Millisecond Forums

glitch before open ended question

By nrouhani - 11/19/2021

i am wondering if there is a way to reduce what appears to be a glitch before the appearance of an open ended question. here, right before the text box displays, there is appearance of the underlying desktop (see picture below for the screen before the open ended question and video below for example - attached screen occurs after the fan stimulus and before the text box). i've also included relevant code below. is there any way to prevent this from happening? thank you for your help!
 (if photo doesn't load, it's the background with what looks like a square cut out showing the desktop)

<openended estimate_lr_4060>
/ position = (50, 50)
/ buttonlabel = " press enter to submit"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",15)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulustimes = [0=sceneStim_current, estimateQ]
/ linelength = 3
/ range = (0,100)
/ numlines = 1
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ posttrialpause = list.jitter_estimate.nextvalue
/ trialduration = 3000 + list.jitter_estimate.currentvalue
/ branch = [
    if (list.lr_4060.currentvalue==1){

<picture sceneStim_current>
/ items = sceneStims
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = list.learningScenes.currentvalue
/ erase = false

<text estimateQ>
/ items = ("please estimate the value of this category (artificial or natural) from 0 to 100 cents")
/ halign = center
/ vjustify = center
/ size = (500,90)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 2.48%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ vposition = (30)
/ hposition = (50)
/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = darkgray
/ erase = false
By nrouhani - 11/19/2021

nrouhani - 11/20/2021
i am wondering if there is a way to reduce what appears to be a glitch before the appearance of an open ended question. here, right before the text box displays, there is appearance of the underlying desktop (see picture below for the screen before the open ended question and video below for example - attached screen occurs after the fan stimulus and before the text box). i've also included relevant code below. is there any way to prevent this from happening? thank you for your help!
 (if photo doesn't load, it's the background with what looks like a square cut out showing the desktop)

<openended estimate_lr_4060>
/ position = (50, 50)
/ buttonlabel = " press enter to submit"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",15)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulustimes = [0=sceneStim_current, estimateQ]
/ linelength = 3
/ range = (0,100)
/ numlines = 1
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ posttrialpause = list.jitter_estimate.nextvalue
/ trialduration = 3000 + list.jitter_estimate.currentvalue
/ branch = [
    if (list.lr_4060.currentvalue==1){

<picture sceneStim_current>
/ items = sceneStims
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = list.learningScenes.currentvalue
/ erase = false

<text estimateQ>
/ items = ("please estimate the value of this category (artificial or natural) from 0 to 100 cents")
/ halign = center
/ vjustify = center
/ size = (500,90)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 2.48%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ vposition = (30)
/ hposition = (50)
/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = darkgray
/ erase = false

from my end it doesn't look like the photo nor video are loading, here's the link to the video again:
By Dave - 11/22/2021

nrouhani - 11/20/2021
nrouhani - 11/20/2021
i am wondering if there is a way to reduce what appears to be a glitch before the appearance of an open ended question. here, right before the text box displays, there is appearance of the underlying desktop (see picture below for the screen before the open ended question and video below for example - attached screen occurs after the fan stimulus and before the text box). i've also included relevant code below. is there any way to prevent this from happening? thank you for your help!
 (if photo doesn't load, it's the background with what looks like a square cut out showing the desktop)

<openended estimate_lr_4060>
/ position = (50, 50)
/ buttonlabel = " press enter to submit"
/ fontstyle = ("Arial",15)
/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulustimes = [0=sceneStim_current, estimateQ]
/ linelength = 3
/ range = (0,100)
/ numlines = 1
/ responsefontstyle = ("Arial",30)
/ beginresponsetime = 0
/ responseinterrupt = trial
/ posttrialpause = list.jitter_estimate.nextvalue
/ trialduration = 3000 + list.jitter_estimate.currentvalue
/ branch = [
    if (list.lr_4060.currentvalue==1){

<picture sceneStim_current>
/ items = sceneStims
/ size = (100%, 100%)
/ select = list.learningScenes.currentvalue
/ erase = false

<text estimateQ>
/ items = ("please estimate the value of this category (artificial or natural) from 0 to 100 cents")
/ halign = center
/ vjustify = center
/ size = (500,90)
/ fontstyle = ("Helvetica", 2.48%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0)
/ vposition = (30)
/ hposition = (50)
/ txbgcolor = white
/ txcolor = darkgray
/ erase = false

from my end it doesn't look like the photo nor video are loading, here's the link to the video again:

I would try setting the /erase attribute for the fan stimulus to /false.