" /2="peppy" /3="active" /4="happy" /5="disgusted" /6="loving" /7="caring" /8="anxious" /9="drowsy" /10="tired" /11="afraid" /12="nervous" /13="calm" /14="gloomy" /15="fed up" /16="sad" /17="jittery" /18="grouchy" /19="content" </item> <likert BMIS1> /fontstyle = ("Arial",12pt) /anchors = [1="definitely do not feel";2="do not feel";3="slightly feel";4="definitely feel"] /stimulusframes = [1 = BMISblock,bmisreminder] /mouse=true /numpoints=4 /position= (50, 55) /anchorwidth = 100px </likert> <block BMIS> /preinstructions=(BMISinstr) /trials=[1-19=BMIS1] </block> Not seeing anything off in the code you posted and not seeing the mouse cursor disappear when running the code either, including the full script online. There'll be no mouse cursor displayed during the prime blocks, but during all of the likert blocks, I did not observe the cursor disappear a single time (it was present continuously). Do you have the IDs for (some of) the participants who ran into this issue? Yes, I have a log of the ID numbers students used when they reported the problem. I also didn't have this experience on my end, and 11/15 students said they never experienced the issue. But 4 complained loudly. Would you be willing to share the IDs so I can check whether I can spot any kind of commonality between the systems involved? It's in the survey blocks within this pilot script that has a lot going on: numbers that reported problems: 3 (maybe 1 and 2 also) 1234 (there should be 3 under this ID by accident, issues noted explicitly on 1st and 3rd attempt) 25, 26, 27 (all from the same student) 40, 41, 42 (all from the same student) (1) By "survey blocks", do you mean the likert blocks or the actual <survey> contained in the script? (2) I am not able to locate either log entries or data files for the following IDs: 3, 27, 40, 41, 42, so I'm a bit confused. I mean the blocks that have the likert scales like the one I posted in the initial comment (the survey at the end worked fine). ......students did not use the IDs I assigned to them. 3 is the second one labeled 2 27 is the second one labeled 26 40, 41, 42 are the three really long ID numbers right after 39. Okay, thanks. Looking at the latencies, the issue appears to occur primarily in the first likert trial in each block, where there's a switch: The preceding instructions are navigated by keyboard (mouse cursor hidden). I've sent you revised version of the script via private message (don't know whether you want the code posted publicly) with instruction navigation switched to mouse input so as to avoid the switch. Can you have one or two of the affected people run through this and let me know if they're still seeing the cursor disappear during the likert blocks? It appears that the issue was fixed! I had two of the four people try it again last night and it worked for them without issues. Not sure why they were having issues with the switch and not others, but having the instruction navigation switched to mouse input worked!
Thank you!