Millisecond Forums


By anisa_khalfan - 6/8/2021

I am designing a slider, and for some reason the slidersize attribute does not let me make the slider rectange thicker. I am changing the second value from 10 to 300 and it does not seem to change the thickness of the bar. I attached the script for reference. 

Any suggestions? Thanks!
By Dave - 6/8/2021

anisa_khalfan - 6/8/2021
I am designing a slider, and for some reason the slidersize attribute does not let me make the slider rectange thicker. I am changing the second value from 10 to 300 and it does not seem to change the thickness of the bar. I attached the script for reference. 

Any suggestions? Thanks!

/slidersize defines the dimensions of the bounding rectangle around the <slider>, it does not affect the size or thickness of the bar. Its thickness cannot be changed.