By dar7by - 4/28/2022
Hi there,
We are having an issue where certain mood and belonging measures are being displayed twice, but based on the script we thought they would only be showing once. For example, the "sad/happy" question is being shown two times, but we want each question to only be displayed once. The entire script is posted below for reference. Thank you!
**************************** ************DATA********* **************************** <data> /columns =[date time subject build blockcode blocknum trialnum trialcode response latency stimulus] </data>
************************* ***DEFAULTS********* *************************
<defaults> / minimumversion = "" / inputdevice = keyboard / font = ("Arial", 40, 500, 0, 34) </defaults>
************************* ***INSTRUCTION PAGES***** ************************* <instruct> / inputdevice = mouse / nextlabel = "Click here to continue" / prevlabel = "Click here to go back one screen" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.83%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) </instruct>
************************* *****EXPERIMENT**** *************************
<expt conditionA> / groupassignment = random / subjects = (1 of 2) / preinstructions = (intro1) / blocks = [ 1=moodneedsA; 2=PR; 3=questionnaireestimation; 4=memoryquiz; 5=demographics; 6=endquestions; 7=debrief] </expt>
<expt conditionB> / groupassignment = random / subjects = (2 of 2) / preinstructions = (intro1) / blocks = [ 1=moodneedsB; 2=PR; 3=questionnaireestimation; 4=memoryquiz; 5=demographics; 6=endquestions; 7=debrief] </expt>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****MEMORY QUIZ**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <block memoryquiz> / trials = [1=memory] </block>
<surveypage memory> / stimulusframes = [1=memorytext, player1, player2] / showquestionnumbers = false / showpagenumbers = false / questions = [1=playerA; 2=playerC] / finishlabel = "Click here to continue" </surveypage>
<textbox playerA> / caption = "Please list two facts you remember about PLAYER A:" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15) / required = false / position = (25%, 25%) / textboxsize = (60%, 15%) / multiline = true </textbox>
<textbox playerC> / caption = "Please list two facts you remember about PLAYER C:" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15) / required = false / position = (25%, 60%) / textboxsize = (60%, 15%) / multiline = true </textbox>
<item player1> / 1 = "player1.jpg" </item>
<item player2> / 1 = "player2.jpg" </item>
<picture player1> / items = player1 / position = (15%, 25%) / valign = top / erase = false / size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<picture player2> / items = player2 / position = (15%, 60%) / valign = top / size = (20%, 20%) </picture>
<text memorytext> / items = ("Earlier in the study, you played the Mingle! game with Player A and Player C. We will now ask you to recall two facts about each player from their descriptions.") / position = (50%, 15%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (black) / size = (75%, 10%) / vjustify = center </text>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****DEBRIEF FORM**** -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<html debrief_form> /items = ("MINGLE DEBRIEF FORM.htm") /position = (50%, 42.5%) / size = (70%, 75%) </html>
<html venmo_payment> /items = ("MINGLE VENMO FORM.htm") /position = (50%, 42.5%) / size = (70%, 75%) </html>
<text continue_on> /items = ("Click here to continue") /position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) /txbgcolor = (black) /size = (15%, 10%) / vjustify = center </text>
<text end_study> /items = ("Click here to end the study") /position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) /txbgcolor = (black) /size = (15%, 10%) / vjustify = center </text>
<text goodbye> /items= ("Thank you for your participation. This is the end of the study. Have a nice day :)") </text>
<trial debriefing> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=debrief_form, continue_on] / validresponse = (continue_on) </trial>
<trial venmo> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=venmo_payment, continue_on] / validresponse = (continue_on) </trial>
<trial goodbye> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=goodbye, end_study] / validresponse = (end_study) </trial>
<block debrief> / trials = [1=venmo; 2=debriefing; 3=goodbye] </block>
**** MOOD QUESTIONS**** <block moodneedsA> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-18=noreplace(mood1, mood2, mood3, belong1, belong2, belong3, control1, control2, control3, selfesteem1, selfesteem2, selfesteem3, meaningfulexistence1, meaningfulexistence2, meaningfulexistence3)] </block>
<block moodneedsB> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-18=noreplace(mood1b, mood2b, mood3b, belong1b, belong2b, belong3b, control1b, control2b, control3b, selfesteem1b, selfesteem2b, selfesteem3b, meaningfulexistence1b, meaningfulexistence2b, meaningfulexistence3b)] </block>
******************************************** *****Mood & Needs Trials***** ******************************************** <page intro1> ^Thank you for completing the categorization task. We will now ask you some questions about your experience during specific tasks of the experiment and the experiment as a whole. </page>
<page intro2> ^We are interested in how you experienced the game you played with Player A and Player C. ^^You will now complete a few questionnaires about your feelings during the game. ^^For the questions on the following screens, please answer them based on your feelings DURING THE GAME SESSION. </page>
<surveypage mood1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage mood2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage mood3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage belong1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage belong2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage belong3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage control1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage control2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage control3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage selfesteem1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage selfesteem2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage selfesteem3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage meaningfulexistence1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage meaningfulexistence2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage meaningfulexistence3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage mood1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage mood2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage mood3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage belong1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage belong2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage belong3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage control1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage control2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage control3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage selfesteem1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage selfesteem2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage selfesteem3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage meaningfulexistence1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage meaningfulexistence2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
<surveypage meaningfulexistence3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage>
****Anchor Sides (1pos left, 2pos right)****
<slider m1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" sad ", " happy ") </slider>
<slider m2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" satisfied ", " dissatisfied ") </slider>
<slider m3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" angry ", " pleasant ") </slider>
<slider b1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" disconnected ", " connected ") </slider>
<slider b2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I belonged ", " I did not belong ") </slider>
<slider b3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = ("like an outsider", " like an insider ") </slider>
<slider c1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" powerless ", " powerful ") </slider>
<slider c2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" not frustrated ", " frustrated ") </slider>
<slider c3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" uninfluential ", " influential ") </slider>
<slider s1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" secure ", " insecure ") </slider>
<slider s2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" adequate ", " inadequate ") </slider>
<slider s3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" bad about myself ", " good about myself ") </slider>
<slider x1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" seen ", " unseen ") </slider>
<slider x2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I did not matter ", " I mattered ") </slider>
<slider x3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" important ", " useless ") </slider>
****Reversed Anchor Sides - set "b" - (2pos left, 1pos right)****
<slider m1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" happy ", " sad ") </slider>
<slider m2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" dissatisfied ", " satisfied ") </slider>
<slider m3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" pleasant ", " angry ") </slider>
<slider b1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" connected ", " disconnected ") </slider>
<slider b2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I don't belong ", " I belong ") </slider>
<slider b3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" like an insider ", "like an outsider") </slider>
<slider c1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" powerful ", " powerless ") </slider>
<slider c2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I lack control ", " I have control ") </slider>
<slider c3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" influential ", " uninfluential ") </slider>
<slider s1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" secure ", " insecure ") </slider>
<slider s2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" inadequate ", " adequate ") </slider>
<slider s3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = ("good about myself", " bad about myself ") </slider>
<slider x1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" unseen ", " seen ") </slider>
<slider x2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I mattered", " I did not matter ") </slider>
<slider x3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" useless ", " important ") </slider>
<text moodneedstext> / items = questionnairemoodneeds / select = 1 / position = (45%, 40%) / size = (70%, 10%) / hjustify = left / valign = top </text>
<item questionnairemoodneeds> /1 = "During the game, I felt..." </item>
************************************* ****Items, INSTRUCTIONS****** ************************************* <block questionnaireestimation> / trials = [1-3=noreplace(estimation3, estimation1, estimation2)] </block>
** trials, QUESTIONNAIRE**
** estimation **
<surveypage estimation1> / stimulusframes = [1=estimation1, estimation1a, endofq1a, estimation1b, endofq1b] / showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=estimation1; 2=estimation2] / finishlabel = "Next" / branch = [if (textbox.estimation1.response + textbox.estimation2.response != 100) trial.error2] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation1.response > 100) trial.error1] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation1.response < 0) trial.error1] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation2.response > 100) trial.error1] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation2.response < 0) trial.error1] </surveypage>
<surveypage estimation2> / stimulusframes = [1=estimation2, estimation2a, estimation2b, endofq2a, endofq2b] / showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=estimation3; 2=estimation4] / finishlabel = "Next" / branch = [if (textbox.estimation3.response + textbox.estimation4.response != 100) trial.error3] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation3.response > 100) trial.error4] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation3.response < 0) trial.error4] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation4.response > 100) trial.error4] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation4.response < 0) trial.error4] </surveypage>
<surveypage estimation3> / stimulusframes = [1=estimation3, estimation3a, estimation3b, endofq3a, endofq3b] / showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=estimation5; 2=estimation6] / finishlabel = "Next" / branch = [if (textbox.estimation5.response + textbox.estimation6.response != 100) trial.error5] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation5.response > 100) trial.error6] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation5.response < 0) trial.error6] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation6.response > 100) trial.error6] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation6.response < 0) trial.error6] </surveypage>
<trial error1> / stimulusframes = [1=error1, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error1.correctstreak >= 1) surveypage.estimation1] </trial>
<trial error2> / stimulusframes = [1=error2, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error2.correctstreak >= 1) surveypage.estimation1] </trial>
<trial error3> / stimulusframes = [1=error2, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error3.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation2] </trial>
<trial error4> / stimulusframes = [1=error1, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error4.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation2] </trial>
<trial error5> / stimulusframes = [1=error2, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error5.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation3] </trial>
<trial error6> / stimulusframes = [1=error1, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error6.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation3] </trial>
<text back> / items = ("<< Go Back") / position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 30, false, false, true, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = blue </text>
<text continue> / items = ("Continue") / position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 30, false, false, true, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = blue </text>
<shape blankscreen> / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) / color = white </shape>
<text questionnaire1instructions> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 10 / position = (50%, 20%) / size = (80%, 30%) / hjustify = center / valign = top </text>
<item questionnaire1> / 1 = "Out of the total number of times that Player A passed the ball, indicate what percentage of the time they directed it toward you versus Player C. Please enter a number between 0 and 100 in each of the spaces provided. The total number should sum to 100." / 2 = "Player A passed me the ball about" / 3 = "% of the time." / 4 = "Player A passed Player C the ball about" / 5 = "Out of the total number of times that Player C passed the ball, indicate what percentage of the time they directed it toward you versus Player A. Please enter a number between 0 and 100 in each of the spaces provided. The total number should sum to 100." / 6 = "Player C passed me the ball about" / 7 = "Player C passed Player A the ball about" / 8 = "Out of the total number of times that you passed the ball, indicate what percentage of the time you directed it toward Player A versus Player C. Please enter a number between 0 and 100 in each of the spaces provided. The total number should sum to 100." / 9 = "I passed Player A the ball about" / 10 = "I passed Player C the ball about" </item>
<text estimation1> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 1 / position = (45%, 20%) / size = (70%, 10%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation1a> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 2 / position = (30%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<textbox estimation1> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,65) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox>
<text endofq1a> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation1b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 4 / position = (30%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<textbox estimation2> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,70) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox>
<text endofq1b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation2> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 5 / position = (45%, 20%) / size = (70%, 10%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation2a> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 6 / position = (30%, 65%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<textbox estimation3> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,65) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox>
<text endofq2a> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation2b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 7 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<textbox estimation4> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,70) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox>
<text endofq2b> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation3> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 8 / position = (45%, 20%) / size = (80%, 30%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation3a> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 9 / position = (30%, 65%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<textbox estimation5> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,65) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / required = false / monkeyresponse = [50] </textbox>
<text endofq3a> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation3b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 10 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation3bfriend> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 9 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<text estimation3bfriend2> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 10 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
<textbox estimation6> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,70) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / required = false / monkeyresponse = [50] </textbox>
<text endofq3b> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text>
************************************************ ***********ITEMS PERCENTAGES *********** *************************************************
<item errormessages> / 1 = "Error: Please enter a number between 0 and 100." / 2 = "Error: The two numbers must sum to 100%." / 3 = "Error: Invalid Response." / 4 = "Error: Please type a response." </item>
<text error1> / items = errormessages / select = 1 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text>
<text error2> / items = errormessages / select = 2 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text>
<text error3> / items = errormessages / select = 3 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text>
<text error4> / items = errormessages / select = 4 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 10%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text>
**************************************************** ***************Percieved Relationship******** ***************************************************
<block PR> / trials = [1-3=noreplace (PRrb, PRyb, PRry)] </block>
<likert PRrb> / numpoints = 6 / stimulusframes = [1=PRrb; 2=PRrbimage] / anchorwidth = 200 / position = (50, 80) / pretrialpause = 0 / posttrialpause = 0 </likert>
<likert PRyb> / numpoints = 6 / stimulusframes = [1=PRyb; 2=PRybimage] / anchorwidth = 200 / position = (50, 80) / pretrialpause = 0 / posttrialpause = 0 </likert>
<likert PRry> / numpoints = 6 / stimulusframes = [1=PRry; 2=PRryimage] / anchorwidth = 200 / position = (50, 80) / pretrialpause = 0 / posttrialpause = 0 </likert>
<text PRrb> / items = PRrb / position = (50, 15) / fontstyle = ("@Arial Unicode MS", 15, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (700, 100) </text>
<picture PRrbimage> / items = ("PRrb.jpg") / erase = false / size = (1100,1100) / position = (50, 57) </picture>
<text PRyb> / items = PRyb / position = (50, 15) / fontstyle = ("@Arial Unicode MS", 15, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (700, 100) </text>
<picture PRybimage> / items = ("PRyb.jpg") / erase = false / size = (800,800) / position = (50, 57) </picture>
<text PRry> / items = PRry / position = (50, 15) / fontstyle = ("@Arial Unicode MS", 15, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (700, 100) </text>
<picture PRryimage> / items = ("PRry.jpg") / erase = false / size = (800,800) / position = (50, 57) </picture>
<item PRrb> /1= "Imagine that these circles symbolize the personal relationship between Player A and you. Please indicate how close you are by choosing one of the following images" </item>
<item PRyb> /1= "Imagine that these circles symbolize the personal relationship between Player C and you. Please indicate how close you are by choosing one of the following images" </item>
<item PRry> /1= "Imagine that these circles symbolize the personal relationship between Player A and Player C. Please indicate how close they are by choosing one of the following images" </item>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Demographics *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<textbox age> / caption = "Age" / mask = positiveinteger / range = (16, 99) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </textbox>
<dropdown sex> / caption = "Sex" / options = ("female", "male") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </dropdown>
<dropdown ugrad_year> / caption = "Class year" / options = ("1st year undergraduate", "2nd year undergraduate", "3rd year undergraduate", "4th year undergraduate", "5th+ year undergraduate", "1st year grad student", "2nd year grad student", "3rd+ year grad student", "not a student") / optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </dropdown>
<dropdown latino> / caption = "Ethnicity" / options = ("Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </dropdown>
<checkboxes race> / caption = "Race (select all that apply)" / options = ("White", "Asian", "Black/African American", "Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander", "American Indian/Alaska Native") / other = "Other" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </checkboxes>
<radiobuttons english> / caption = "When did you learn English?" / options = ("Before the age of 5") / other = "At the age of 5 or later (specify age in years)" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </radiobuttons>
<textbox major> / caption = "Academic major" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </textbox>
<surveypage demographics1> / caption = "Please answer the following demographic questions" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=age; 2=sex] </surveypage>
<surveypage demographics2> / caption = "Please answer the following demographic questions (continued)" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=ugrad_year; 2=latino; 3=race; 4=english; 5=major] </surveypage>
<survey demographics> / pages = [1=demographics1; 2=demographics2] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey>
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Probe for Suspicion *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
<survey endquestions> / pages = [1=endquestions1; 2=endquestions2; 3=endquestions3] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey>
<surveypage endquestions1> / caption = "Please answer the following questions" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=distraction; 2=what_distract; 3=fatigue; 4=ontime; 5=RA] </surveypage>
<dropdown distraction> / caption = "Did anything distract you during the experiment? (e.g., noise, sneezing)" / options = ("no", "yes") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown>
<dropdown what_distract> / caption = "If something distracted you, what was it?" / options = ("no distractions", "noise from other participants", "noise from the hallway", "coughing/sneezing", "I'm just not feeling well/focused", "something else") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown>
<dropdown fatigue> / caption = "Were you paying attention throughout the experimental tasks?" / options = ("no", "yes") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown>
<dropdown ontime> / caption = "Did the experimenter begin your session on time and greet you in a courteous manner?" / options = ("no", "yes") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown>
<dropdown mach> / caption = "Overall, how would you rate the experimenter who led this session?" / options = ("very good", "good", "neutral", "poor") / optionvalues = ("4", "3", "2", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown>
<surveypage endquestions2> / caption = "Please answer the following question" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=previous] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </surveypage>
<textbox previous> / caption = "Have you ever completed an experiment similar to this one? If so, please describe any past experiments that you've completed that are similar to this one." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (70, 50) / size = (70, 50) / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox>
<surveypage endquestions3> / caption = "Please answer the following question" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=about] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </surveypage>
<textbox about> / caption = "Do you think you have an idea of what this experiment is about? If so, please write your guess below." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (70, 50) / size = (70, 50) / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox>
By Dave - 4/28/2022
+xHi there, We are having an issue where certain mood and belonging measures are being displayed twice, but based on the script we thought they would only be showing once. For example, the "sad/happy" question is being shown two times, but we want each question to only be displayed once. The entire script is posted below for reference. Thank you! **************************** ************DATA********* **************************** <data> /columns =[date time subject build blockcode blocknum trialnum trialcode response latency stimulus] </data> ************************* ***DEFAULTS********* ************************* <defaults> / minimumversion = "" / inputdevice = keyboard / font = ("Arial", 40, 500, 0, 34) </defaults> ************************* ***INSTRUCTION PAGES***** ************************* <instruct> / inputdevice = mouse / nextlabel = "Click here to continue" / prevlabel = "Click here to go back one screen" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.83%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = (0, 0, 0) </instruct> ************************* *****EXPERIMENT**** ************************* <expt conditionA> / groupassignment = random / subjects = (1 of 2) / preinstructions = (intro1) / blocks = [ 1=moodneedsA; 2=PR; 3=questionnaireestimation; 4=memoryquiz; 5=demographics; 6=endquestions; 7=debrief] </expt> <expt conditionB> / groupassignment = random / subjects = (2 of 2) / preinstructions = (intro1) / blocks = [ 1=moodneedsB; 2=PR; 3=questionnaireestimation; 4=memoryquiz; 5=demographics; 6=endquestions; 7=debrief] </expt> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****MEMORY QUIZ**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <block memoryquiz> / trials = [1=memory] </block> <surveypage memory> / stimulusframes = [1=memorytext, player1, player2] / showquestionnumbers = false / showpagenumbers = false / questions = [1=playerA; 2=playerC] / finishlabel = "Click here to continue" </surveypage> <textbox playerA> / caption = "Please list two facts you remember about PLAYER A:" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15) / required = false / position = (25%, 25%) / textboxsize = (60%, 15%) / multiline = true </textbox> <textbox playerC> / caption = "Please list two facts you remember about PLAYER C:" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 15) / required = false / position = (25%, 60%) / textboxsize = (60%, 15%) / multiline = true </textbox> <item player1> / 1 = "player1.jpg" </item> <item player2> / 1 = "player2.jpg" </item> <picture player1> / items = player1 / position = (15%, 25%) / valign = top / erase = false / size = (20%, 20%) </picture> <picture player2> / items = player2 / position = (15%, 60%) / valign = top / size = (20%, 20%) </picture> <text memorytext> / items = ("Earlier in the study, you played the Mingle! game with Player A and Player C. We will now ask you to recall two facts about each player from their descriptions.") / position = (50%, 15%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (black) / size = (75%, 10%) / vjustify = center </text> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ****DEBRIEF FORM**** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <html debrief_form> /items = ("MINGLE DEBRIEF FORM.htm") /position = (50%, 42.5%) / size = (70%, 75%) </html> <html venmo_payment> /items = ("MINGLE VENMO FORM.htm") /position = (50%, 42.5%) / size = (70%, 75%) </html> <text continue_on> /items = ("Click here to continue") /position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) /txbgcolor = (black) /size = (15%, 10%) / vjustify = center </text> <text end_study> /items = ("Click here to end the study") /position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 1) / txcolor = (white) /txbgcolor = (black) /size = (15%, 10%) / vjustify = center </text> <text goodbye> /items= ("Thank you for your participation. This is the end of the study. Have a nice day :)") </text> <trial debriefing> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=debrief_form, continue_on] / validresponse = (continue_on) </trial> <trial venmo> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=venmo_payment, continue_on] / validresponse = (continue_on) </trial> <trial goodbye> / inputdevice = mouse / stimulusframes = [1=goodbye, end_study] / validresponse = (end_study) </trial> <block debrief> / trials = [1=venmo; 2=debriefing; 3=goodbye] </block> **** MOOD QUESTIONS**** <block moodneedsA> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-18=noreplace(mood1, mood2, mood3, belong1, belong2, belong3, control1, control2, control3, selfesteem1, selfesteem2, selfesteem3, meaningfulexistence1, meaningfulexistence2, meaningfulexistence3)] </block> <block moodneedsB> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-18=noreplace(mood1b, mood2b, mood3b, belong1b, belong2b, belong3b, control1b, control2b, control3b, selfesteem1b, selfesteem2b, selfesteem3b, meaningfulexistence1b, meaningfulexistence2b, meaningfulexistence3b)] </block> ******************************************** *****Mood & Needs Trials***** ******************************************** <page intro1> ^Thank you for completing the categorization task. We will now ask you some questions about your experience during specific tasks of the experiment and the experiment as a whole. </page> <page intro2> ^We are interested in how you experienced the game you played with Player A and Player C. ^^You will now complete a few questionnaires about your feelings during the game. ^^For the questions on the following screens, please answer them based on your feelings DURING THE GAME SESSION. </page> <surveypage mood1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage mood2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage mood3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage belong1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage belong2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage belong3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage control1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage control2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage control3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage selfesteem1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage selfesteem2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage selfesteem3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage meaningfulexistence1> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x1] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage meaningfulexistence2> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x2] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage meaningfulexistence3> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x3] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> ****Reversed-items***** <surveypage mood1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage mood2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage mood3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=m3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage belong1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage belong2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage belong3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=b3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage control1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage control2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage control3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=c3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage selfesteem1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage selfesteem2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage selfesteem3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=s3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage meaningfulexistence1b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x1b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage meaningfulexistence2b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x2b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> <surveypage meaningfulexistence3b> / stimulusframes = [1=moodneedstext] /showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=x3b] / finishlabel = "Next" </surveypage> ****Anchor Sides (1pos left, 2pos right)**** <slider m1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" sad ", " happy ") </slider> <slider m2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" satisfied ", " dissatisfied ") </slider> <slider m3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" angry ", " pleasant ") </slider> <slider b1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" disconnected ", " connected ") </slider> <slider b2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I belonged ", " I did not belong ") </slider> <slider b3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = ("like an outsider", " like an insider ") </slider> <slider c1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" powerless ", " powerful ") </slider> <slider c2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" not frustrated ", " frustrated ") </slider> <slider c3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" uninfluential ", " influential ") </slider> <slider s1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" secure ", " insecure ") </slider> <slider s2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" adequate ", " inadequate ") </slider> <slider s3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" bad about myself ", " good about myself ") </slider> <slider x1> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" seen ", " unseen ") </slider> <slider x2> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I did not matter ", " I mattered ") </slider> <slider x3> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" important ", " useless ") </slider> ****Reversed Anchor Sides - set "b" - (2pos left, 1pos right)**** <slider m1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" happy ", " sad ") </slider> <slider m2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" dissatisfied ", " satisfied ") </slider> <slider m3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" pleasant ", " angry ") </slider> <slider b1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" connected ", " disconnected ") </slider> <slider b2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I don't belong ", " I belong ") </slider> <slider b3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" like an insider ", "like an outsider") </slider> <slider c1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" powerful ", " powerless ") </slider> <slider c2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I lack control ", " I have control ") </slider> <slider c3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" influential ", " uninfluential ") </slider> <slider s1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" secure ", " insecure ") </slider> <slider s2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" inadequate ", " adequate ") </slider> <slider s3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = ("good about myself", " bad about myself ") </slider> <slider x1b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" unseen ", " seen ") </slider> <slider x2b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" I mattered", " I did not matter ") </slider> <slider x3b> / range = (1,9) / orientation = horizontal / slidersize = (60, 20) / position = (15, 50) / labels = (" useless ", " important ") </slider> <text moodneedstext> / items = questionnairemoodneeds / select = 1 / position = (45%, 40%) / size = (70%, 10%) / hjustify = left / valign = top </text> <item questionnairemoodneeds> /1 = "During the game, I felt..." </item> ************************************* ****Items, INSTRUCTIONS****** ************************************* <block questionnaireestimation> / trials = [1-3=noreplace(estimation3, estimation1, estimation2)] </block> ** trials, QUESTIONNAIRE** ** estimation ** <surveypage estimation1> / stimulusframes = [1=estimation1, estimation1a, endofq1a, estimation1b, endofq1b] / showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=estimation1; 2=estimation2] / finishlabel = "Next" / branch = [if (textbox.estimation1.response + textbox.estimation2.response != 100) trial.error2] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation1.response > 100) trial.error1] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation1.response < 0) trial.error1] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation2.response > 100) trial.error1] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation2.response < 0) trial.error1] </surveypage> <surveypage estimation2> / stimulusframes = [1=estimation2, estimation2a, estimation2b, endofq2a, endofq2b] / showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=estimation3; 2=estimation4] / finishlabel = "Next" / branch = [if (textbox.estimation3.response + textbox.estimation4.response != 100) trial.error3] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation3.response > 100) trial.error4] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation3.response < 0) trial.error4] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation4.response > 100) trial.error4] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation4.response < 0) trial.error4] </surveypage> <surveypage estimation3> / stimulusframes = [1=estimation3, estimation3a, estimation3b, endofq3a, endofq3b] / showquestionnumbers = false / questions = [1=estimation5; 2=estimation6] / finishlabel = "Next" / branch = [if (textbox.estimation5.response + textbox.estimation6.response != 100) trial.error5] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation5.response > 100) trial.error6] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation5.response < 0) trial.error6] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation6.response > 100) trial.error6] / branch = [if (textbox.estimation6.response < 0) trial.error6] </surveypage> <trial error1> / stimulusframes = [1=error1, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error1.correctstreak >= 1) surveypage.estimation1] </trial> <trial error2> / stimulusframes = [1=error2, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error2.correctstreak >= 1) surveypage.estimation1] </trial> <trial error3> / stimulusframes = [1=error2, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error3.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation2] </trial> <trial error4> / stimulusframes = [1=error1, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error4.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation2] </trial> <trial error5> / stimulusframes = [1=error2, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error5.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation3] </trial> <trial error6> / stimulusframes = [1=error1, back] / correctresponse = (back) / inputdevice = mouse / branch = [if (trial.error6.correctstreak >= 0) surveypage.estimation3] </trial> ****text <text back> / items = ("<< Go Back") / position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 30, false, false, true, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = blue </text> <text continue> / items = ("Continue") / position = (50%, 90%) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 30, false, false, true, false, 5, 0) / txcolor = blue </text> ****items <shape blankscreen> / shape = rectangle / size = (100%, 100%) / color = white </shape> <text questionnaire1instructions> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 10 / position = (50%, 20%) / size = (80%, 30%) / hjustify = center / valign = top </text> <item questionnaire1> / 1 = "Out of the total number of times that Player A passed the ball, indicate what percentage of the time they directed it toward you versus Player C. Please enter a number between 0 and 100 in each of the spaces provided. The total number should sum to 100." / 2 = "Player A passed me the ball about" / 3 = "% of the time." / 4 = "Player A passed Player C the ball about" / 5 = "Out of the total number of times that Player C passed the ball, indicate what percentage of the time they directed it toward you versus Player A. Please enter a number between 0 and 100 in each of the spaces provided. The total number should sum to 100." / 6 = "Player C passed me the ball about" / 7 = "Player C passed Player A the ball about" / 8 = "Out of the total number of times that you passed the ball, indicate what percentage of the time you directed it toward Player A versus Player C. Please enter a number between 0 and 100 in each of the spaces provided. The total number should sum to 100." / 9 = "I passed Player A the ball about" / 10 = "I passed Player C the ball about" </item> <text estimation1> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 1 / position = (45%, 20%) / size = (70%, 10%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation1a> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 2 / position = (30%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <textbox estimation1> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,65) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox> <text endofq1a> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation1b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 4 / position = (30%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <textbox estimation2> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,70) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox> <text endofq1b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation2> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 5 / position = (45%, 20%) / size = (70%, 10%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation2a> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 6 / position = (30%, 65%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <textbox estimation3> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,65) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox> <text endofq2a> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation2b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 7 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <textbox estimation4> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,70) / monkeyresponse = [50] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox> <text endofq2b> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation3> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 8 / position = (45%, 20%) / size = (80%, 30%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation3a> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 9 / position = (30%, 65%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <textbox estimation5> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,65) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / required = false / monkeyresponse = [50] </textbox> <text endofq3a> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 65%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation3b> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 10 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation3bfriend> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 9 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <text estimation3bfriend2> / items = questionnaire1 / select = 10 / position = (30%, 70%) / size = (80%, 45%) / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> <textbox estimation6> / required = false / mask = positiveintegerorzero / range = (0,100) / textboxsize = (6,4) / position = (50,70) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / required = false / monkeyresponse = [50] </textbox> <text endofq3b> /items = questionnaire1 / select = 3 / position = (64%, 70%) / hjustify = left / valign = top / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </text> ************************************************ ***********ITEMS PERCENTAGES *********** ************************************************* <item errormessages> / 1 = "Error: Please enter a number between 0 and 100." / 2 = "Error: The two numbers must sum to 100%." / 3 = "Error: Invalid Response." / 4 = "Error: Please type a response." </item> <text error1> / items = errormessages / select = 1 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text> <text error2> / items = errormessages / select = 2 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text> <text error3> / items = errormessages / select = 3 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 50%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text> <text error4> / items = errormessages / select = 4 / txcolor = red / position = (50%, 10%) / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%) </text> **************************************************** ***************Percieved Relationship******** *************************************************** <block PR> / trials = [1-3=noreplace (PRrb, PRyb, PRry)] </block> <likert PRrb> / numpoints = 6 / stimulusframes = [1=PRrb; 2=PRrbimage] / anchorwidth = 200 / position = (50, 80) / pretrialpause = 0 / posttrialpause = 0 </likert> <likert PRyb> / numpoints = 6 / stimulusframes = [1=PRyb; 2=PRybimage] / anchorwidth = 200 / position = (50, 80) / pretrialpause = 0 / posttrialpause = 0 </likert> <likert PRry> / numpoints = 6 / stimulusframes = [1=PRry; 2=PRryimage] / anchorwidth = 200 / position = (50, 80) / pretrialpause = 0 / posttrialpause = 0 </likert> <text PRrb> / items = PRrb / position = (50, 15) / fontstyle = ("@Arial Unicode MS", 15, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (700, 100) </text> <picture PRrbimage> / items = ("PRrb.jpg") / erase = false / size = (1100,1100) / position = (50, 57) </picture> <text PRyb> / items = PRyb / position = (50, 15) / fontstyle = ("@Arial Unicode MS", 15, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (700, 100) </text> <picture PRybimage> / items = ("PRyb.jpg") / erase = false / size = (800,800) / position = (50, 57) </picture> <text PRry> / items = PRry / position = (50, 15) / fontstyle = ("@Arial Unicode MS", 15, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / size = (700, 100) </text> <picture PRryimage> / items = ("PRry.jpg") / erase = false / size = (800,800) / position = (50, 57) </picture> <item PRrb> /1= "Imagine that these circles symbolize the personal relationship between Player A and you. Please indicate how close you are by choosing one of the following images" </item> <item PRyb> /1= "Imagine that these circles symbolize the personal relationship between Player C and you. Please indicate how close you are by choosing one of the following images" </item> <item PRry> /1= "Imagine that these circles symbolize the personal relationship between Player A and Player C. Please indicate how close they are by choosing one of the following images" </item> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Demographics *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <textbox age> / caption = "Age" / mask = positiveinteger / range = (16, 99) / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </textbox> <dropdown sex> / caption = "Sex" / options = ("female", "male") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </dropdown> <dropdown ugrad_year> / caption = "Class year" / options = ("1st year undergraduate", "2nd year undergraduate", "3rd year undergraduate", "4th year undergraduate", "5th+ year undergraduate", "1st year grad student", "2nd year grad student", "3rd+ year grad student", "not a student") / optionvalues = ("1", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </dropdown> <dropdown latino> / caption = "Ethnicity" / options = ("Hispanic or Latino", "Not Hispanic or Latino") / optionvalues = ("1", "0") / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </dropdown> <checkboxes race> / caption = "Race (select all that apply)" / options = ("White", "Asian", "Black/African American", "Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander", "American Indian/Alaska Native") / other = "Other" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </checkboxes> <radiobuttons english> / caption = "When did you learn English?" / options = ("Before the age of 5") / other = "At the age of 5 or later (specify age in years)" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </radiobuttons> <textbox major> / caption = "Academic major" / fontstyle = ("Arial", 2.0%) / required = false </textbox> <surveypage demographics1> / caption = "Please answer the following demographic questions" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=age; 2=sex] </surveypage> <surveypage demographics2> / caption = "Please answer the following demographic questions (continued)" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=ugrad_year; 2=latino; 3=race; 4=english; 5=major] </surveypage> <survey demographics> / pages = [1=demographics1; 2=demographics2] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 2.0%, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ *** Probe for Suspicion *** ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <survey endquestions> / pages = [1=endquestions1; 2=endquestions2; 3=endquestions3] / responsefontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemfontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, false, false, false, false, 5, 0) / itemspacing = 2% / showpagenumbers = false </survey> <surveypage endquestions1> / caption = "Please answer the following questions" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=distraction; 2=what_distract; 3=fatigue; 4=ontime; 5=RA] </surveypage> <dropdown distraction> / caption = "Did anything distract you during the experiment? (e.g., noise, sneezing)" / options = ("no", "yes") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown> <dropdown what_distract> / caption = "If something distracted you, what was it?" / options = ("no distractions", "noise from other participants", "noise from the hallway", "coughing/sneezing", "I'm just not feeling well/focused", "something else") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown> <dropdown fatigue> / caption = "Were you paying attention throughout the experimental tasks?" / options = ("no", "yes") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown> <dropdown ontime> / caption = "Did the experimenter begin your session on time and greet you in a courteous manner?" / options = ("no", "yes") / optionvalues = ("0", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown> <dropdown mach> / caption = "Overall, how would you rate the experimenter who led this session?" / options = ("very good", "good", "neutral", "poor") / optionvalues = ("4", "3", "2", "1") / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </dropdown> <surveypage endquestions2> / caption = "Please answer the following question" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=previous] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </surveypage> <textbox previous> / caption = "Have you ever completed an experiment similar to this one? If so, please describe any past experiments that you've completed that are similar to this one." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (70, 50) / size = (70, 50) / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox> <surveypage endquestions3> / caption = "Please answer the following question" / fontstyle = ("Verdana", 20, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) / questions = [1=about] / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </surveypage> <textbox about> / caption = "Do you think you have an idea of what this experiment is about? If so, please write your guess below." / multiline = true / textboxsize = (70, 50) / size = (70, 50) / required = false / fontstyle = ("Arial", 3.0%, true, false, false, false, 5, 0) </textbox> Please do not paste an entire script into a post's body. Instead, use the forum's ability to attach files (+Insert -> Add FIle). Also, if your code requires external files such as images to run -- as yours does --, provide those files.
By dar7by - 4/28/2022
+x+xHi there, We are having an issue where certain mood and belonging measures are being displayed twice, but based on the script we thought they would only be showing once. For example, the "sad/happy" question is being shown two times, but we want each question to only be displayed once. The entire script is posted below for reference. Thank you! Please do not paste an entire script into a post's body. Instead, use the forum's ability to attach files (+Insert -> Add FIle). Also, if your code requires external files such as images to run -- as yours does --, provide those files. Sorry about that! I will attach everything here. This should be everything you need to run it.
By dar7by - 4/28/2022
+x+x+xHi there, We are having an issue where certain mood and belonging measures are being displayed twice, but based on the script we thought they would only be showing once. For example, the "sad/happy" question is being shown two times, but we want each question to only be displayed once. The entire script is posted below for reference. Thank you! Please do not paste an entire script into a post's body. Instead, use the forum's ability to attach files (+Insert -> Add FIle). Also, if your code requires external files such as images to run -- as yours does --, provide those files. Sorry about that! I will attach everything here. This should be everything you need to run it. For some reason it will not let me attach the html files, but all of the pictures you will need are there.
By Dave - 4/28/2022
+xSorry about that! I will attach everything here. This should be everything you need to run it. No, various files are missing. The HTML files, for example. Please put everything needed to run the code in a ZIP file and attach that ZIP file.
In addition, descriptions like "the "sad/happy" question" are not particularly helpful. Refer to the element you mean exactly as it is named in the code, please.
By Dave - 4/28/2022
+x+xSorry about that! I will attach everything here. This should be everything you need to run it. No, various files are missing. The HTML files, for example. Please put everything needed to run the code in a ZIP file and attach that ZIP file. In addition, descriptions like "the "sad/happy" question" are not particularly helpful. Refer to the element you mean exactly as it is named in the code, please. Here is your problem:
**** MOOD QUESTIONS**** <block moodneedsA> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-18=noreplace( mood1, mood2, mood3, belong1, belong2, belong3, control1, control2, control3, selfesteem1, selfesteem2, selfesteem3, meaningfulexistence1, meaningfulexistence2, meaningfulexistence3 )] </block>
<block moodneedsB> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-18=noreplace( mood1b, mood2b, mood3b, belong1b, belong2b, belong3b, control1b, control2b, control3b, selfesteem1b, selfesteem2b, selfesteem3b, meaningfulexistence1b, meaningfulexistence2b, meaningfulexistence3b )] </block>
You are sampling 18 times from a pool of only 15 elements, so of course some elements will have to be run more than once.
If you want to run each of the 15 surveypages once and once only during the block, you ought take no fewer and no more than 15 samples:
**** MOOD QUESTIONS**** <block moodneedsA> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-15=noreplace( mood1, mood2, mood3, belong1, belong2, belong3, control1, control2, control3, selfesteem1, selfesteem2, selfesteem3, meaningfulexistence1, meaningfulexistence2, meaningfulexistence3 )] </block>
<block moodneedsB> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [1-15=noreplace( mood1b, mood2b, mood3b, belong1b, belong2b, belong3b, control1b, control2b, control3b, selfesteem1b, selfesteem2b, selfesteem3b, meaningfulexistence1b, meaningfulexistence2b, meaningfulexistence3b )] </block>
By dar7by - 4/28/2022
+x+x+xSorry about that! I will attach everything here. This should be everything you need to run it. No, various files are missing. The HTML files, for example. Please put everything needed to run the code in a ZIP file and attach that ZIP file. In addition, descriptions like "the "sad/happy" question" are not particularly helpful. Refer to the element you mean exactly as it is named in the code, please. Here is your problem: **** MOOD QUESTIONS**** <block moodneedsA> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [ 1-18=noreplace( mood1, mood2, mood3, belong1, belong2, belong3, control1, control2, control3, selfesteem1, selfesteem2, selfesteem3, meaningfulexistence1, meaningfulexistence2, meaningfulexistence3 )] </block> <block moodneedsB> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [ 1-18=noreplace( mood1b, mood2b, mood3b, belong1b, belong2b, belong3b, control1b, control2b, control3b, selfesteem1b, selfesteem2b, selfesteem3b, meaningfulexistence1b, meaningfulexistence2b, meaningfulexistence3b )] </block> You are sampling 18 times from a pool of only 15 elements, so of course some elements will have to be run more than once. If you want to run each of the 15 surveypages once and once only during the block, you ought take no fewer and no more than 15 samples: **** MOOD QUESTIONS**** <block moodneedsA> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [ 1-15=noreplace( mood1, mood2, mood3, belong1, belong2, belong3, control1, control2, control3, selfesteem1, selfesteem2, selfesteem3, meaningfulexistence1, meaningfulexistence2, meaningfulexistence3 )] </block> <block moodneedsB> / preinstructions = (intro2) / trials = [ 1-15=noreplace( mood1b, mood2b, mood3b, belong1b, belong2b, belong3b, control1b, control2b, control3b, selfesteem1b, selfesteem2b, selfesteem3b, meaningfulexistence1b, meaningfulexistence2b, meaningfulexistence3b )] </block> Oh, thank you!!