By jmwotw - 8/19/2021
Hello. A long time ago, I found a graphic that showed the order in which Inquisit processes different attributes (within a trial element, I believe), but my google-fu is failing me. In part, it showed the order of processing skip, stop, ontrialbegin, ontrialend, etc. Can someone help find it again?
Thanks, Jeff
By Dave - 8/19/2021
+xHello. A long time ago, I found a graphic that showed the order in which Inquisit processes different attributes (within a trial element, I believe), but my google-fu is failing me. In part, it showed the order of processing skip, stop, ontrialbegin, ontrialend, etc. Can someone help find it again? Thanks, Jeff I suspect you may mean the graphic in the "How to Control Trial Duration and Inter-Trial Intervals" documentation topic:
The other attributes you mentioned are generally processed in the order they appear in the given trial element, with skip, stop and ontrialbegin being processed before any stimulus presentation, and any ontrialend attributes being procesed after response collection.