Millisecond Forums

? in html display

By dar7by - 4/28/2022


When I uploaded an html page to my script, it was working perfectly in Inquisit 6, but when running the study on Inquisit web, question marks are appearing in different spots of the html page. Is there a different font I should use so that this does not happen? I've attached a picture as an example of what is happening.

By Dave - 4/28/2022

dar7by - 4/28/2022

When I uploaded an html page to my script, it was working perfectly in Inquisit 6, but when running the study on Inquisit web, question marks are appearing in different spots of the html page. Is there a different font I should use so that this does not happen? I've attached a picture as an example of what is happening.


It's a character encoding issue. Make sure your HTML uses UTF-8.