Hi there!
Some of our participants are experiencing a black background for the HTML instruction file we are using to introduce our experiment. The HTML files look fine when viewing them on my laptop and desktop computer (within a chrome and when using the inquisit app). She stated she has a Mac, but I'm not sure why this would be an issue. I assumed the App works without a browser, but could the browser (e.g., Safari) possibly cause an issue?
I've attached a screenshot of how it looks and here is the HTML code.
I would greatly appreciate any input on this issue!
Thank you so much!
<!doctype html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<title>Untitled Document</title>
<center><font size="+1" face="verdana">Awesome! Isn't it easy? ๐
<strong><</strong> for the arrow pointing to the <strong>left</strong>, and <strong>></strong> for the arrow pointing to the <strong>right</strong>. </font> <font size="+1" face="verdana">
</font></center> <br>
<center><font size="+1" face="verdana"><strong><font color="red">NOTE: </font></strong></font><font size="+1" face="verdana">Sometimes, the arrow is shown first followed by <strong> a RED <font size="+1" face="verdana" color="red">X</font> </strong> placed on top of the arrow,<br> indicating that you have to <strong>STOP</strong> your response on that trial. <br> Please make sure your screen is bright enough to easily see the <font size="+1" face="verdana" color="red"><strong>X</font></strong>.<br>
<table width="900" border="0">
<p><td><center><img src="ssrt_leftarrow.jpg" width="100" height="100"></td></center>
<td><center><img src="ssrt_leftarrowredx.jpg" width="100" height="100"></td></center></p>
<p><td><center><font size="+1" face="verdana" color="blue">When there is NO red X placed over the arrow: <br>
Press "F" </font></center></td>
<td><center><font size="+1" face="verdana" color="red">When a red <strong>X</strong> is placed over the arrow:<br>
Do NOT press any key</p>
<font size="+1" face="verdana">
<center>On about half of the trials, the red <font size="+1" face="verdana" color="red"><strong>X</font></strong> will be presented <em>RIGHT AFTER</em> the go stimulus (= arrow) appears. <br> You will notice that it is easy to stop your response on these trials.<br>
<p>Press <strong>"X"</strong> to continue.</p></center>
<p> </p>