I'm interested in creating a GNAT task where the stimuli are generated by the participants, ideally in a Qualtrics survey, and imported into the session. I know that Inquisit can keep track of information embedded within redirect links, but I can't find information on how to import that kind of embedded information into the session.
So for example, in the script below, I'd want participants to generate their partner's name/nickname/characteristic, and identify 3 of their partner's positive traits (for positive words).
Many thanks!
Enter the individual partner-related items here:
<item partneritems>
/ 1 = "Name"
/ 2 = "Nickname"
/ 3 = "Characteristic"
Good / Constructive Words (Test Items)
<item good_testitems>
/ 1 = "Understanding"
/ 2 = "Sharing"
/ 3 = "Accepting"