Millisecond Forums

Stopping an experiment after a certain number of items

By tp491 - 11/17/2021


I am running a test/experiment in Inquisit 6 and the counter has a total of 90 items. However, I only want about 10 items/questions to appear in the test each time it is ran. Is there a way to stop the test after so many items are ran or a way to create a subset? I've been looking through the functions and can't seem to find one that matches my need. 

By Dave - 11/17/2021

tp491 - 11/17/2021

I am running a test/experiment in Inquisit 6 and the counter has a total of 90 items. However, I only want about 10 items/questions to appear in the test each time it is ran. Is there a way to stop the test after so many items are ran or a way to create a subset? I've been looking through the functions and can't seem to find one that matches my need. 


You can define a /stop condition.