In my experiment, I would like to redirect participants who completed the experiment to a different URL than participants who didn't complete the experiment or who pressed ctrl + Q.
I understand that I can redirect participants who completed the experiment by setting the defaults.finishpage property in the script /onexptend
But I'm not sure about the others who didn't complete the experiment...
Now I tried to set the finish page URL on millisecond.com to the URL for participants who didn't complete the experiment,
and hoped that changing the defaults.finishpage for participants who did complete the experiment would overwrite this, but this didn't happen
How could I change this and what URL should I enter on the finish page?
Thank you in advance!
This can't work, to a large extent because <%userID%> and <%surveyID%> are not Inquisit variables and the script does not know anything about them. I assume you're passing URL parameters called userID and surveyID to the launch page from whatever panel or survey platform start out at. The launch page will automatically cache those URL parameters and automatically append them to the redirection URL you specify in the web settings. The
script, however, does not learn about these URL parameters (or, in your case, it only learns about the value of userID, because you pass that in as subjectid to be used by the script, so it's available as script.subjectid;
https://www.millisecond.com/support/docs/current/html/language/properties/subjectid.htm ). You can't do
<%userID%> and <%surveyID%> mean absolutely nothing to the script.
What you'll want to do is:
(1) Create a new value in the script called status:
/ status = "filterout"/Practice1Counter = 0
/Practice2Counter = 0
/Practice3Counter = 0
/trialCounter = 0
/word = ""
/itemnumber = ""
/iti = ""
/RESP = ""
/NR_targets = 0
/NR_probes = 0
/NR_controls = 0
(2) Set the value to "finish" in the final trial of the script:
<trial finish>
/ ontrialbegin = [
values.status = "finish";
]/ inputdevice = keyboard
/ stimulusframes = [1 = finish, exit]
/ validresponse = (" ")
/ recorddata = false
(3) Get rid of the /onexptend logic to set defaults.finishpage.
(4) Specify
http://www.panel4all.co.il/survey_runtime/external_survey_status.php?status=<%values.status%>as the URL to redirect to in the web settings.