Millisecond Forums

Experiment not ending

By Angelina Franqueiro - 4/17/2022


I have an experiment on Inquisit Web that doesn't end. Once participants have finished, it loops back to the consent form but not the pre-experiment instructions, which is the first page participants see).  We've added in an "abort.script(true)" expression to the " /onexptend" attribute, but the problem is still occurring. 

The link to the experiment is:
Thank you for any suggestions!

By Dave - 4/17/2022

Angelina Franqueiro - 4/17/2022

I have an experiment on Inquisit Web that doesn't end. Once participants have finished, it loops back to the consent form but not the pre-experiment instructions, which is the first page participants see).  We've added in an "abort.script(true)" expression to the " /onexptend" attribute, but the problem is still occurring. 

The link to the experiment is:
Thank you for any suggestions!


You misunderstand how sequence() works:

This here

/ blocks = [1-11=sequence( consent_form_block, practice_GC_block_femaleTarget,
Block1A_gendcat, Recall_block1B,
practice_GC_block_femaleTarget, Block4C_gendcat, Recall_block4D,
happy_final_block, RSSurvey_block, demographics_block, endquestions)]

means run the entire sequence defined -- from block consent_form_block to block endquestions -- a total of 11 times.

It simply ought to be

/ blocks = [1=sequence( consent_form_block, practice_GC_block_femaleTarget,
Block1A_gendcat, Recall_block1B,
practice_GC_block_femaleTarget, Block4C_gendcat, Recall_block4D,
happy_final_block, RSSurvey_block, demographics_block, endquestions)]

if you want to run that sequence of blocks only once.
By Angelina Franqueiro - 4/17/2022

Thank you so much. That fixed the issue.
I'm having a similar issue with unwanted repetition, but with a few of the images instead of the entire experiment. For example, I've found that the item CFD-BM-002-011-HC.jpg appears 10 times in Block2A_gendcat, when it should only appear once. Do you know what might be causing this? 

Thank you!

By Dave - 4/17/2022

Angelina Franqueiro - 4/18/2022
Thank you so much. That fixed the issue.
I'm having a similar issue with unwanted repetition, but with a few of the images instead of the entire experiment. For example, I've found that the item CFD-BM-002-011-HC.jpg appears 10 times in Block2A_gendcat, when it should only appear once. Do you know what might be causing this? 

Thank you!

Double-check everything selection-related in your script then.
By Dave - 4/17/2022

Dave - 4/18/2022
Angelina Franqueiro - 4/18/2022
Thank you so much. That fixed the issue.
I'm having a similar issue with unwanted repetition, but with a few of the images instead of the entire experiment. For example, I've found that the item CFD-BM-002-011-HC.jpg appears 10 times in Block2A_gendcat, when it should only appear once. Do you know what might be causing this? 

Thank you!

Double-check everything selection-related in your script then.

Just glancoing over the code,stuff like this here seems wrong:

<picture GendCatHappyMaleTar_stim>
/ items = happy_male_stim_pics
/ numitems = 10
/ select = list.GendCatHappyFemaleTar_list.nextvalue
/ size = (600, 600)
/ position = (50, 50)
/ erase = true(255,255,255)

<trial GendCatHappyMaleTar_trial>
/ validresponse = (" ")
/ correctresponse = (" ")
/ stimulustimes = [0 = fixation;
1000 = blank, GendCatHappyMaleTar_stim;
1200 = blank, respondcue]
/ beginresponsetime = 1000
/ timeout = 2200
By Angelina Franqueiro - 4/17/2022

Okay, I will carefully go through those and related sections. I also should have specified this before, but the only two images that repeat are the first item in the lists <item angry_female_stim_pics> and <item happy_male_stim_pics>
By Angelina Franqueiro - 4/18/2022

Also, I went through the code and fixed those specific sections. I see what you mean about the fact that <picture GendCatHappyMaleTar_stim> appeared to be selecting from the happy female images (/select = list.GendCatHappyFemaleTar_list.nextvalue), so I fixed that and did some run monkeys. The problem is still persisting though, specifically in Recall block 4D and in Recall block 1B CFD-BM-002-HC.

Thank you for your help! I'm fairly new to Inquisit coding, so the answer may be obvious but less intuitive to me.
By Dave - 4/18/2022

Angelina Franqueiro - 4/18/2022
Also, I went through the code and fixed those specific sections. I see what you mean about the fact that <picture GendCatHappyMaleTar_stim> appeared to be selecting from the happy female images (/select = list.GendCatHappyFemaleTar_list.nextvalue), so I fixed that and did some run monkeys. The problem is still persisting though, specifically in Recall block 4D and in Recall block 1B CFD-BM-002-HC.

Thank you for your help! I'm fairly new to Inquisit coding, so the answer may be obvious but less intuitive to me.

Those are entirely different blocks than the ones you mentioned before. Double-check everything related to those blocks then.