Millisecond Forums

Data Write Validation Error

By DJF5 - 10/6/2021

There is a warning underneath all of my surveys after completion from the webplayer version that says "Warning (name of my script) Data write validation failure! Expected 21 bytes but found 0 bytes in file 'Users/Library/Application Support/Millisecond Software/Inquisit Player/pending/files/filename.iqdat'.

Why is this happening?
By seandr - 10/6/2021

Thanks for reporting the issue. So far, I've been unable to reproduce this. 

Where are you seeing the warning? Would it be possible to share the link to your web experiment? You can send to if you'd rather not share here. 

By Dave - 10/7/2021

seandr - 10/6/2021
Thanks for reporting the issue. So far, I've been unable to reproduce this. 

Where are you seeing the warning? Would it be possible to share the link to your web experiment? You can send to if you'd rather not share here. 


Quick update. We've been able to reproduce the issue now and can say the following:
- The warning is spurious, a misfire essentially, and occurs only because the data files in question were in fact successfully uploaded. This happens only for data files too small to benefit from compression. The next update will no longer issue this mistaken warning.
- We've confirmed that the underlying issue does not indicate and cannot cause data loss, i.e. prevent data files from being uploaded or otherwise corrupt data files.